
The Chosen One of the Ancients with a Game System

In an ordinary day, the life of the main character was turned upside down. He was ripped away from his familiar world and thrust into an unknown parallel world. In this world, there looms a threat of monsters invading through interdimensional gates. But in exchange for this unexpected turn of events, the hero gains an extraordinary ability—a game system with all the skills from his favorite game. In this new world, where the rules are initially unclear, the hero must survive and utilize the advantages of this game system to overcome the monsters that threaten to destroy the parallel world. His journey becomes a tale of transformation from an ordinary person into something greater, a being capable of altering the course of events. As the main character delves deeper into the world of gaming abilities and the struggle for survival, questions about the fate of his native world start to stir in his heart. What has become of the world he left behind? How can he balance protecting the new world with seeking answers about the fate of his home?

Seidakhmet_Issayev · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 7. Is It That Little?

When I asked Ever about the points I received from the white and black, I hoped to hear an amount that would cover my future purchases for at least a few Level 7 or 8 abilities, but no. There were simply not enough of them. O.C.H.E.N.M.A.L.O.

"Based on the amount of energy received from the third parties, you have obtained 900 energy points from the first and 1100 points from the second. Additionally, you have access to a weekly lottery where you can get a one-hour ability for free," Ever said.

"Is this what the Light was talking about?" I asked.

"Yes, but there are different types of lotteries, ranging from any ability for one hour to abilities that are permanently granted," she replied.

"And is this also paid?" I inquired.

"Of course. However, there are also rewards for completing tasks or exchanges. You can have a chance to use the lottery with a random prize," Ever answered.

"Okay. Is that all I can expect?" I asked.

"Yes, at the moment, the main functions of the system have been mentioned," she said.

"Then do I have something like a status where I can see my own characteristics?" I asked her.

"Of course. In your status, you will have access to the system's store called 'Arcanium,' the exchange platform called 'Exchange Market,' and the lottery system called 'Sphere of Fortuitous Events'," Ever said.

"Wait. Could you tell me more about them?" I asked.

"Here is detailed information," she said, listing the descriptions.

"The system's store, Arcanium, is a place where the host can acquire new abilities, enhance characteristics, and acquire Experience for abilities.

"The lottery system, Sphere of Fortuitous Events, is a place where the host can try their luck and obtain rare or powerful abilities, characteristics, experience, and more.

"The exchange platform, Exchange Market, is a place where the host can directly exchange items for Energy Cores, experience, or characteristics."

"So, I have access to these three functions in my status?" I asked.

"Yes, by clicking on any of these functions in your status, you will open the store, lottery, or exchange," she replied.

"Can I make a purchase now?" I asked.

"Yes, if the host desires, you can purchase abilities, characteristics, and even participate in lottery games," she said.

"Got it. But for now, it's not necessary," I said, adding, "Tell me more about monsters, portals, and dungeons. Can you even tell me about this dungeon? Is there anything here that I could exchange for those points?"

"Yes, of course. In this particular portal, there are crystals and an engraved ability that is equivalent in power to Level 8 abilities in the system. If you obtain it, you can exchange it for system points equivalent to the cost of a Level 5 ability," she said.

"You cannot use abilities obtained in this world. So, albeit reluctantly, I am ready to take this ability and exchange it for 5th category ability points," she said.

"What about the crystals then?" I asked her gloomily. Why gloomily, you might ask. Because anyone would be offended by such an "exchange." As far as I remember, an 8th category ability cost 10,000 energy points, and they would give me only 1,000. Is that fair, I ask? But there's nowhere else to go, so I asked about the crystals.

"The crystals found in this place can be collected by the system automatically. The cost of collecting the crystals amounts to 20% of their value. The total amount of crystals here is equal to 1,600 primary energy points, and with the cost of automatic collection, you will receive 1,280 points. Are you in agreement?" she asked in a friendly voice.

"Yes... I agree," I said with a heavy heart. After all, with those 320 points, I could buy three 3rd category abilities and even have enough left for two 1st category abilities.

After my words, a beam of light spread throughout the cave, reminiscent of the one emitted by the white figure. When the light disappeared, the glowing stalactites no longer remained. The cave seemed ordinary, except for the drawing I found in the middle of the path. I believe this is the very ability I can obtain here. Therefore, without much thought, I approached it, marveling at how incredible the system, or rather Ever, was.

Approaching the drawing that had lured me before, I turned to Ever with a question.

"Well, how do I obtain it? Or will you take the ability just like the crystals?" I asked her.

"I could take it, just like the crystals, but then there would also be a collection fee," she said.

"Is it also 20% like the crystals?" I asked her, trying to make a joke through the force.

"No, the collection fee for abilities ranges from 10% to 80%, depending on the category of the ability. Would you like me to write a detailed cost list?" Ever asked.

"Yes, I want to see," I said.

"Please note that the commission depends on the category of the ability and is as follows:

Category of abilities (level 1): 10% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 2): 15% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 3): 20% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 4): 25% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 5): 30% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 6): 35% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 7): 40% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 8): 45% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 9): 50% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 10): 60% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 11): 70% of the ability's value.

Category of abilities (level 12): 80% of the ability's value.

The commission is part of the ability collection process and serves to support and develop the system.

So, you're improving yourself using the commission from exchanges and collections?" I asked her.

"To facilitate the system's user in leveling up, a commission was added to certain system functions. As mentioned before, the points obtained by the system are used to support and develop the system itself," she replied.

Thinking about it in this light, it turns out to be beneficial for me as well. Even though it's slow, the system will improve without my additional intervention. Thinking that way, I told her, making it easier to come to terms with it.

"Alright, I agree with your exchange rate, as long as the difference in ability value goes towards your improvement," I said.

"Are you referring to the collection commission for abilities?" she asked.

"No, I'm talking about the 9,000-point difference between the 5th and 8th categories," I said.

"I will acquire it as a level 6 ability. There isn't that much difference in points," Ever said.

"Really? But even so, that's 1,000 points. They will go towards system improvement, right?" I asked.

"Yes, the difference will be used to maintain and enhance the system," she replied.

"How do I obtain this ability?" I asked her.

"Extend your hand and imagine the ability being absorbed by your hand," she answered.

"- Are you kidding? How am I supposed to imagine that?!" I would have shouted, but I decided to remain silent.

I approached the drawing and extended my hand towards it. The whole process went slowly as I tried to be as cautious as possible. After all, I was doing this for the first time.

And then my hand touched the drawing. I expected some kind of effects or at least unusual sensations. But in the end, it felt just like touching a wall, with no warmth or anything else. So, I started imagining how the drawing was absorbed or immersed into my hand.

I don't know how long I stood there, but after a while, Ever's voice woke me up.

"The ability has been absorbed," she said enthusiastically.

As if awakening from a trance, I suddenly opened my eyes and looked at my hand and the wall where the drawing was. As expected, it had disappeared.