
Victor Slivertounge

Two men wearing long purple robes and black hoods walked into a large ancient building. The building they passed though had many different rooms. Each room had a different symbol over the top of the door. The two men stopped when they reached the room with a symbol of a Ravens head, which was the symbol for library. As the two men entered the room they passed shelf after shelf of ancient, yellowing, dusty books, passing many older men reading ancient texts. As the two men walked to the very back of the library the floor became very unstable. It could very well break underneath them. The two men looked around and saw that there are many books that were stacked in tall stacks all around them. They followed these stacks until they reached a large old oak bookshelf that was in the back of the library. As they walked towards the bookshelf the floor became very creaky and unstable. The two men reached the bookshelf and the floorboards were breaking apart and one of the men looked down and saw splintering wood falling into a dark vortex of green and purple lightening.

The two men took their hoods off to reveal that one was an older man with bags under his eyes suggesting that he had not slept in a while. The older man's hair was white and silvery. He also held a staff and had a golden ring on his right finger. The man standing next to him was a younger man who is about 19 and had long silver hair. The older man was Brereck, the younger man's name was Victor Silvertounge.

" Father I must go now, this is my destiny. You and I both know this to be true for it has been foretold at my birth. I've seen it myself and I cannot stop Fate" Victor said as he hugged his father and then pick up a book from the shelf. Victor opened the ancient book and turned to the middle section and looked at the center paragraph, as Victor did this he said a magical phrase. Once Victor completed the Magical phrase he flung the book to the floor causing a beam of bright purple light cracked from the book. Victor watched in awe as the beam of light swirled around them.

Enormous wind picked up all the books around them causing dark purple and blue lighting as well as massive winds. They grew stronger throwing the books high into the air swirling and twisting, causing a massive vortex of dark purple lighting. Victor looked around as the lighting cracked and flashed causing the books to catch fire, transformed into a huge funnel of wind and a vortex of books. He could see in the vortex glimpses of different realities tearing a rip in the fabric of space and time. Brereck and Victor stood in the middle of this intense vortex as it soon became so strong that it destroyed everything expect for the platform that they were standing on. In the center of the vortex all of the lightning condensed together into a large pulsing orb of cosmic energy.

Victor touched the orb, as he did there was a crack of lightning from inside the orb. The orb burst open emitting a cosmic wave that broke open creating a dark green portal. They had created A swirling vortex into another world. Brereck put his hands on Victor before there was about to leave into the swirling vortex Brereck said trying to choke back tears. "You are right, but I cannot say that I am glad that this day has come. I would go myself as possible. But I cannot because this is your destiny that you must fulfill yourself." That saddened from the father for I have known about this prophecy my whole life I am ready to fulfill it. I am ready for any task and for this I thank you. So now I must go father." Victor Silvertounge stood just as he was about to walk through the swirling vortex but Brereck the his hand on Victors shoulder and said "I accept your sacrifice and your task now go with my love." Victor picked up his bag, his staff, buckled his sword around his waist left without any backward glance as he walked to the swirling vortex. Once he did everything return to normal.