
Spy Games Ch. 10

Thor: Dark World

(London, England)

Tracking Jane Foster down was relatively easy despite her practically deserting from SHIELD in order to study the convergence without the Man looking over her shoulder. Darcy Lewis was even easier to find given she put out an ad in the paper for an intern. I highly doubt she was expecting me to show up.

Her eyes wide, she smiled even wider as she launched herself at me and gave me a huge hug, "Vali! What are you doing here? Wait no! First!"

She leans back to look at me with a serious face and a questioning look, "Did you give me super strength?"

Chuckling, I shrug my shoulders, "Finally noticed that did you? Yes, it seems that there's an unforeseen side effect to drinking my blood for you humans. You're stronger, faster, more agile… probably noticed some other things as well I'm sure."

She literally growls at that, "Yeah, I'm fucking horny all the time, I've noticed. And you've been busy saving the world of course, but I still haven't found a lay that compares to you yet and it sucks. Which brings us to our next question. Why are you here now Vali?"

I smile at that, knowing her enjoyment of our time together is partially because of my vast experience, but also partially because I attract werewolf females like chocolate, and it seems that's what I'm giving the people who drink my blood and live. Still, need to answer the question. I adopt a serious face, "I'm here to intern for you Ms. Lewis. I saw your ad in the paper."

She blinks at that and for a moment looks ecstatic at the idea, before a frown passes over her face and she steps back from me, crossing her arms over her chest, "Wait a second, are you here to spy on us for SHIELD?"

Raising my eyebrows, I shake my head, "I can promise you I'm not here to spy on you for SHIELD Darcy. SHIELD and I have a rather strained relationship at the moment. I sort of quit to be a full time Avenger or whatever and they aren't happy with that."

She looks at me suspiciously for a long moment before smiling, "If that's true, why the hell would you respond to my intern ad?"

Grinning, I step up to her, "Mmm, I won't lie to you darling, I'm very interested in the lead Dr. Foster is currently chasing. But I also get to spend time with you, and that's just icing on the cake."

She grins back and presses her hands against my chest, "Well then, I think it's time we start the interview."

I can't help chuckling as she drags me out of the coffee shop and to her car. She takes enough time to get us somewhere semiprivate, before pointing me towards the back. Her eagerness is obvious as she pushes me down into the backseat, moves some clothes around and then climbs on top of me, pushing herself down on my cock with a low moan of satisfaction. She rides me hard and fast, a sort of desperation in her movements showing just how much she missed me.

Leaning down, she kisses me and I put a hand in her hair to keep her there even as I suddenly speed up the pace even further by thrusting up into her, bringing her to a mind blowing orgasm, muffling her screams of ecstasy with my own mouth and holding her to me. Then I flip us over and enter her from above, our embrace hiding us from view, though the car is probably rocking rather suspiciously given our strength.

Luckily it seems no one is around to see it as we fuck like rabbits for a good hour before I cum inside her at her own insistence. As she lays panting atop me, I grin and curl some of her hair around my fingers, "So, did I get the job Ms. Lewis?"

She mmms and smiles at me, "I'd say you did, yeah."


Thor: Dark World

(London, England)

The next day, Jane came across me coming out of the shower of Darcy's hotel room and froze like a deer in the headlights. She must have come over to speak with Darcy. I just smiled at her, finished drying my hair, and wrapped the towel around my waist. Her eyes finally broken from line of sight with my dick, she looked up at my face and I couldn't help chuckling.

When a girl's first reaction to you naked in their current living quarters is to ogle you instead of scream and avert their gaze, you know they're either incredibly perverted, or just haven't gotten some in a while. Jane has finally found her voice though, and she points a finger accusingly at me, "You! What are you doing here?! And why the hell were you in the shower!"

Her voice is enough to wake up Darcy from the bed, and she looks around blearily as I stare at Jane amused. Darcy is clearly not in full control of her faculties yet, so I answer Jane's question, "I'm here because I was hired by your assistant. I'm now her intern."

Darcy lets out a low groan, letting me know she's at least aware enough to know I just threw her under the bus, while Jane's eyes bulge out of their sockets and she looks at Darcy, "What the hell do you need an intern for?! And why are you working with the enemy again?!"

Then she turns back to me, not really wanting to hear Darcy's excuses. I'll say one thing, Jane Foster is incredibly sexy when she's angry. She's staring at me with his stormy expression and god I just want to bend her over the bed, maybe even over Darcy and just take her. Instead I stand there stoically as she continues to demand an explanation, "Did SHIELD send you here to spy on us? Going to watch us and report back to them so they can claim all of my work again for themselves after giving me a job offer I can't refuse?"

I sigh and shake my head, "No Dr. Foster, I am not here on behalf of SHIELD. They might know you're out here, they might know I'm out here, but I'm relatively sure they don't know we've met up quite yet. I'm here of my own personal desires, to learn more about this… convergence you and Dr. Selvig found."

She narrows her eyes at that, "So do you know where Erik is? He called us out here but we haven't heard from him since we arrived, his phone has been turned off."

I shake my head again, "No, I've only just found you, and that was mostly because Darcy put an ad for an intern in the local paper that I happened across."

Grumbling, Jane crosses her arms over her chest and peers at me, "So what do you know about what Erik found?"

I smile benignly, "Nothing at all. Which is why I intend to follow you around as it grows so that I can be on hand to do something about it when everything comes to a head. Part of being a hero and all you see. Until then, you should just accept my company for what it is and use me as a pack mule for all of your fancy smancy equipment."

She's clearly still suspicious, but she also knows she doesn't have a way to really get rid of me either, so after a few moments of thought she nods, "Fine. You break anything, I'm taking it out of your hide."

Aww, she's doing that thing where the woman browbeats the powerful superhero. How adorable, I'll let her have her bravado for now. Smiling amicably, I nod before raising an eyebrow after a moment, "Are you waiting to watch me dress Dr. Foster?"

She blinks at that, seeming as if she's forgotten that I'm standing before her wearing nothing but a towel. With a blush and a stammered, "N-no!" She rushes out of the hotel room. I chuckle and go about getting ready for the day while Darcy finally drags herself out of bed and does the same.

It's only a couple days before the equipment starts going crazy and things begin to escalate. Finding our way to the abandoned factory, some homeless kids come crawling out of the wood works to show us the strange portals all over the place. They've been playing with them for a while now, and I'm honestly shocked a kid hasn't fallen through one yet. I catch Jane going off on her own and touch Darcy's arm to grab her attention, "Watch the kids, I'll make sure Doctor Foster doesn't get herself killed."

Then I'm moving after the good Doctor, following along behind her as she stumbles towards my prize. When she disappears only two feet in front of me, I grin and move forward only to appear in a deep dark cavern with Jane right in front of me. She's already looking at the red liquid flowing between two stones when I step forward and pull her back behind me before intoning, "This… stay back Jane. This is not good."

She blinks at that and her brow furrows, "What? What's not good?"

But I'm not really listening to her anymore. With her behind me and unwilling to get any closer with my vague warning, I step towards the Aether unopposed, and reach out to it like a long lost friend. My arm goes between the two rocks and a moment later the liquid flows out and into my mouth, feeling my presence and latching onto the first host it's had in millennia.

Behind me I hear Jane's faint cry, "Vali!" as I seize up in front of her, my eyes wide as the Aether pours into my system, only to pause after a moment as if confused. I reach out to it forcefully, grasping it like one would a lover and pulling it to me. It's in my body and in my blood and I find that I can feel it if I try.

It reaches back and I feel curiosity and interest even as it drains energy from me at a very impressive rate. I smile as it hums with approval upon the realization that I will never run out of the energy it craves. After that, it becomes almost like an excited child exploring their new surroundings as it spreads throughout me, settling down in my blood and waiting to see what I would do next.

And then Jane slaps me and my hand reflexively closes around her throat and lifts her off the ground. She's choking, but I come back to myself quickly and release her, "Ah, sorry about that Doctor."

She coughs a bit, rubbing her throat as she shakes her head, "What the hell was that? What just happened? You've been staring into space for several minutes now."

I chuckle and stare at my hand as I flex it slowly. I've never felt this powerful before, even if I still don't fully comprehend the extent of my new abilities. I can feel the Aether within me humming in approval as it reads my intention to utilize it as often as possible so I can fully explore its uses. But Jane is still waiting for an answer, so I smile and give her one, "That's what happens when one is forced to take on a fragment of infinity Doctor. There's a bit of an adjustment period."

She blinks at that and furrows her brow in confusion, "That doesn't help at all, that raises more questions than it answers!"

Still smiling, I take her hand in mine and prod at the Aether. After a moment it transports us back to the factory present at the forefront of my mind. I can tell that this is not an ability it will allow me to use any time soon, only willing to do so itself this time because it had no desire to remain trapped in its prison any longer than necessary.

We quickly came across Darcy and the kids, as they'd started running around looking for us upon realizing we'd gone missing. Darcy scowled, "What the fuck was that guys? I almost called the cops!"

Jane explained what happened, while I found myself a bit preoccupied with the Aether, still growing accustomed to its presence inside of me. I could feel it feeding off me even as I stood there. It was insatiable, and would probably leave me dissected within the month if I didn't ramp up my own blood intake. Blinking, I realized everyone was looking at me with concern. I'd probably missed a question, "Sorry, what?"

Darcy repeated herself for me, "Vali, what's up with your eyes? They're pitch black right now."

I blink at that, bringing a hand up for a second as if to touch one, before lowering it and focusing on the people before me. There would be time to get lost in this new world inside of me later, "I am fine. When Jane and I vanished, there was something waiting for us on the other side. I took it upon myself so it would not try to claim Jane. I believe it to be parasitic in nature."

That just makes both Darcy and Jane look at me with more concern, Darcy voicing what's on both of their minds, "Parasitic how? Will you be okay?"

I chuckle and wave a hand dismissively, "I should be fine. It seems to be an energy parasite of some sorts, one that feeds directly on its host's life force. It calls itself the Aether."

That gets some wide eyes, and now Jane speaks up, sounding almost excited, "Wait it's communicating with you? What has it told you so far?"

Smiling, I nod and shrug my shoulders, "Yes, we've been… communicating, it's why I keep spacing out. As for what it's told me so far, not much. I know what to call it, and I know that it was in that vault for quite a long time, five thousand of your years if I'm understanding it correctly."

Jane looks awed, "That's amazing, think of what it can teach us."

I shake my head at that, "It's not really like that Doctor. There is intelligence to it, but its operating on a different level. Not necessarily one below or above a human's, but more like completely separate from what you understand. It prods things into my mind and makes me understand them. I don't think anyone else could comprehend what I'm feeling right now, and most others would die from the Aether sucking them dry."

That deflates her good mood somewhat, so I change subject a bit, "Instead, you should continue focusing on this convergence. We need to find Dr. Selvig so that he can tell us what he knows. I'm still afraid of all these anomalies being the work of some nefarious force, and I want us as prepared as possible for it."

After a moment she nods in agreement, "Fine, you're right. Let's get started."

The rest of the day is spent making calls that prove rather fruitless. When night comes, Jane departs to her own hotel room, leaving Darcy and I alone. Darcy immediately sidles up to me, wanton lust written all over her face. I smile back and take her hair in my hand, pulling her head back as I look upon her. She's almost panting now as she stays still in my grasp, utterly submissive.

Leaning down, I trail my lips over hers, before moving across her cheek and then down to her neck, my fangs slipping out and biting deeply as I drink of her. I can feel the life force the Aether has siphoned off immediately begin to refill. This gives the infinity stone in my blood pause as it realizes that I am now recharging faster than it's draining.

So of course in response it proceeds to take more from me. The suddenness almost causes me to lose control, as I drink even more from Darcy than I was before, growing close to killing her before I'm able to pull myself away and growl as I push the Aether's desire back. For a moment there I felt like a newborn, my will momentarily overpowered by the Aether's.

Letting an exhausted but still alive Darcy fall back on the bed, I step away from her and take a moment to center myself. Even now with me holding onto my self-control with an iron grip I can see the Aether prodding me to go the next step. I can feel its intense hunger, something I would not be surprised to learn it got from this melding it and I had been doing for the last several hours now.

If I didn't do something about this, the Aether could turn me into a monster that would scour this world for what I had craved for thousands of years, but held in check for nearly that long. I wanted blood so badly… with a growl I moved forward, appearing over Darcy and piercing my fingertip with my fang. Sticking it in her mouth, she suckled at it and drank down my essence for a long moment, before I pulled it free and my mouth was once again on her neck.

This time, when my fangs entered her, I didn't stop, doing exactly what the Aether was forcing my instincts to scream at me to do. I drained Darcy Lewis dry and left her dead and lifeless in the middle of her bed. Not a single drop was wasted, there wasn't even a mess to be had, just an ashen corpse that would come back to life very soon.

I stood watching, prepared to wait until she came back now that I had a bit more control from filling up on her blood, when there was a sudden knock on the door. I turn towards it with a growl as Jane's voice came through, "Darcy, you alright in there? I heard you scream and I wouldn't have bothered normally but it sounded like you were in pain… not the other thing."

I wish I could say I didn't want to do this as I moved towards the door. I wish I could say I wanted to find a way to get Jane to walk away before something happened that I'd regret. But those would be lies. I did want this, I'd wanted this for quite a long time and as I opened the door and stepped aside to let Jane through, I couldn't keep the hunger from my gaze as she glanced at me before moving to make sure Darcy was okay.

Running a fang over the palm of my hand and opening a bloody gash, I flash forward just as Jane's mouth opens wide to scream at the sight of Darcy's dead body, my hand covering her mouth and muffling the scream and my blood flowing down her throat before she can truly react. I continue to cover her mouth even as I pull her back against my chest and sink my fangs into her neck.

She struggles beautifully, always the fighter, but it's completely ineffectual, and soon enough she goes limp against me, fist weakly pressing back against me till the point that the life leaves her eyes and she's dead as well. I push her on to the bed and rub the bridge of my nose, still feeling that same hunger from before, but at least a bit lessened now.

As I wait for my two new hybrids to awaken, I take some time to dive into the part of myself that the Aether has taken up residence in for a little talk now that I've got a bit more time on the clock before I need blood again. Talking obviously isn't the right word for it, but by the end of the 'conversation' we've got an understanding worked out. What that really means is that I've melded further with the Aether, to the point that I'm not even sure we can be separated anymore.

It was either this or constantly struggle to keep the Aether from overwhelming me. Now the reality stone and I are becoming one, though the finished product so to speak will take years. For now, I am content to know that even if I am no longer fully myself, I have my self-control back. Standing there stoically, I watch as Darcy and Jane come back to life with gasps.

It takes only a second for them to each find the cup of blood I've left beside them, and another for them to drink it down before they even realize what they're doing. When their faces change and their true features are revealed, I note how their eyes turn pitch black instead of gold and black. Stepping forward, I catch the attention of both newborns, who look at me inquisitively.

I was expecting fear or anger or any number of negative emotions, but instead Jane just cocks her head to the side and asks, "What did you do? The last thing I remember is dying, but now I'm fine."

Frowning, I step even closer to the bed, peering at my newest hybrids, "Yes, I was forced to drain you both of your blood in order to gain control over the Aether. Now you're alive again, immortal and powerful just like me. I'm curious how you feel about that."

Jane just blinks before responding with a smile, "I feel good. I'm happy to have been able to help you Master."

Darcy on the other hand doesn't say a word. But then, her eyes have been below my waist line since Jane and I started talking, and now she makes her own opinion known by acting instead of speaking, crawling forward on the bed and beginning to fiddle with my belt to try to unzip my pants and fish out my cock.

Jane isn't even slightly perturbed and as Darcy takes me in her mouth, I reach out through the Aether to confirm what I already suspect. Yep, there it is, small pieces of the reality stone's fluid form had been in the blood I'd fed both of them and now it was for lack of a better word, clouding their personalities and altering reality for the two of them to make them docile and subservient.

Experimenting, I pull Darcy off my cock and then I pull at the clouding effect, trying to force their original personalities to reassert. It works at least partially, as both of them react. Jane flashes off the bed and against the wall farthest from me, eyes wide with panic. Darcy on the other hand flashes forward, her intention to slam into me and throw me to the ground obvious, though what she wanted to do afterwards, not so much.

I catch her by the throat and she snarls at me, her hands clawing at my arm. Throwing her back onto the bed, she stays where she is but looks at me with clear anger. Jane has overcome some of her fear now, and steps forward to speak once more, "What did you do to us?"

Sighing explosively, I run a hand over my face, "The Aether is insatiable Dr. Foster. I lost control and the two of you have paid the price for it. The best I was able to do for you was ensure you would come back to life. You are now like me."

Jane is just staring at me now, the fear in her eyes turning to… arousal strangely enough before she suddenly shakes her head, "God it's like I have something in my head telling me to fuck you, telling me to submit to the Alpha. What the fuck?"

Darcy finally speaks up, grumbling a bit from her place on the bed, "Is that what this is? Ever since you grabbed me by the neck and threw me here I've been feeling the same."

I shrug my shoulders and proceed to lie my ass off even as I consider the benefits of just leaving them mindless again, "My people are a contradiction of primal instincts and self-control. What you're feeling are the primal instincts telling you to fear me because I could end your lives before you even knew what was happening. Part of that fear is manifesting in the idea that if you seduce me, I'm less likely to kill you. Ignore it, I have no intention of killing either of you after I just saved your lives."

The truth of the matter is obvious to me, even with my pulling, the Aether is still within them, still influencing them to want to stay near me, to want to be with me. I don't even have to imagine what it must feel like to the reality stone, having three immortal hosts now. I know instinctively from the melding, that this is something the Aether, and by extension me, now wants more of.

They both sit in silence at that, clearly not knowing what to say. I'm silent as well, pondering what I want to do now. Eventually Darcy speaks up, "So what now?"

Frowning slightly, I shrug, "Now you're both immortal like I am, but nothing else has really changed I suppose. Doctor Foster, I assume you're still very much interested in science in general, and the convergence Dr. Selvig called you out here for in particular?"

She blinks but nods in agreement to that, causing me to smile and continue on, "Good then, starting tomorrow we'll continue our search for Dr. Selvig along with making sure you two get more used to your new circumstances."

Darcy pipes up with a pout, "What about what I want?"

I raise an eyebrow at that, "Has your death and subsequent resurrection killed your libido for the night?"

She actually pauses and blinks, "It really probably should have… but nope."

I grin and look to Jane, "Well Doctor, while I'm sure you've enjoyed ogling my cock whenever you thought I wasn't watching for the last several minutes, you should probably head back to your room now, unless you want to join in."

After a moment she's gone in a flash of hybrid speed, zipping out of Darcy's room and into her own with an audible slam of her door. If I'm being honest as I grin and move towards Darcy to finish what we'd started, I think Jane was running more from her own new desires than running from either of us.


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