
The Chronicles of a Transmigrated

In a sudden twist of fate, Kaname finds himself in a boundless white space, face to face with a mysterious being who offers him the chance of a lifetime: a journey to another world where magic reigns, and the boundaries of possibility are pushed beyond imagination. Transported to the world he's always dreamed of, he is determined to forge his path and create a harem of monster girls.

Lazy_Acorn · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Mysterious Youth and the Cow Girl

Listening to the unfamiliar voice that seemed to come from behind me, I turned cautiously towards it.

But the place I looked at had nothing, just trees. It was then that, through my newly acquired connection with Usagi, I could feel that she was afraid of something above us.

When I hurriedly looked up, I only then realized that the voice was coming from above.

It was a young man who seemed to be standing in mid-air. He was wearing a brown cloak that covered most of his body.

His black hair was completely messy and his skin looked tanned by the sun. Due to his cloak being patched in places and with some tears, he only lacked a big, unkempt beard for me to mistake him for a beggar.

But in the current situation, with him flying above me, I was sure he was far from that.

Although I didn't know if he was a friend or foe, I could feel his intense gaze staring at me and it made me a little uncomfortable.

He had an intimidating appearance, with a cold look and a serious expression that made me apprehensive. As he continued to stare at me, I could feel my breathing getting faster and my heart racing.

As I tried to get a good look at the young man's face, his cold eyes met mine. At that moment, I felt a chill run down my spine and immediately averted my gaze.

It was a very unpleasant feeling. It was the feeling of being watched by someone dangerous.

Although I wasn't sure, I felt that if I made a wrong move, things would get ugly.

I wasn't the only one tense, Kurama was the same. Even though he wasn't lying on the ground as he used to, I could feel his fear.

Even Usagi, who was in my hands, was shaking like a leaf.

This is clearly a bad omen!

Even though she's level 1, I believe in her instincts. According to the glossary, horned rabbits are sensitive to hostility and imminent danger.

The only exception among us was Rin, who seemed completely normal. Or rather, she seemed stupidly ready to pick a fight.

'Calm down, idiot! Don't do anything without me telling you to,' I transmitted to her.

Finally, breaking his gaze from us, the young man headed towards the mountain where the wolf's cave was located. Stopping in front of it, he clasped his hands as if in prayer and then separated them.

Although this seemed like a simple gesture, after this small action, the ground began to open up and numerous white stones began to emerge from the ground and float in the air around the young man.

While I was hypnotized by his prowess, all the white stones disappeared as if they had never existed, and the mountain ground closed up.

Damn, I have to get out of here fast!

Ignoring the corpses of the wolves, I turned around, ready to run.


Before I knew it, the young man was in front of me.

Quick! Very quick!!

Seeing the young man appear before me when he clearly wasn't there made my heart almost jump out of my chest.

"Give me that rabbit," the young man said.

Under the cold stare, I felt my limbs weaken to the point where I could barely stand.


Despite my attempt at conversation, all I could manage was to squeeze out just one word in a trembling and tense voice.

"It's none of your business," the young man replied sharply.

I'm sure this guy is dangerous, if I refuse, things will probably get ugly.

I am reluctant to give away a newly acquired companion that has been so helpful to me, but the situation does not seem to give me the power of choice.


Although I was trying to stay calm in the face of the situation, so as not to anger the young man, Rin did not have the same intention.

"Guiii guii!" she shouted threateningly while taking up an attack position.

I could clearly feel that she was angry for my sake.

'Hey, don't make the situation worse!' I transmitted to her.

"Interesting," the young man's brown eyes shone blue as he stared at Rin.

Although it was beautiful, this shine gave him an even more threatening air.

"He~~, fascinating, I've never seen this kind of goblin before, but it seems that apart from the hair, it's not much different than a normal one."

With an expression of contempt, he continued, "All right, goblin, I'll teach you what happens to those who defy me."

His words made me swallow hard as I felt a chill run up my spine. My only intention at the moment was to run, but I couldn't move a single limb.

Although the young man seemed to be moving slowly as he raised his hand, I couldn't react or even move.

At the same time that my body felt buried in a pool of dry, cold concrete, my consciousness also began to darken.

But before I completely passed out, a delicate hand held the young man's hand.

"Don't be like Ayze, she's just a maniac," a female voice said. "Besides, I've already told you not to act so bossy. You'll end up without friends, just like her, if you keep acting like this."

After those words, the pressure on my body completely disappeared, and my vision returned to normal. When I looked over to the young man, I saw a girl with orange-brown hair, horns, and cow ears standing next to him.

She was panting, and her white shirt was completely soaked in sweat. At first glance, it seemed like she had run a long way to get here. The sweat marked the prominent area of her chest, which was held in by a leather corset.

She looked younger than the young man, but definitely older than me.

Her hair cascaded down to her shoulders, some of it stuck to her sweaty, rosy cheek.

"I don't need friends," the young man responded as he freed himself from her grip.

"Of course you do, you also need a lot of love, let me give it to you," she said as she jumped on him, but like in a cartoon, she bumped into an invisible wall.

"Don't come near me, you're soaked in sweat."

"Don't say it like it's a bad thing, you're already used to my sweat," the girl complained, pouting.

"These are different occasions," the young man replied.

"Don't be stingy," the girl said as she advanced again.

But this time, as if circumventing an invisible wall, the girl did a graceful spin, which I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her bouncing hills in the air.

"You're not getting away now."

The girl opened her arms as she went towards the young man, but his hand immediately grabbed her face and lifted her, leaving her unable to touch the ground with her feet.

"I said no, are you deaf? You damn busty cow."

Unable to say a word and just making incomprehensible sounds, the girl grabbed the young man's arm with both hands, but he still didn't release her face. Perhaps because he was squeezing too hard and she couldn't breathe, her white face was turning red.

I swallowed nervously. Is he going to kill her?!

As I was getting even more nervous, I saw her tongue licking the young man's hand between her fingers. As a reflexive movement, he immediately let her go, but instead of the girl falling to the ground, her hands continued to hold onto the young man's arm tightly. To my surprise, her tongue continued to intensely probe the young man's hand while her breathing was heavy.

"Let me go," the young man said as he shook his hand, but the girl just ignored him and ran her tongue between his fingers.

With a vein swelling in his forehead, the young man looked furious.

Before I could understand what was happening, all I saw was a blur hitting the girl's head.


With a shock wave accompanied by a slight earthquake, I couldn't help but fall on my butt on the ground.

What happened?!

Due to the circumstances, I couldn't afford to stay on the ground and quickly got up.

Shit! What the hell was that?!

As I tried to identify what happened, I saw the girl on her knees on the ground with both hands on her own head. To my surprise, below her, what was once flat ground now had a small crater a few centimeters deep.

T-that ground-shaking blow was on her head?!

"A-Are you okay?" I asked unconsciously.

"That's none of your business," the young man directed his cold gaze at me as if nothing had happened.

He seemed about to say something else, but before he opened his mouth again, the girl with a completely flushed face grabbed onto his legs.

"Master, please punish me more, I'm a naughty big-titted pig who deserves to be punished," she said exasperatedly.

Even if for a brief moment, the girl's words broke the impassive face of the young man.

"Did your brain go down to your boobs?"

After a punch like that, I wouldn't doubt it...

"Have a little self-control, you damn cow!" the young man shouted.

"That's right, master, I'm your filthy pig."

"Don't try to put words in my mouth!" the young man shouted.

"That's just the truth, mastann~~, I'm your dirty pig."

Her eyes seemed to burn with desire as she began to climb up his legs.

"Let go of me, you idiotic pervert," the young man said as he tried to get rid of her by putting his foot against her face.

But contrary to expectations, this seemed to have made the girl even more excited.

"Yes, mastann~~, punish me more, I'm a perverted pig that needs to be disciplined."

"Let go of me, or I'll rip your arms off!"

"Your words of love are touching, mastan~ I love you too!"

Despite the foot in her face, the girl continued to climb firmly up the young man's legs.

"Stop it, you idiotic cow!" the young man said as he held both of her horns with his hands, stopping her advance.


"I said stop, you filthy cow!!"


Despite the insults, the girl seemed increasingly motivated.

What exactly is happening here?!