
The Chronicles of the Red Emperor

The chance to live again or a curse of a neverending nightmare? Awoken in a new world with a changed body, Vlad, one consumed by rage and vengeance, is now tired. But the world will not let him rest. Intrigue, power struggles and a beautiful stranger who does not hide her intention of using him. Will he choose the path of violence again or will he take another road this time ?

DeD · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

The sun was hell in that open wide field. A lone apple tree was rising in the wheat field, casting a small amount of shadow over an even lonelier man.

Dressed in rugs, with hair and clothes blacker than the shade itself, he stood crouched. Almost as dead. For he did not breathe or blink too often. He just stared, lost in thought. Waiting for retribution that never came.

There was only thirst.

Unconsciously, Vlad grabbed his neck. No matter how much he ate, how much he drank, the thirst was always present. Unless he drank human blood.

He crouched more, avoiding the sunlight as best as he could.

-That is interesting.

A voice came like a dream. It was so soft and delicate that he was sure it was a mirage.

-What are you doing here?

The voice rang again. He was so tired. Even if, supposedly, the voice was real, he felt no presence there. Nor he smelled blood.

-How interesting!

The voice rang closer. Finally, he rose his head and frowned. It was so bright that everything was white. He blinked once. Twice.

-You are alive. Yet you are not, the womanly voice continued. Can you speak?


Something in front of his eyes moved.


The crease between his dark eyebrows deepened. She was starting to become more real. And more annoying.

-Can you walk?

This time, he did not respond. Instead, he hid inside himself more. Whoever it was, it could go away.

-Hey. Hey!

Something touched his shoulder. A bolt of energy went through him. Warning, Vlad let his new-found powers run free around them.

-Such power... she did not move.

Something attracted her attention for a moment.

-We cannot stay here any longer.

And she put her hand on her shoulder.

zHer touch was so ... warm. Like a miniature of the spring's sun has set upon his shoulder. And, fascinated, he moved. Something foul started to smell in his right but Vlad paid no mind to it. Since he had died, he did not feel such an energy surge through him.

The woman with straight flowing hair smiled widely and the whole world light up. Such joyous energy came from her! He walked after her through the field yet the sun did not bother him as before.

-Who are you... ? his gruff voice came.

-Ana, the woman replied overly enthusiastic.

-Why... are you like this?

-All be answered later!

She looked young and yet she seemed unfazed in front of him. A growl came from behind them. The woman turned but Vlad rose his sword and slew the moving rat without a single look behind.

Ana's eyes widened for a briefing moment but next her smile was large once more. A whirlwind of dirt, leaves, and wind created in front of them. She stretched her hand once more and spoke.

-Come with me.

Vlad, with no thought to spare, placed his larger hand in hers and then dissipated into thin air.