

Follow Christine a wealthy and independent young adult who doubts the existence of love on her stimulating journey of sexual self discovery. Her life took an interesting turn when her family went bankrupt, and she had to make some interesting choices in order to get back on her feet, including getting paid to sign and participate in a BDSM contract. As she navigates through life, she encountered and triumphs over many challenges, including having numerous intimate encounters with charmers, Heartbreakers, and players. But later found love where she least expected. A woman who never believed in love finally found it. The book "Chronicles of christine" explores a woman's journey through deception in love, prevailing over hardship, self-discovery in terms of intimacy, and discovering genuine love.

Judith_05 · Urban
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I went over to Debbie's place cause I needed someone to talk to, I hardly go over to her place because she lives with her elder sister, whom I was not so comfortable with, getting to her apartment before I got in, I could hear screaming as if two girls were in a heated argument,

I stood outside trying to understand what was going on, then I recognized the voice instantly, it was Debbie and her sister, what could they possibly be arguing about I wondered, I know that Debbie has not always being with her sister, it either she spends the night at logans or at my place, could it be that she's having troubles with her sister that's why she's always spending the night at my place I wondered, but she could have just told me, I wonder why she kept it from me.

I stood outside frozen, wondering if I should go in or just wait. Then I started hearing things like glass shattering, and I heard Debbie scream

So I stormed into the house and saw Debbie on the floor lying on top broken glasses scattered all over the floor, I rushed over to her and helped her stand up.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to clean off the blood from her because she was bleeding from her thighs and hands because of the broken glass.

I looked over at her sister, who deliberately pushed her to the ground. "Why would you do that?" I asked in annoyance

"Look rich brat it's non of your business please hope into you airplane and go away" she said waving a stick at me, it took me a while to notice that she was holding a stick I was shocked at the sight off it as I observed other bruises on Debbie back that where not caused by the glass "did she hit you with that debbie" I asked

Debbie looked up at her sister, obviously scared and knodded in confirmation

"I can't believe this. Why would you hit your own sister, I'm going to call the police, " I said as I searched for my phone in my jacket

Debbie held my hands to stop. I looked over at her and saw tears dripping down from her eyes.

I have never seen Debbie cry before, I felt hurt seeing her like this made me so emotional that I almost cried, how could her sister be so cruel to treat her like this and even still Debbie doesn't want to report her to the police.

"Let's just go christine" she said holding on to me in attempt to stand up, but she couldn't she had a bad limp that made her fall back down, her sister just rolled her eyes In annoyance and stormed out of the house closing the door with a loud bang.

"You can't keep staying here, I'll help you stand up, let's go," I said, trying to pull her up as we slowly walked over to my car, then I drove her home.

Getting home I placed her down on the couch, and soothed her wounds with hot water, and gave her some pain medications, I was able to take good care of her till she fell asleep, that's one of my many talents I know how to take care of people, and I kind of enjoy it to be honest.

I watched her sleep peacefully and I felt so bad for her, how come she didn't tell me her sister treated her this way, no wonder she's always spending her time here, she was just trying to get away from her sister, now I can't let her go back there I'll make sure she stays with me.

Just then, the thought of logan came to mind. I think I'm supposed to inform logan about Debbie's condition

So I began to search for his number, just then I remembered that I had blocked his number before, so I went to the black list and unblocked him and then called.

With the phone pressed against my ear, I waited patiently for a response

"Hey, christine," I heard his sweet voice from the other line, which made me smile

"Hey logan, can you please come over?" I asked

"Of course," he said excitedly, then I ended the call.

I didn't give him the full details, so I just wanted him to come see for himself. I'm sure that excitement will wash away from his face when he sees the condition he's girlfriend is in.

Moments later, I heard a knock on the door

That must be logan I taught

"Come on in," I screamed

He got in then saw Debbie sleeping on my sofa, which band-aids all over her body

He quickly rushed over to her. "What happened?" he asked, examining her carefully

"Her sister happened, look I don't know what happened in details but I know her sister did this" I said in annoyance, I was so mad that anytime I think about her sister's face I'll instantly be filled with rage.

"Oh, her sister," logan confirmed disappointed

"What do you mean?, do you know something?" I asked as I walked over to sit with him.

"Well, there was one time when Debbie and I were romancing each other, then I saw a scar on her thigh, a very fresh scar, I asked her about it and she said her sister has a drug problem so sometimes she's aggressive" He said

I heart ached in pain "I can't believe this is what she has being going through all this time, why didn't she tell me" I felt so bad and pained that's I unknowingly leaned on logan as logan wrapped me into a tight hug and Said " I'm sure she didn't say any because she was embarrassed"

I just lay still in the comfort of logans strong arms, which made me feel at peace. That was exactly what I needed a hug, a very tight comforting hug.

It felt wrong being in Debbie's boyfriends arms while she was right there asleep beside us, but I didn't want to be right because of how comforting it was.

"This is so wrong, logan," I whispered

"Well, if it's so wrong, why does it feel so right?" logan said as he placed a kiss on my forehead

That kiss actually made me feel worse. I unwrapped myself from his hands. "we just can't Debbie loves you, and you should love her too, okay?"

"But..." logan try to protest, but I cut him off immediately

"That's enough, okay?" I concluded

And headed straight to my room

But logan follow me "wait christine, Raymond asked me for your number so I had no choice but to give it to him, please don't be involved with raymond, it will kill me"

"And so, why do you care, you are Debbie's boyfriend remember?, so I will do whatever I want with raymond, you have no right to be jealous," I said

He moved closer to me and held my hand looking down at me then he whispered, " Please christine" giving me a puppy dog eyes which was irresistible but I'm christine for christ sake I can resist, I threw my hands away and said "end of discussion logan"

Just then my phone which was ontop the bed rang and the caller ID read "Raymond richmond" Seeing who called I looked over at logan and said "I guess my future boyfriend has called" I.said that just to spite him.

"Please," he whispered again

I paid no attention to his plea, and right I front of him, I took the call

Raymond asked to see me this night, ordinary I never would have agreed, but just because logan was there watching me and I was trying to get him away from me because of Debbie, I agreed to meet him up tonight and ended the call and said to Logan "see I'm off the market now, so you can now leave me alone and focus on your girlfriend.

"Now leave my room please," I requested

When logan left, I felt bad instantly. Was I too harsh? I wondered

Regardless of the feelings he has for me I have to push him away so Debbie can be happy, debbie loves him and Debbie has being my true friend from the beginning at this point I'll do anything to make her happy.

"Christine," I heard Debbie called faintly from the other room

Oh, she's finally awake I said as I rushed down to meet her

I saw Logan with her

"Thanks so much, christine," she said, struggling to stand up as she groans in pain.

"No, no, no relax, babe, you need to rest," I said, pulling her back gently to lay back down

"You are no longer going to stay with you sister debbie, you'll stay with Logan, Logan has offered to allow you stay with him" I lied with my gazed fixed directly at logan for him to agree to it

"Really?"she asked, smiling

"Ye...yes," logan confirmed, going along with the lie

Yes, this was a perfect plan for logan to get closer to Debbie and forget about me for.good, I have to force them together

"But what about your brother Joseph?" Debbie asked

"Joseph has moved away, so it's just me in the apartment, so you can move in with me," logan concluded

Debbie squealed with excitement and gave logan a big hug, i was so happy to see her excited even in pains. It was worth it

Now Debbie would be staying close to me, I haven't even had the opportunity to tell her about Raymond yet, anyways I'll tell her everything when she had recovered fully.

I could see the worry on logans eyes, since I had forced him to make that choice he looked very uneasy, and worried he kept stealing glances of me which I ignored as I catered to Debbie replacing her band aids, I could tell he was angry but he's too sweet to show he's anger, that's how logan is he is so quiet and nice that he can easily be walked on.

Then my phone gave a beep signifying that I have got a new message, I checked the phone and it was from raymond " meet me at deritos by 8" derito is a hotel that has a club, lounge and bar" a place where influential men come together to hold meetings and blow of steam from work.

Raymond must be so rich for him to pick a place like this for our date.

I looked up at logan, who was still stealing, glances and said, "If you would excuse me, I have a date," said as I walked away.

I still can't believe I agreed to go to dinner with that obnoxious raymond.