
The Class President is Too Diligent

Jake Butler is a lazy man with only a simple goal in his life, enjoying life peacefully and quietly. Goal? Ambition? They sound honorable, but good luck with that. He is content with a slow life. That's all he wishes, but for some reason people can't leave him alone. Winning yearly continental tournament? Finding a cure for an incurable curse? Slapping sense to a family that goes to the evil path? Good grief. Even though he is lazy, he is not a heartless man. [Note: there will be smut scenes, but don't come to this novel for the smuts. Just think the smuts as a bonus.]

Amon_Lock · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Butler Family Part 2

In the midst of the training grounds, Jake stood observing Feng Qiu'er's attempts at basic training moves. With determined effort, Feng Qiu'er tried to mimic the stances and motions taught by Jake, yet her movements remained somewhat clumsy. The air echoed with the shuffle of feet and the occasional thud as Feng Qiu'er grappled with the techniques, striving to match Jake's fluidity.

"Stop," Jake interrupted as Feng Qiu'er completed a punching move. Stepping closer, he positioned himself behind her, adjusting her posture. "Feel this posture, Qiu'er," Jake instructed, guiding her through the proper alignment by gently repositioning her.

With a keen focus, Jake proceeded to subtly maneuver Feng Qiu'er's body, demonstrating the correct form as he guided her movements. Gradually, he stepped back, allowing Qiu'er to execute the moves independently. To his satisfaction, she executed each step with precision, displaying a marked improvement in her technique.