
The Chronicles of an Earthling in the Realm of Magic"

Heri_Tatu_4929 · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: "Unveiling the Mystery"

As Kazuki continued his training under the hermit's guidance, a nagging question began to stir in his mind. How did he, a seemingly ordinary teenager from Earth, possess such potential for magic in this new world? It was a question that weighed heavily on his thoughts, prompting him to seek answers.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the hermit stoked the crackling fire, Kazuki mustered the courage to voice his doubts. "Hermit-san, I've been pondering something. How is it that I, someone from a world without magic, have the talent for it here?"

The hermit regarded Kazuki thoughtfully, his gaze distant as if contemplating the mysteries of the universe. "Ah, the nature of your arrival in this world, young one. It is a question that has confounded many who find themselves in similar circumstances."

Sensing Kazuki's earnest curiosity, Lumina, the AI System, interjected, "Kazuki, allow me to shed some light on this matter. The phenomenon you are experiencing is not uncommon in the realm of transmigration and reincarnation."

Kazuki's eyes widened in surprise. "So, there are others who have gone through similar experiences?"

Lumina nodded, its voice emanating from within Kazuki's mind. "Indeed. In many tales and legends of isekai anime, protagonists are often transported to a new world where they possess extraordinary skills or talents. While it may seem fantastical, there is a deeper truth to these stories."

Leaning forward, Kazuki listened intently as Lumina continued to explain. "You see, every living being on this planet possesses mana—a form of energy that permeates their cells. It is the essence of magic, the raw potential to manipulate the elements and harness supernatural powers."

Kazuki's brow furrowed in confusion. "But if everyone has mana, why is it that some people are more adept at using it than others?"

Lumina's voice took on a patient tone. "Imagine mana as a vast ocean, and each living being as a vessel. Some vessels are naturally larger, capable of holding greater amounts of mana, while others are smaller, limiting their potential. In your case, Kazuki, you possess a vessel that can accommodate a substantial amount of mana, granting you a talent for magic in this world."

The hermit nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the phenomenon of transmigration or reincarnation brings individuals like yourself, who possess untapped magical potential, into this realm. It is as if you have been gifted with an empty vessel, ready to be filled with the energies of this world."

Kazuki processed the information, a mixture of awe and realization dawning upon him. "So, it's like a computer analogy. Back on Earth, it's like having a computer without any data or software, while in this world, I've been given a fresh, powerful computer ready to process the magic."

The hermit chuckled softly. "An astute analogy, young one. Your vessel, empty of mana on Earth, has now been filled to the brim in this world, allowing you to access the wonders of magic."

Kazuki took a moment to absorb the revelation. It made sense, in a way—a logical explanation for the magical potential he had discovered within himself. He felt a surge of gratitude for this unique opportunity, yet a weight of responsibility settled upon his shoulders.

With newfound understanding, Kazuki continued his training with a renewed sense of purpose. He delved deeper into the intricacies of magic, honing his control over the elements and expanding his repertoire of spells.