
Chapter 2 ( R and Blacks )

*Jack beat up 4 of the punks and others beat 2 each*

Riley:My left eye fucking hurts

Enz:Mine is nose... I think it's broken😐

Gin: That was reckless jack! you know I can't control myself when one of you got hurt.

Jack:I knew you always had an anger problem gin.🤨

Gin:I DONT! YOU.... yeah maybe..just a little

Jack:I think it's big🤭

Riley:Yeah he always been a psychopath

Gin:I am not YOU!!

Enz:Let's have some sodas

Gin:I'm not finis..

Riley:I agree

Jack:Lez Go

Gin:h talking..😡

Jack:Come on gin it's mine today

*After drinking sodas they all went home*

*Jack unlocks the door* click*

After jack opened the door he saw his mom getting beat up by the guys wearing black suit


*Jack ran in anger towards the black suit guy*

*black suits pull a wooden bat and hit jack on the side of his head like a baseball*

Mother: JAAAACKKK. You will all pay for this when he comes.

Black suit:Ignore the kid and put that bitch in the car and let's go back.

*While jack is there laying on the pool of blood waiting to die someone came*

Looks like I was too late said by a guy in early 40s


*Jack regains conscious*

Jack:Where am I?

You are in my place young one

Jack:Who are you? why did you help me?.

Who am I is not important but you can call me R why I helped you is I don't want to see a kid dying

Jack:My mother I must help her

R:That's also my wish but right now is not the time you must recover and get strong

Jack:I'm strong enough I can save her

R:Is that strong you can't even pass a 1 baseball bat

Jack: Then I'll train and do everything to get stronger after I recover

R:I will train you

Jack: Okay??😒

R:You little shit..

Chapter 2 ending