
The Chronicles of Vali Masters (Originals/Dimension Hopping SI)

The Chronicles of Vali Masters is an umbrella title for a series of stories I started back in 2015 over on FF and QQ. I'll be posting this series one chapter a day until it's done. Synopsis: Basically a Self-Insert into an original Vampire/Hybrid who goes on to conquer his original world and live for four thousand years before dimension hopping and fucking around along the way.

CambrianBeckett2 · Others
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115 Chs

Spy Games Ch. 12

Thor: Dark World

(Heimdall's Observatory, Asgard)

It was strange, traveling through the Bifrost from Earth to Asgard was like flying down a violent tunnel of whirling power. But when we arrived, I found myself upright and landing easily on solid floor with no real transition from flying to standing. It was an odd feeling to say the least, but I did not let it distract me. Instead I step forward into the Observatory, my eyes moving over my surroundings but stopping when they reach Heimdall.

The Gatekeeper stares back at me and I smile, inclining my head in his direction respectfully, "Gatekeeper. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Heimdall just stares at me for a long moment, "Outsider." The word is said almost accusingly and he doesn't return my polite greetings beyond that. Thor steps past me towards the exit of the Observatory, "Come Vali."

Following him out of the building I stop and grab Thor's arm, forcing him to do the same. I know that Heimdall will see and hear this conversation, but it still feels appropriate to have it outside of his direct presence, "Thor, I will not meet with the Allfather until we talk. I believed us friends, but you have treated me like the plague since you arrived on Earth and demanded I come with you. Why?"

Thor turns to face me, gritting his teeth, Mjolnir still in his hands, "I have been told what fate you visited upon Lady Foster and Darcy Lewis. The Aether resides within you, an ancient weapon of evil from Asgardian fairytales. I do not know if you are the friend I once knew anymore."

I purse my lips for a moment before stepping up to Thor and placing a hand on his shoulder. This doesn't relax him, if anything he grows tenser as I answer his accusations, "I am still he, Thor. If you cannot believe my words, believe my actions. If I were not still the friend you knew, if I did not have control of the Aether now, Jane and Darcy would be dead and you would have come to Earth not to escort me back here, but to put me down."

I sigh and release his shoulder before asking my next question, "Were you told why I took the Aether upon myself?"

Thor frowns at that, "Heimdall cannot say, he says that both you and Jane went somewhere out of his sight and when you came back you had the Aether."

I smile grimly and nod, "I'm not surprised he couldn't see. Where ever the Aether was, it was no place I had knowledge of. Jane walked through a portal and I followed, having promised Darcy I would look out for her. She was already approaching the Aether when I came through."

Shrugging, I finish the story, "I pulled her out of the way and it took me instead. Luckily my immortality makes me relatively immune to its life draining effects, but I still have to drink blood to sustain myself, or I will dessicate. When the Aether felt me replenishing my life force, it decided to draw more from me, resulting in what happened with Jane and Darcy. I was still able to save both of their lives and fix the problem. I am in complete control now Thor."

He looks conflicted, and I figure my words are at least starting to sway him before he finally nods confidently, "My father will know the truth of matters. The fact that you have agreed to meet with him is already a point in your favor Vali. I hope that you are telling the truth. Let us be off then."

I smile and nod in agreement before winking, "Race ya."

He starts swinging his hammer, but I'm already gone, appearing at the entrance of the Palace in a few seconds to the consternation of some guards who immediately leveled weapons at me. I just stood there patiently and waited for Thor to arrive. He waved off the guards and gave me an exasperated look before leading me towards Odin and his throne room.


Thor: Dark World

(Odin's Throne Room, Asgard)

We enter the Hall where Odin holds court to find a mostly empty room. A few guards, Odin on his grandiose throne looking at me with his one eye piercingly, and Thor and I walking down the large empty expanse between the entrance and the stairs leading up to Odin.

Stopping in front of said stairs, I pause for half a moment to make sure no one else has words, before smiling and spreading my arms wide, bowing ever so slightly that one might not even call it a bow and then straightening and placing my hands behind my back, "Allfather. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

Thor is not happy with my seeming disrespect. The shifting of the few guards in the hall tells me they aren't either. Odin though, is unreadable as he stands from his throne and continues to stare at me, "Vali of the Beyond. My son has told me much of you. The Gatekeeper has told me even more."

My smile remains on my face, perhaps even growing a bit wider at his words, "I'm sure. We can speak on that if you wish, or we can speak on why you want me to come to Asgard."

Now his gaze is sharpening, and I think I'm finally starting to get under his skin as he takes that bait, "You hold within you a great evil, and you choose to make light of it."

I let my own look sharpen, the smile on my face melting away as I stare the Allfather down despite his higher vantage point, "I heartily disagree Odin, King of Asgard. When it comes to the Aether that even now flows through me, I am very serious indeed. If I was not serious about this, I would not have taken it upon myself. I would not have goaded Malekith and the remaining Dark Elves that you did not even know still lived out into the open so that I could exterminate them!"

My hands come from behind my back and spread apart as I continue, "You call the Aether evil, but you have never seen it used by someone who is not your enemy. The Aether is beyond good and evil Allfather. It is neither, it just is. In the wrong hands, it can be used to wipe out the Universe as we know it. But in the right hands, it can be used to save everyone."

Odin openly scoffs at that, "And your hands are the right ones? The Aether drains you even now. Eventually, it will take more than you can give and you will die like any who try to utilize its power."

I finally smile again, "Because of its nature as an infinity stone I presume? Too much for any mortal to contain forever yes? I'm sure even Malekith could not hold it permanently. But I am not Malekith. I am not mortal. The Aether cannot kill me because I do not die."

To punctuate that point, I bring up my hands, my jacket opening up and my shirt being pushed up by one hand, as I slammed the other hand into my flesh and tore through it, grabbing my beating heart and pulling it out violently, spraying blood all over floor of the throne room. Thor reacts with a cry and the guards all tense up, dropping into stances and holding up their spears. Odin does not react though, just staring at me as I hold my own heart in my hand.

Raising it up to him, I crush it and it turns to dust even as the hole in my chest fills in, first forming a new heart and then closing up the wound as if it was never there. Only my blood drenched arm and the floor speak to what I did as I bring my arms back down to my sides and shrug, finishing my statement, "I am after all, immortal."

Odin's face is blank as ever, but I'm relatively sure I've rattled him, given he turns back to his throne and settles down into it, making a show of dismissing my actions even as he answers my obvious challenge with his own biting words, "You are reckless and impetuous. I fear for the Nine Realms if you continue to hold the Aether within you."

I set my jaw at his condemnation and turn up my chin at him, ready to dominate everyone in this entire room, in this entire city if I needed to. I couldn't retreat after all, I had no idea how to operate the Bifrost, though I suppose I could try compulsion on Heimdall of all people, "I am the Protector of Earth. Your judgment is unfortunate, as I will not give up the Aether and you have no way to take it from me. However, since you clearly fear what I will do with such power and I am happy to try to change your mind, I have a proposition."

He raises the eyebrow over his one eye and gestures at me to continue. My smile gains a bit of an edge as I elaborate, "So long as the Convergence continues, the Aether being on Earth is a very real threat despite the extinction of the Dark Elves. So I offer to remain here on Asgard, not as a prisoner, but as a guest until the Convergence completely passes. During this time, I will also prove to you that my control of the Aether is absolute. I will then be allowed to return to Earth or there will be consequences."

Thor can't hold back anymore, growling and stepping towards me, "Do not speak to my father that way Vali, friend or no."

I spare Thor a single glance before looking back at Odin, answering Thor's admonishment but directing it at the Monarch before me, "I have as much respect for you as I do your son Odin Allfather. You are a wise and powerful king and you know much of this Universe that I do not as of yet. I would be as foolish and impetuous as you claim me to be not to recognize that. But you are also mortal. You live, you die. My pride will not allow me to see you as anything more than an equal."

With that barrage dealt I smile and clasp my hands together in front of me, "So, will you agree to my proposal, or is this where I begin to fight for my freedom?"

The promise of death is in my eyes and I can't help thinking the King of Asgard can see it as he once more stands and after a moment serenely nods, "You will remain on Asgard for the duration of the Convergence. If you prove to be peaceful and in control for the length of your stay, you will be allowed to go back to Midgard."

Smiling, my tone hovers on the line of mocking and respectful as I repeat my very slight bow from earlier, "You have my thanks Allfather."

Turning to Thor I raise an eyebrow, smile still on my face, "Well Thor, I assume no one wants me wandering around by my lonesome right now. Why don't you show me just what's so amazing about your golden realm."

He looks to his father first and Odin nods so Thor grunts and gestures for me to follow. I valiantly resist the urge to give a mocking wave to Odin on my way out, feeling like that would probably be a step too far on the sass-o-meter.


Thor: Dark World


Thor turned to me immediately after we left the throne room, and it was clear he was upset, "That was uncalled for Vali. You may be a guest, but you were still standing before the King of Asgard."

I stare at Thor silently for a moment, before gesturing at him and beginning to walk away from the Palace. It seemed we would wander as we talked instead of him leading me anywhere, so I breathed in the scents around me and began to meander my way towards a specific one, "Thor, do you know what I was, before I arrived to Midgard?"

He frowns and furrows his brow, "No? What does that have to do with anything?"

Smiling, I roll my shoulder, "I was with SHIELD for your first encounter with me, and I do believe it has colored your perception of me since. SHIELD was a temporary home for me much as it was for you. I always knew my place on Midgard. On top."

This just makes Thor even more confused but I continue before he can voice it, "I am Earth's Protector now my friend. While we saved the world as a team, you all went your separate ways while I stayed behind and told our story. The world views Captain America as our leader thanks to SHIELD's PR, and he will always hold the title of Earth's first real superhero… but I am the human's savior."

I grin as I look over at Thor, "I'm their Superman."

Of course that goes right over his head, "You have earned their gratitude and respect Vali, but I do not understand what this has to do with our conversation."

Waving a hand dismissively I apologize, "Sorry, getting to it. Back on my birth world, I was Emperor."

That stops Thor in his tracks so I turn and continue to explain, my smile growing, "Much like your father, I ruled my world directly, and many other worlds through subordinates. I did this for much of my very long life. Keeping the peace and raising my family. So you must understand, when I stand before Odin, I do not feel awed. I do not feel the need to bow and kneel and call him by fancy titles. We are both rulers and I will not stand before him on anything less than equal ground."

Thor's next question is a bit from left field but I suppose I should have expected it, "You abandoned your realm and your family to come to Midgard? Why? How? Heimdall has said you do not come from anywhere in the Nine Realms, that you are from beyond our reality."

I smile wistfully at that as I begin walking again, "My daughter. She always was a willful girl. Though I suppose she couldn't have done it by herself, she certainly had help from my sister and hundreds of my subjects."

Glancing at Thor I find he's no longer looking confused, just expectant now, waiting for me to continue. So I do, "My rule was no longer desired. The people decided that I had sat the Throne for too long and decided to do something about it. My daughter led them against me with her aunt alongside me, and together they formed the portal that brought me to your world. Miranda always was a very powerful Witch.

Thor is frowning severely now, "What was your rule like, to provoke such a reaction?"

I scoff at that and wag a finger at him, "Now Thor, you have no room to judge me. I've never desired the extinction of an entire species just because I thought them monsters after all. No, I ruled for over three thousand years. In the end, it wasn't my rule that caused the rebellion, but the insatiable hunger for power within Miranda. Though perhaps I shouldn't be so harsh on her, after all it took millennia to build up."

Chuckling, I shrug again, "Even here on Asgard, with your long lives, you eventually die. You eventually inherit what your parents leave behind for you. But Miranda would never get that. There is no death for me. No inheritance for her. So she sought to take what she believed was her birthright by dethroning me. I let her succeed."

Thor blinks, "You let her banish you?"

I smile at him, "Of course. I knew what she was planning long before it came to a head. I suppose I could have stopped her easily, but why would I? My own family turned against me, and the amount of people I thought I could trust that sided with her was staggering. So I let their plans continue to fruition, and graciously accepted my exile. Who am I to stand against the will of the people?"

Thor raises an eyebrow at that, "You are you, Vali. From what I saw during the Chitauri's attack you could stand easily against a very large multitude. You did against the Dark Elves, according to Heimdall."

That turns my smile to a wicked grin, "Indeed, I suppose I could have. But that my friend is why I will never rule again. I am tired and weary of thrones. Tired and weary of a crown. I could probably rule Midgard if I wished, but I do not wish it. I will be their Protector, their Savior. And when they no longer want me, I will move on."

Shrugging, we come to a stop outside a Butcher's Shop and Thor blinks as he looks around as if realizing I'd actually been leading him for the entire conversation. Still grinning, I finish with, "Of course, no matter their wants, humanity will always need us, won't they?"

Laughing, I clap a hand on Thor's shoulder and he returns it with a tentative smile of agreement even as I turn to the Butcher, "Now, what do we need to do to procure some animal blood from this fine establishment?"

Thor steps up beside me and frowns, "Why would we want animal blood?"

Rolling my eyes I turn to him and point at my mouth as fangs grow out of it, "Thor, I drink blood as my primary form of sustenance. Even under control, the Aether ups the amount I need to sustain myself. Seeing as I'm rather sure you would take offense to me drinking random Asgardians, I will need animal's blood in large quantities for the duration of my stay here."

Thor nods slowly, "Yes, you should avoid drinking from Asgardians, if you wish the Allfather to believe you are sincere in your claims."

I roll my eyes but refrain from making a biting remark about not caring what the Allfather believed as Thor steps forward to the Butcher's shop to procure my blood. It seems like my little heart to heart with Thor has influenced himself that he's at least accepted my point of view and we're now on relatively good terms again.

Thor returned shortly with three large water skins repurposed and filled with the blood I'd asked for. Taking them from him, I clip two onto my belt and take the other in my hands, sucking at it as we continue on and Thor actually takes the lead this time, giving me a real tour of Asgard.

As we're walking away from the Butcher's I ask one of my own questions finally, "So what's happened to Loki?"

Thor sighs at that, "My brother is in the dungeons until father can make certain that there is no more external influence on his mind. He will probably remain there for a decade or so before being released on a trial basis. I appreciate your words on that matter Vali, without them I suspect Loki would not have admitted what happened to him, and the Allfather would have been forced to sentence him to life imprisonment."

I just smile, "Happy to help. I suppose that means I won't be allowed to visit him."

That gets a chuckle from Thor, "No Vali, guests are not usually allowed into Asgard's dungeons. I do not think he would appreciate it anyways. The only visits he accepts these days are from our mother, Frigga."

I nod in understanding, "Ah, of course. Well when your father has spent your entire life lying to you, becoming your mother's son is the most reasonable course."

Thor does his best to appear stern at my joke, but I see the way he has to hold back a snort of laughter at the more alien version of calling Loki a 'mama's boy'. I'll take it as a win. Smiling, I fall silent and allow Thor to get back to showing me the wonders of Asgard as I nurse my water skin of blood.


Thor: Dark World

(Feast Hall, Asgard)

After being shown quite a lot but at the same time very little, I had to admit that Thor could be very good at giving a tour that did not expose any of Asgard's secrets. He had more subtlety than I gave him credit for. Now I found myself in what seemed to be a genuine Asgardian feast. It was certainly loud, but supposedly that was to be expected as Asgard was still celebrating Thor's recent victory over the Marauders on Vanaheim.

I sat with Fandral and Volstagg as we watched Thor and Sif greet one another very affectionately. I merely raised an eyebrow at their very enthusiastic kiss before turning to Fandral and Volstagg and smiling, "I find I must apologize."

Seeing as Volstagg was in the middle of stuffing his mouth, it fell to Fandral to answer my words. He put a rather fake smile on his face, "No need. You were merely doing your duty and defending your world. Perhaps a bit over eagerly, but we were just as over eager."

I laugh at that and shake my head, "Oh no! I wasn't apologizing for that, you're right in that there's no need. We fought, and I won. No, I feel I should apologize after observing you Asgardians today. I'm sorry that I killed all of the Dark Elves so fast. You lot would have loved a crack at them I think."

That brings Fandral up short, but Volstagg lets out a belly laugh in response before slamming a palm down on the table, "You're alright Outsider! I'm glad that I had you carry my axe into battle versus the Destroyer!"

I smile thinly in response, before casting my eyes around the Hall. From the looks of things, it seems that every woman in Asgard has been warned of me. Not a single Asgardian lady is giving me the time of day, not a single maiden has cast a glance over at me out of curiosity. The one place where my compulsion would be caught and acted upon almost immediately. Ah well, it seemed I would just have to push for this stay on Asgard to be shorter rather than longer.


Thor: Dark World

(Prison Cells, Asgard)

I'd badgered Thor until he made it a reality, and now I stood before Loki's cell, watching him read some sort of tome. Thor had remained behind at the entrance of the prison, showing his growth of character by expressing an acknowledgement that Loki did not wish to see him. I smile as Loki finally takes notice of me and blinks, reacting as calmly as he can and slowly putting the book aside.

Standing, he steps towards me, "You. Out of all those who might visit me, I did not expect to see you. How did you come to be on Asgard?"

Grinning, I shrug, "Your brother brought me here. The Allfather was concerned."

The mention of both men causes Loki's face to twitch in anger, but he's still curious, "Concerned? What was Odin concerned about?"

Spreading my arms wide, I let the Aether flow from me and swirl around my arms and chest for a moment before pulling it back in, "He was concerned about me of course. And perhaps the Dark Elves I slew on Earth a few days ago."

Loki stares at me for a long moment, "You did not have that when I was forced to attack Midgard."

I smile knowingly at his deception, pleased that even now he keeps up the act I've handed him to perform, "Indeed. The Aether is a recent acquisition, and one that the Allfather is not pleased I have made. Unfortunately for him, I am disinclined to part with it. So here I remained until the Convergence ended. Now that it is over, I will return to Midgard with or without the Allfather's approval."

Loki peers at me from within his cell, "And why have you come to visit me? Come to taunt me over my failures, show your new weapon to me so that I would feel inadequate before you?"

Both of my eyebrows raise at that as I smile, "Well now Loki, you certainly sound as if you feel inadequate before me. I'm here because Thor told me that Odin has been making sure your mind is free of any… external influences. I'm glad to know you're on the road to recovery Loki Odinson. Your potential is far from fulfilled, and I look forward to what you accomplish once you've moved passed these unfortunate events."

Loki's eyes flash in anger at my use of that surname and he hisses, "He is not my father."

Stepping closer to the force field containing Loki within the cell, I smile and speak lowly even though I know Heimdall will hear all and report back to Odin, "Yet you are Loki of Asgard once more, no longer the Loki of Jotunheim I saw at the top of a tower in New York. The Other will die by another's hand soon enough, but I promise you this Loki of Asgard. I will tear Thanos apart with my bare hands when the time comes."

I continue, growing louder and more passionate as I speak, "He who courts death will come before me with all the power at his disposal, and he will fall at my feet, defeated and broken. He will try to kill uncountable multitudes in an attempt to catch the attention of that which is beyond him, and find only my attention focused on him. I will crush him as easily as one would crush an ant."

Loki has actually gone a bit pale, his lips pressed tightly together and eyes wide in the face of my sudden vows, "Why tell me this?"

My smile comes back and so does my amicable attitude, "In case he's still watching, through you. Thanos the Watcher. Thanos the Great and Terrible sitter. One day he will be forced to rise from his throne and act… and on that day I will be there to slam him back down. Thank you for your time Loki of Asgard. When the time comes, I know you will be on the right side."

I turn and leave a speechless Loki behind, feeling a bit giddy. Perhaps it was the Aether making me feel all powerful as I unlocked more and more of its reality bending capabilities. Perhaps I was beginning to buy into my own hype as Savior of Earth. But suddenly I couldn't wait to fight Thanos. The time would come where he would move against the Universe after all of his pawns had failed him. I had not lied to Loki, I would be there to face him.

It wouldn't be about saving everyone though, it wouldn't be about being the good guy winning against the great evil. It came down to the simple fact that I was already starting to grow as bored with this dimension as I'd grown with my home dimension. Escalation was inevitable and the Earth even with all of its super powers and strange happenings, could not contain what was to come for long.

As I walked straight past Thor and up the stairs to head towards Odin's throne room once more, I couldn't help the wide grin that spread over my face.


Thor: Dark World

(Throne Room, Asgard)

I hadn't gone directly to the Throne Room actually, I'd stopped by my temporary quarters and grabbed some more blood while I could, then waited patiently for the summons I knew would come. I did not wait long before an Einherjar arrived to bring me before Odin once more.

This time the Allfather did not wait for me to speak when I arrived at the foot of his throne, his calm composure from before relatively shaken, "What do you know of the Mad Titan?"

I chuckle darkly, "I know that he is my ultimate adversary."

Odin's brow furrows at that, "Explain."

"Your Gatekeeper calls me Outsider because I come from outside his perception. You referred to me as Vali of the Beyond for the same reason. I am sure you wonder even now why I've come. Why did I come from beyond? Why have I come to this universe? Thanos is why. He is my purpose. I will continue to grow in power, I will continue to disrupt his plans along with the plans of others. And one day, I will kill him."

Odin just stares down at me for several long moments, so I speak up again, "Now, the Convergence is over. I have shown the control I have over the Aether. I have proven time and again that I am Earth's Protector. I intend to return there now. Will Heimdall open the Bifrost for me?"

There's a long pause before Odin responds, "He will. Return to Midgard Outsider. Do not return."

I turn to leave before turning back one last time, unable to resist one last jab, "When Thanos comes for the Tesseract, you will want me to return."

And then I turn and leave the throne room, Thor following behind me. In a parallel to my arrival, I stop outside Heimdall's Observatory and turn to Thor, "My friend. I have enjoyed my time on your world very much, and hope you do not think too much less of me for what you have learned these past few days."

Thor nods slowly, "You see the world differently Vali. I do not believe I will ever fully understand you. But I do not have to understand you to call you comrade and to fight alongside you. We want the same things. I look forward to the next time we see each other."

I smile and we clasp arms. Patting him with my free hand I can't help chuckling, "That is, if you can avoid your father saddling you with the Throne."

He chuckles in response but I can see the look in his eyes that says he's already considering how best to get out of it. With one last smile I turn and enter the Observatory. Heimdall immediately activates the Bifrost upon entering and we don't even exchange words as I step back through the way I came, returning to Midgard. After all, I had to finish what I started.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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