
Chapter 0: The Beginnings

"When creating a world, the first thing one thinks of is why? Why do I want to do this? Indeed, some would approach such a monumental task with worry and anxiety while others would actively pursue the task. This is only one of the reasons why, when someone has the power to create something, more often than not they don't.

The Gods in the Overworld were no different. Although they were spontaneously created from the mass of primal chaos that existed before, for chaos is indeed subject to nothing other than its own nature, it took their entire group of 14 beings over 600 trillion years before one of them finally decided to create something. This one was known by their group as Ilgrul. 

Ilgrul descended upon a portion of the chaos and began grabbing things from within the chaos. Every time they grabbed something from within the chaos it would form into something as mundane as rock and fire, to things more complex such as DNA. However, shortly after Ilgrul grabbed something it would dissolve back into the mass of chaos and be whisked away.

Ilgrul decided that they had to try to create further away from the center of the chaos if they were to have any hopes of succeeding. They moved to a point that existed beyond the core of the chaotic mass and began building there. Ilgrul chose to use six basic elements to create the orderly universe, stable components derived from chaos. The prime elements of Light & Darkness, which were but two sides of the same coin, and the secondary elements of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.

When Ilgrul began their creation, the first thing they did was to illuminate the universe to better appreciate what they were doing. Light was amplified through the formation of stars and Darkness through the spaces between them.

Then they began creating a flat disk of Earth and folding it around a core of Fire. The core met with and consumed most of the Earth surrounding it from the inside so Ilgrul used Water to cool the surface and provide some stability to its structure. The Water began slowly drifting away from the surface, evaporating into the universe and back to its original state. So Ilgrul used the Air to seal the Water back down to the surface. Then the Air attempted to leave as well and so Ilgrul used their powers to provide gravity and motion to that planet keeping the Air above the planet. After creating the first world of Rivdenfall, they created other planets around other stars with all sorts of different shapes and sizes and provided gravity and motion to them as well. Slowly as the universe reached its completion, the Laws of Time and Space were created and this universe began to exist unaided at the edges of the primal chaos."

- Sha'arya, the Krezbak of Darkness on the creation of the Universe