
The Chosen One of the Ancients with a Game System

In an ordinary day, the life of the main character was turned upside down. He was ripped away from his familiar world and thrust into an unknown parallel world. In this world, there looms a threat of monsters invading through interdimensional gates. But in exchange for this unexpected turn of events, the hero gains an extraordinary ability—a game system with all the skills from his favorite game. In this new world, where the rules are initially unclear, the hero must survive and utilize the advantages of this game system to overcome the monsters that threaten to destroy the parallel world. His journey becomes a tale of transformation from an ordinary person into something greater, a being capable of altering the course of events. As the main character delves deeper into the world of gaming abilities and the struggle for survival, questions about the fate of his native world start to stir in his heart. What has become of the world he left behind? How can he balance protecting the new world with seeking answers about the fate of his home?

Seidakhmet_Issayev · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 34. Arman

After leaving the Awakening Center and finding myself on the street, I dialed Arman's number. He was currently the only person, or rather, friend, I could trust. Our connection went beyond mere friendship; with the previous "Temir," we were like brothers. Therefore, if possible, I wanted to explore the dungeon with him, especially since he had held the awakened status of Rank B for two years.

After a few rings, his voicemail picked up, indicating that he might be busy. Understanding this, I sent him a couple of messages in the chat and leisurely headed home on foot. For some, it might seem strange that I chose to cover such a long distance on foot – just over 10 kilometers from the Center to my home. Walking at a moderate pace, I estimated I'd reach home in about an hour and a half, or at most, two hours. However, it was necessary for me. In the five days I had been in this world, I hadn't explored the city even once, except for the view from the car.

As I strolled through the city for a little over five minutes, I could confidently share my first impressions. The city resembled the one in my world – sunny, with friendly people and plenty of blooming plants. To me, it felt like they had brought the city to life, as the streets were now filled with many foreigners conversing in various languages. I welcomed this enhancement. Tourists had visited before, but not in such numbers, signifying that my city in this world had become more popular.

Regarding the buildings that filled the streets, it seemed as if the architecture combined elements of both Asian and European styles, creating a harmonious blend of different countries' styles and creativity. This ability to unite, or rather complement each other, by taking the best from various nations was one of the city's best features. It could be a result of active tourism development and expanded international connections for mutual support, aligning with my core idea.

Admiring the city, I noticed several types of portals used for travel. The first facilitated movement within the country, guarded by only a few individuals, while the second was for travel between countries, guarded not only by police but also by customs officers. Although I saw only one teleportation device, I could confidently say that such portals were set for specific destinations at the time of creation. An information panel in front of the teleportation device confirmed that it connected to a megacity in another country.

Continuing my stroll, I spotted new shops selling items crafted from materials collected in dungeons. There were also stores of global brands not present in my native world but had expanded to multiple cities in this world, thanks to improved economic conditions.

Another noteworthy aspect was the number of people freely walking the streets, forming crowds heading in different directions. As mentioned earlier, among the crowd, one could encounter many foreigners and city guests. Also present were awakened individuals from other countries engaged in lively conversations. Although I found it challenging to understand their discussions, even with my limited knowledge of English, it added to the vibrant atmosphere.

So, leisurely, I explored "my" city, significantly different from my native one. However, I couldn't say that I was displeased; quite the opposite, I even enjoyed the changes in this world. It felt like I was witnessing significant developmental leaps after the catastrophe that occurred in it. Comparing it to my city from my native world, its development lagged behind by decades, speaking volumes. I was genuinely pleased to see my hometown flourishing in this advanced world.

I wanted to continue my stroll, casually examining the streets and people, trying to find something unchanged or something new that would surprise me. However, a phone call interrupted my plans. The phone in my pocket vibrated uncontrollably, urging me to answer quickly. Retrieving the phone, I glanced at the caller ID, revealing Arman. Seeing his name, I promptly answered the call, anticipating his agreement to join me in the dungeon.

"Hello, Arman," I greeted with a smile, reflecting my current joyful and serene state.

"Yes. I'll join, Temir," he replied with a tone of concern or perhaps nervousness. His voice indicated haste and tension.

"I won't be able to dedicate the next few days to you. One of our guild teams encountered trouble," Arman informed me with a stern voice, conveying both concern and nervousness about the situation.

"Wait, Arman. Maybe I can help you and your guild? I need the experience, and besides, I owe you, remember?" I spoke, holding myself back a bit, driven by the curiosity to see how they handled such situations. Nevertheless, it was also an internal desire to assist him. After my words, he paused for a few seconds before responding.

"Are you sure? This is not a joke. Our team, which was hunting in the Rank B dungeon, encountered a boss that might be close to the A-rank dungeon level. I'm uncertain about the number of casualties or even deaths after this expedition. Therefore, I advise against risking joining me. It's better to stay safe," he cautioned with a stern tone, seemingly trying to deter any unnecessary risks.

"Trust me, I can help. Moreover, I already obtained a Rank B pass. So, wait for me. But wait, I don't know where to find you," I said after a momentary delay, realizing that I didn't know where to go.

"Heh, where were you planning to go?" he chuckled, presumably with a smile, then dictated the address of the portal leading to the dungeon.

Listening attentively, I noted the address in my memory. After expressing my gratitude, I hung up and rushed towards the portal. The encounter with Arman's guild presented a unique opportunity to gain experience and test my skills in a real battle.

Arriving at the designated location, I quickly called a taxi. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long—just about two minutes. During this short wait, I resisted the urge to overthink or contemplate the future dungeon adventure. My optimism stemmed from my past dungeon experiences, but the wait for the next weekly lottery was too long. This time, I could only rely on my striking blows and shots, or more accurately, say that these were my only attack techniques. So, in a seemingly calm yet slightly uncertain state, I headed to aid Arman.

Upon arrival, a group of people, including Arman, welcomed me. In total, there were six individuals, making it seven with me. As I approached, Arman noticed me and gestured for me to come closer. When I joined the group, I shook hands with Arman before he introduced everyone gathered here. I turned out to be the last addition to the group, and I was awaited solely because of Arman's request.

Now it's probably time to introduce the entire assembled group. Going in order:

Arman: The group's leader and tank. He wore heavy armor and carried both a shield and a sword, skillfully wielding both.

Adil: Seemingly Arman's assistant, the previous "Temir" often appeared with him. Not a tank, more likely a warrior. In terms of appearance, he looked like an ordinary 25- or 26-year-old guy. Describing him, one could say he appeared serious, with the word "reliable" fitting him well. Slightly shorter than Arman, who, if I remember correctly, was around 185 centimeters tall, Adil was only a few centimeters shorter, probably around 180 centimeters.

Adel: Her name sounded similar to Adil's. She served as the group's healer, dressed in a robe. Her attire and demeanor spoke of her role as a healer or priestess. With a height of around 160 centimeters, she exuded a soothing aura, and her chestnut-colored hair, gathered in a ponytail, added a touch of childlike charm.

Sasha: The archer, possibly skilled in magic as well. She might create magical arrows, but I would find out about it in the dungeon. Regarding her appearance, she resembled a ranger from RPG games. Clad in light armor, her red hair, also tied in a ponytail, matched that of the archer in my favorite game. Oh, I forgot to mention her height; she was very tall, almost reaching Arman's height.

Dauren: Physically resembling the ideal "tank," he gave the impression that he might be even more useful than Arman. However, it turned out he was a swordsman, specifically a warrior. Standing just under 2 meters tall, he could have been an excellent basketball or volleyball player. His muscles were significant; I believed he could kill goblins with his bare hands and, in the end, win a fistfight against the Goblin King.

Kirill: The support mage of the group. From what I understood, he created enhancing magic for the team members and also possessed offensive magic. Describing his appearance, light-colored hair was the key factor. Young and seemingly around 20 years old, he was roughly my height, a bit taller than 180 centimeters.

Myself, Temir: I briefly shared about myself. In essence, I considered myself a kind of all-rounder, proficient in both magic and physical abilities.

So, we introduced ourselves briefly to each other, or rather, I shared a brief overview of myself, while Arman, on the way to the portal, provided a concise introduction to the group members. When we approached the portal, which, as expected, was closed, Arman took out a small stone resembling a dungeon core and threw it into the portal, opening it. While others passed through the portal, I asked Arman a question.

"What was that stone you used?" I inquired.

"Oh, you don't know. It's a small shard from the dungeon core. When the dungeon core is broken, these shards remain. If someone in the group has such a shard, we can use it to open the portal. When something similar happens, the group inside the dungeon tosses their shard through the portal with a message. However, after passing through the portal, it loses its properties. But sacrifices must be made to preserve lives," Arman explained before entering the portal.

I didn't linger; I didn't know when the portal entrance would close, so I hastened to enter. As I stepped through, I found myself in a swampy area. Old dead trees surrounded me, and a new group of people were present. Though engaged in treating their injuries, Adel, who had come with us, was already healing them. Meanwhile, Arman and Adil were surveying the surroundings. Although the injured group was busy with treatment, they quickly noticed me. Their expressions conveyed confusion; apparently, they hadn't been informed of my addition to the assistance group. Deciding to introduce myself while simultaneously using my healing skill on them, I waited for their appreciative gazes. However, before I could speak, the roar of a monster reached us.