
The City of Golden Lights

Aray Castlowe. His name, was Aray Castlowe. I loved him more than I can even say, and he’s the reason why I wear that little coin around my neck. But little did I know, what it really meant.

Angel_Morrisson · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1-The Boy With Dale

Snow fell softly to the ground,as I walked to the hell we all call high-school. To most people, I'm just a 15 year old boy that wears all black all the time for 'fun'. But to high-schoolers, I'm a freak.

"Another day...I hate it."I whispered under my breath. I brushed my silver bangs covering my right eye to the side, revealing my white eye, that looks strange next to my bright green eye.The reason why I wear my bangs over my right eye is because I'm blind in my right eye.The story behind how I went blind is a long story, and it's the reason why I reason why I wear a coin with an 'L' on it as a necklace.I pushed back my unkept hair that goes down to the level of my chin.

"Saturn!! Saturn Rayal!!" I looked behind me, as 'Saturn Rayal' is my name.

It was my best friend, Linhera South. She was running towards me. Her bright orange hair was flowing with the cool air, and the look in her green eyes meant she's excited.

"Linhera, what happened this time..."

"Guess what, Saturn !!"

"Victor has a crush!!"Victor Ramian is out other best friend.

Linhera always does this. She loves anything to do with romance;especially getting involved in people's relationships.It gets annoying.

"On who?"

"This girl named Autumn Doyle. She's so nice to him, It's so adorable!!"

" How'd you find out?"

" He told me,"

" Does Victor want me knowing this?" I asked.

"Probably not,"

" Linhera!! Did you just tell Saturn?!"Victor showed up, and He looked stressed. He kind of always does, though. He stroked his hands through his dark grey, almost black, hair.His violet eyes looked stressed.

"Yeah, " Linhera said, shamelessly

" Linhera!!"Said Victor, he was obviously angry with her at this point.

" I'm sorry, but you two are adorable!!"Said Linhera.

"You said that back when I had a crush on Elliot."I had a crush on a kid named Elliot Swanson back in 8th grade last year. Long story short, he thought it was weird I had a crush on him.

" Fine, Elliot was a bastard!! But he had black hair, and Saturn has silver hair, and it's such a cute colour combo!!"

" That's not how it works, Linhera."Said Victor.

"And also, I'm actually in love with a blonde now,"I said, while blushing and looking at my necklace, as I started playing with the earring in My left ear.

" Oh my god!! Who is it?!"Exclaimed Linhera.

" Not telling."

" What? Why?"

" Probably because you just told him my crush, Linhera." Said Victor.

" Hm, probably."Said Linhera, as blissful as she always is.

" Yeah, tell her your crush, half-blind idiot!!"It was Dale Ramian, Victor's older brother. He'a hot, popular, and an absolute douchebag.He's the one who bullies us at school.

There were two guys with Dale.One had blonde hair and blue eyes, and was missing a few teeth. The other guy had black hair and bangs that are longer around the bottom of his nose, and the rest of his bangs went just below his eyes. He had Heterochromia; his left eye was red, and his right eye was light grey. He had a big silver ring on his finger. He was damn handsome, unlike the other guy.

"Ok,one-eye. You wanna lose your other eye, or what?"Said the ugly guy.

" At least Saturn doesn't look like a literal fish with no teeth!!"Said Linhera. Oh shit,she really just told him the truth. We're screwed...

" Linhera!!" Shouted Victor.

The ugly guy walked up to Linhera."What did you just say to me?"

" Leave her alone!!"I shouted at him.

" What did you just say to me?!" Said the ugly one, harshly.

" I said leave her alone. You got a problem with that?"I said back at him.

" Yeah, he said leave her alone,"Said the handsome guy.

"Stay out of this,idiot!!"


"What? "

" I won't stay out of this. Don't hurt the girl, or Saturn."He said.

" Then don't talk to us!!"Shouted Dale.

" That's ok. You hazed me into hanging out with you , so I really don't care."

" So should we beat you up with them, then?"

" Fine, Dale. That's fine with me,"Said the handsome guy.

" I like this guy!!"Said Linhera.

"Guys, let's just go!!"Victor loudly whispered to us.

" You wanna leave, idiot?"

"Just let the poor guy leave,Dale!!"Said the handsome guy.

Dale looked at the handsome one." Screw you, Jupiter."

Dale and the ugly guy then started chasing the handsome one, so I followed, knowing I should do something.

" Leave him alone!!"I yelled, as I ran towards them.

" Saturn, for your own good, let me handle this!!"Said the handsome guy.

" I won't let them hurt you-"I said, as Dale turned to me.

" Ok, one-eye, your turn."

I started running farther than him, as the handsome one followed me.

We lost Dale and the ugly guy,quick enough.

" Oh my god!! Why did you follow me?!"

" I just, didn't want those bastards to hurt you. C'mon, let's go!!" I pointed to a field that was right before our eyes. " let's go onto that field, they won't find us!!"

"We-We can't,"

" Why?"

" I can't tell you that information- SATURN STOP!!"

I walked onto the field and fell far, and landed in a place I didn't recognize.

Thank you for reading, chapter 2 will be out soon!!

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