
The Chronicles of Ethan: A New Dawn

“The Chronicles of Ethan: A New Dawn” Retirement means immortality. Immortality means adventure. Life begins at seventy. Running on the world’s fastest quantum computer is a very special game: one where retirees leave their flesh-and-blood lives in search of endless adventure. Weapons, spells, gold, experience points… These are the marks by which life is now measured. Ethan Crane wants none of it. In fact, he never wanted to retire at all, let alone play a game for all eternity. But now he’s on a mission to find his wife—a wife he just discovered is still alive and inside the game. Nothing will stop him from reaching her. Not even himself. In “The Chronicles of Ethan: A New Dawn,” follow Ethan’s journey through a magical world where reality blurs with fantasy. As he navigates quests, battles, and unexpected friendships, he’ll uncover secrets that challenge everything he thought he knew about life, love, and immortality. What readers are saying: “This is a wonderful twist to the average video game world story!” “Full of interesting characters who solve complex problems, this series will have you turning pages until the end!” “Realistic main character in a fantastic world.” Join Ethan on an epic adventure where the line between game and reality fades, and where the greatest quest of all is the one that leads to the heart. The Chronicles of Ethan: A New Dawn is a LitRPG and GameLit Fantasy Series by 21 12 P.S. English is not my native language. I use a translator and a little AI. I apologize in advance

21_12_Musician · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3: The Magic Begins

Ethan's first day at the orphanage was a whirlwind of new experiences. After his warm introduction to the other children, he was led to a grand dining hall where the aroma of freshly baked bread and roasted vegetables filled the air. The long wooden tables were filled with chattering kids, and at the head of the hall stood a stern-looking woman who Ethan recognized as the one who had welcomed him earlier.

As he took his seat, a boy with a mop of red hair leaned over and whispered, "That's Mrs. Figg, she's in charge here, but she's fair. Just don't get on her bad side." Ethan nodded, taking in the advice and the lively atmosphere around him.

The meal was hearty, and Ethan found himself enjoying the simple pleasures of the food and company. It was during dessert, a delicious apple crumble, that Mrs. Figg stood up, tapping her glass for attention.

"Children," she began, her voice carrying across the hall, "we have a new member among us. Ethan, would you stand up, please?" Ethan stood, feeling a flush of embarrassment as all eyes turned to him. "Ethan has come to us from far away, and I trust you will all make him feel welcome."

The children clapped, and Ethan managed a small wave before sitting down, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth.

Later that evening, as Ethan lay in his bed, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. The orphanage, despite its initial bleakness, was filled with a strange magic he couldn't quite understand. The children were like no others he had met, and the staff, though strict, seemed to have a kindness about them.

As he drifted off to sleep, Ethan's thoughts were filled with questions about this new world. What adventures awaited him? What secrets did the walls of the orphanage hold? And most importantly, how would he find his way back home—or did he even want to?

To be continued…

The Chronicles of Ethan: A New Dawn is a fantasy series by 21 12. Follow Ethan’s journey through a magical world where reality blurs with fantasy, and secrets challenge everything he thought he knew about life, love, and immortality.

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