
The Clear-Eyed King

The Golden Chalice Academy; a renowned school best known for being the best school in the world that trains students with the use of the newly released power armor called " Aura Armors". These armors were mass released in schools throughout the world five years ago with the goal of training future athletes and helping them improve astronomically. Students from this school are usually over achievers, if not, are usually the best in the fields that they specialize in. Being led by their principal, Mr. Sebastian Cross, the school continues to show excellent results making many of the students from the academy top candidates in different national tournaments including the Annual Olympics. With the start of a new term, comes a new storm. A new student coming from the same origin of the principal enters the school revealing it's secrets and at the same time revealing his own secrets. " Who seeks, shall find. "                                                                                    - King of Helen

SugoiiSensei · Action
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19 Chs

Chapter 3 - School System

*** RING!!!*** ***RING!!!***

*** RING!!!*** ***RING!!!***

" Morning already?", Wade turned his alarm off and sat up while rubbing his eye.

He smiled as he saw his personal handmaid soundly sleeping at the other side of the bed.

He slowly got up, opened his curtains and looked around his room.

Rafaela was awakened by the bright light of the morning sun.

" Huh? ", she mumbled, " Where am I?"

" Good morning sleepy head!", Wade greeted her, " You suddenly fell asleep after we arranged my room last night."

" Wait- ", she blushed, " Did we sleep together last night?"

" Yep, you were out cold-, ooff",

Rafaela suddenly threw a pillow on Wade's face.

" Noooo! I can't be married anymore!"

" Relax, I didn't do anything to you."

Rafaela looked at him with disbelief,

" You want me to believe that you slept with me, THE Rafaela Ravenclaw, and did nothing inappropriate?".

" Why? Do you want me to?", Wade said as he took off his shirt.

" Wha-!", she exclaimed, " What are you doing you pervert!?"

" I'm getting ready for school, duh. Now my maid, cook breakfast for me."

Rafaela gave up on struggling and stood obediently.

" Okay, okay. I'll prepare instant food. I need to prepare for school, too."

" Okay, thanks."

He washed his face and brushed his teeth just like a normal high school student.

He looked at the mirror as he wore his uniform.

" It's ready." , Rafaela said as she fixed Wade's necktie. " Your tie is crooked."

" Thanks, I'm not used to wearing these.", he replied, " I'm surprised that you know these stuff."

" I look after dad all the time. I'll prepare better food next time.", Rafaela said as she walked towards the window.

" Where are you going?", he asked.

" I'm going home, obviously.", she replied.

" Aren't you going to use the door?"

" I'd rather die than let someone see me coming out from a boy's room. Later.", she said as she jumped outside the window wearing her cute maid outfit.


" All right! Time to go.", Wade was all hyped up.

As he opened the door, a mob of people gathered in the alleyway in front of his room looked his way.

" Finally! He's out!" , they shouted as they blocked his way.

" How are you still okay after that fight?"

" What happened to the bet you made with Raven?.

" Are you planning to join any clubs?"

Students from the newspaper club, school journalists and club scouts fawned over him trying to recruit him or  get exclusive scoops.

" Um-,", Wade couldn't even talk with all the pressure around him. " Excuse me!"

Wade walked back in and closed his door.

" Phew.", he exhaled. " Now I know how celebrities feel. People aren't this eccentric back home.Hmm, I should find a different way out."

Wade opened his window and looked below.

" Looks safe to me."

He jumped towards the bushes and nonchalantly walked to his assigned classroom.


Wade looked around the school's  alleyway and admired it's western style design.

" Room 1-A, 1-A, 1- A, - Ah! There it its.", Wade pried the door open and slowly entered the room.

" He's here!"

" We're really in the same class!"

" It's really him!"

The students gathered around him girls and boys alike.

" I can't believe you're still alive after fighting Raven."

" Right? His luck must be out of the charts!"

Wade couldn't escape the grasp of his classmates as they surround him.

" Class is about to start!! Go back to your seats!! Your name is written on top of your assigned table."

The lady announced as she entered the classroom.

Everyone respectfully returned to their seats including Wade.

" I am Ms. Mary Stalefield. I'll be your homeroom teacher and your aura armor instructor for the whole school year."

Ms. Mary said with a very dignified tone wearing a long sleeved formal attire, short skirt, high heels and her long red hair tied in a ponytail.

" I'll start checking your class attendance now, so settle down."


Second period of the day was Aura Armor introduction. Wade's mind was flying around and wasn't really paying attention to what the instructor was saying.

" Arthas was right.", Wade thought while looking outside the window. " Sitting silently in school while listening to the teacher speak is very boring."

Suddenly, a piece of colored chalk flew towards Wade's forehead.

" Owww.", he whined.

" Don't think that you're a bigshot after the duel you had yesterday, mister."

Ms. Mary exclaimed.

" Pay attention to class or get out!"

" Ugh, a common teacher attitude just like Arthas said.", Wade irritatingly thought.

" Sorry, ma'am."

" As I was saying; Aura armors originally came from what  mages call a sealing ring. These rings binds a being's aura unabling them to use magic but only in a limited area. These were commonly used for interrogations, subduing enemies or criminals and infiltration missions.

But 5 years ago, Mr. Sebastian Cross, our school principal, reversed engineered the sealing rings and made the rings release the person's aura rather than sealing them in. This invention was immediately embraced by the human community, for only humans are the only race that has very little aptitude for magic.

To avoid the negative use of these Armors, Mr. Cross implied clearly to the investors of the Aura Armor that his inventions were not made for violence. He made limiters wherein you can only use the armors on areas allowed. And if someone disobeys that rule, Mr. Cross will order a hunt using his influence as a former High Mage General and ban the perpetrators from using the armors for life."

" Seb really put a lot of effort into these, huh.", Wade thought while doodling his book.

" Now, the aura armors are used in schools and training centers everywhere to physically enhance people who are aspiring and are present athletes. This school, especially, is well known for it's outstanding results over the past 5 years. Many of our alumni have participated in the Olympics and national tournaments. So I expect everyone already have clubs they want to join get into in mind."

" Yes, ma'am!"

" I've already registered with the boxing club yesterday."

" I hope the volleyball club still accepts freshmen."

" They said that the Swimming club's president is very hot."

The students clattered with the clubs that they already decided on and planned to enlist in.

" Club, huh?", Wade thought. " I did not think about that before coming here. Maybe I'll take a peek at the clubs later on."

" Alright! Settle down now!", Ms. Mary spoke loudly to silence the class.

" Let's continue with out lesson.

Does anyone already know how the ranking system in this school works?"

A long silver haired girl raised her hand.

" Yes, Melissa. Go ahead."

" Hey, isn't that Melissa Mayers?", one of the students behind Wade whispered to the other student.

" Yeah, She was one of the only three freshmen this year who has General class Armors.", the other student replied.

" Only three? General class?", hearing the students behind him piqued Wade's curiosity.

" Yes, ma'am.", Melissa replied.

" After passing the entrance exams and physical assessments, students are screened to identify if they have the required stats in order to use the aura armors properly. After the screening, the student's aura index is measured by letting them energize their aura armors for the first time. There are 5 categories of aura armors currently here in school, namely:





and ANGEL.

These categories will determine your status in this school. For example,

Captain Class students has the privilege to open or create new clubs.

General Class students can own lands and properties within this massive island.

But only King Class students can join the student council and the Twelve Royals. They also have guaranteed scholarships to colleges of their choice.

Right now, there haven't been any students who reached the Angel class before graduating and the school doesn't have any data yet on how to operate having an Angel class in the Academy.

Of course, the monthly stipend for these classes differ from Soldier to King. Starting from 2**** to 2***** ."

" Woah!"

" Seriously?"

" It's my first time hearing this."

" Thank you, Melissa. You may now take your seat.", Ms Mary said.

Melissa nodded and sat down.

" There you have it.", Ms. Mary continued, " If you want to make it big in this academy, you need to raise your class by training and be strong enough to advance to the next class. Don't worry, almost half of the 150 enrolled freshmen students in this Academy can reach General class by their third year. And those who failed reach General class in the end of their third year, CANNOT GRADUATE,"

" Wah, that's harsh.", Wade murmured.

" This academy is focused on producing high quality results. So make sure to train hard and study hard if you guys want to make it out here alive and as high bred athletes."


" That would be all for this period, class.", Ms. Mary said as she closed her book.

" You are given one 30-minute break in the morning and in the afternoon."

She then left the classroom and headed to the faculty room.

"Break time, finally!", Wade said as he stretched his back.

Suddenly the silver haired girl- Melissa stood up and walked towards Wade's table and stood in front of him.

The students who wanted to talk to Wade  during the break backed off; scared of the menacing aura Melissa is giving off.

" Um-, can I help you miss?", Wade gently asked.

Melissa suddenly brought out a giant energy bow from thin air, and pointed her arrows at Wade at point blank range.

" Hey! Hey! This is not a good joke, you know." Wade said while raising both his hands.

" Being able to stand up against Rafaela Ravenclaw, a King class and second rank of the twelve royals. You seem to worthy to be called my rival. Now, let me see your worth!", Melissa exclaimed preparing to launch her arrows.

" Wait-.",


The door made a creaking sound as it opened.

" Excuse me, Is First year student Wade here?"

It was Rafaela.

Melissa immediately hid her weapon and  looked away.

" It's Raven!"

" In the flesh!"

" She really gives off a step-on-me vibe."

The student exclaimed as Rafaela entered the classroom.

" Yo! Rafaela!", Wade called her out.

" Nice timing! What is it?"

" The principal wants to see you, I'll escort you to his office."

" Okay!", Wade nonchalantly walked towards Rafaela and left the classroom.

" What did he do this time?"

" Maybe he's getting punished for yesterday."

Melissa silently returned to her seat as the students gossiped.


" What did you do this time?", Rafaela irritatedly asked as they were walking towards the principal's office.

" Why do you instantly assume that it was my fault?", he replied. " She just suddenly came and pointed her weapon at me."

" Maybe you did something to her that you haven't realized."

" Give me a break. Do I look that mischievous to you?"

Rafaela didn't answer him. Instead, she gave him a cold stare.


Rafaela tapped the door of the office.

" Listen carefully." Rafaela said with a soft and strict tone.

" Don't, under any circumstances, act like you are close to me in front of the student council. Got it?"

Wade looked at her and nodded slightly.

" Come in.", the principal said .

Rafaela slowly opened the door and entered the room with Wade tagging behind her.

Inside the room was the principal and the three members of the student council.

The two members stared at him quietly.

Alex gleefully waved and smiled at him.

" What's this? Too cute." , Wade thought.

" I'm back and I've brought him."

" Thank you Rafaela.", Sebastian smiled at them. " How was your first time in class Wade?"

" It was so-so, but I have to admit, I'm impressed by the effort you have put into this invention.", he walked towards the principal and wrapped his left arm around the principals neck like best buddies.

" How dare you touch the principal so casually!", Soru shouted as he brought out a flaming staff.

" Get away from him!", Rafaela exclaimed.

" Calm down you two.", Alex said with a nervous voice.

" It's okay.", Sebastian told the two.

" Stand down both of you."

Shin waved his hand at them and the two of them silently stepped away.

" Wow, they sure respect you." , Wade said as he walked towards the window.

" So? What did you call me for?"

" Ah. Actually, I've finished your aura bracelets just this morning.", Sebastian happily said.

" Really?!", Wade excitedly replied.

" I thought you said that I had to wait for two more days?"

" Seeing how excited you were yesterday. I personally took time to finish your bracelet."

" A bracelet personally made by the principal?!", Alex exclaimed.

Sebastian opened his drawer and took out a box.

" Here it is, try fitting them on yourself."

Wade opened the box and inside was a pair of white bracelets.

" Wow!", Wade said with sparkling eyes.

" Still, I don't get why you need to call the gang in here."

" Oh, them?", " They serve as insurance if ever your power gets out of hand, they will immediately remove those bracelets out of your wrists."

" I don't think that's necessary though.", Wade replied.

" Aura armors are basically a reflection of one's soul. Therefore, the shape and form of a person's aura armor differ from one person to another, except for the soldier class. Soldier classes have the same features and color. Knowing you, you could easily turn into an angel class. I don't want to cause an unnecessary commotion in the academy. That's why we're doing it here."

" Seriously? He's an angel class?", Soru asked.

" Well, it's the principal talking.", Shin replied. " It would the first time we'd ever see one."

" I wouldn't expect less from the only guy who could beat me.", Rafaela thought out loud.

" Okay! Let's do this."

Everyone took a step back away from wade.


A flash of bright light was released form his bracelets forming a white sphere covering his whole body.

" I can feel it! "

Wade's body was slowly covered with a light material and covered again with a full bodied armor.

" So much pressure!", Alex covered her face as Wade's transformation was causing a lot of pressure inside the room.

Suddenly the sphere broke. There he was, standing in the middle of the room. With a light green armor, a round helmet and no weapon.

" Woah! This is so cool!", Wade exclaimed as he looked at them staring so quietly.

" What's the problem? Is my armor too cool for you that it rendered you all speechless? hahaha!"

" PFFT! HAHAHA!", Soru let out a loud laugh.

" Hmm. This is strange.", Sebastian walked closer to Wade and touched his armor.

" What's the matter?", Wade asked. " And why is the bandana guy laughing?"

" This can't be right!", Rafaela grabbed her father's arm.

" Why is the only guy in school that had beaten me only have a SOLDIER class Armor!!"

"  Ehh?? soldier class?", Wade moaned in disappointment.

" Well, at least everything went smoothly.", Alex said.

" You're right.", Shin agreed. " Break is almost over, we need to return to our classes."

" Yep. He's a small fry after all.", Soru said as he was walking towards the door.

" I refuse to accept thi-!", Rafaela exclaimed as she was being pulled away by Alex.

" Now, now. We need to go back to class. See you later Wade!", Alex said as they left the room.

Sebastian took a long look at Wade and still couldn't figure out what went wrong.

" I'm so sorry Wade.", He said. " I never made any mistakes like this before. I should take those back and retry making them."

" It's alright, Seb.", Wade smiled at him.

" These things releases your aura right? If that is the case, then this armor is what I really had expected."

" What do you mean?", Sebastian asked.

" Nothing, really. I need to go back to class now. Catch you later.", Wade said as he ran out the office waving at Sebastian.

" What he'd expect?", Sebastian thought.

" It couldn't be, right?"



It was 5 pm in the afternoon and classes were over. Wade slowly crept behind the school buildings to avoid being crowded by the students again.

He sat at the old fountain located behind the the academy and touched his bracelets.

" If I keep using this bracelet, sooner or later, someone will notice what I did to my powers. That's such a pain. After I finally got a cool armor."

Suddenly, man holding a rapier stood in front of him.

" I finally found you!", the man said.

" Have we met?", Wade asked.

" I am Lance Estonia!", he announced.

" A Captain Class 3rd year student! I am here to challenge you!"

" Why are you shouting?", Wade said.

" We're literally a few meters apart."

" Since her first year, I have been challenging Raven and never succeeded. I'm here to see if you're as strong as they say or maybe it was just luck."

"Ugh, he's not listening."  Wade thought.

" Here I come! "


Lance transformed into his red aura armor equipped with a long shining rapier.

" You could clearly see the difference between a Captain class and a General class armor.", Wade stated.

" Whatever. Just hurry up and put your armor on.", he impatienly replied.


Wade stood in front of him with his green soldier class armor.

" A soldier class? Hahaha!", Lance laughed his guts out. " So you really did just got lucky that time."

" Maybe. Maybe I'll get lucky today, too."

" Don't get cocky you soldier class newbie!"  " I won't make the same careless mistakes that Raven made."


Lance posed a charging stance with his rapier glowing brightly.

" Tsk. Such a pain.", Wade braced himself with his right arm tightly clenched as if something was being sucked into it.

" Die!", and just as lance charged towards  Wade, Soru jumped in out of nowhere and smashed Lance's rapier with his staff.

" No fighting within the school ground, except if it's an official duel!", Soru declared. " But you already know that, right Lance?"

Lance trembled as he knelt to the ground.

" Yo! Bandana boy. What are you doing here?", Wade greeted him.

" The name's Soru! Remember it already!", Soru exclaimed. " I was just on patrol when I saw you."

" You got lucky again freshman! But your luck wont last forever!", Lance shouted.

" I'll escort him back to his dorm. You should head back to your dorm, too.", Soru said and left with Lance walking in front of him.

Wade watched them until he couldn't see them anymore.

" My luck wont last forever, huh?",  he thought.

" I knew that a long time ago.", he said as he swung his right arm towards the ground leaving a 3-meter wide crater.

" Well, time to go. I wonder what Rafaela is gonna cook."

He took his bag and walked towards his dorm.

At the top of the school building, Shin looked at him as he was leaving the crater behind like nothing happened.

" Who the hell are you, Dull-eyed freshman?"

---END of Chapter 3---