
The Chosen One of the Ancients with a Game System

In an ordinary day, the life of the main character was turned upside down. He was ripped away from his familiar world and thrust into an unknown parallel world. In this world, there looms a threat of monsters invading through interdimensional gates. But in exchange for this unexpected turn of events, the hero gains an extraordinary ability—a game system with all the skills from his favorite game. In this new world, where the rules are initially unclear, the hero must survive and utilize the advantages of this game system to overcome the monsters that threaten to destroy the parallel world. His journey becomes a tale of transformation from an ordinary person into something greater, a being capable of altering the course of events. As the main character delves deeper into the world of gaming abilities and the struggle for survival, questions about the fate of his native world start to stir in his heart. What has become of the world he left behind? How can he balance protecting the new world with seeking answers about the fate of his home?

Seidakhmet_Issayev · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 27: Homecoming

After Ever's words about the goblins no longer residing in my head, a question surfaced.

"Did you consider that child a goblin?" I asked her with an angry tone.

"He is not a resident of this world. Like other goblins, he originates from different dimensions. You're fortunate that they took him away, considering your reaction, you wouldn't have been able to kill him," she said emotionlessly.

"But he was half-human, wasn't he? He looked more like a human than a goblin," I said, waving my hands furiously.

"It doesn't matter whether he looked like a human or not. The important thing is that he's just as much a monster as the goblins you've killed," she replied.

"For heaven's sake..." I muttered.

"Would you like to proceed with automatic loot collection?" she asked.

"Proceed," I said slowly, sitting on a stump.

After my words, a light emanated from me, filling the space around me. A few seconds later, the space seemed to empty. Numerous goblin bodies, their weapons, and various scattered ingredients disappeared. Only the buildings and debris that gave this place an abandoned look remained.

"I've collected all the items that can be exchanged for points. After deducting the commission, you will be credited with 15,725 points. 5,000 points will be deducted for using the 'Thunderous Symphony' ability," Ever suddenly explained.

"Wait a minute. Why am I losing so many points for using an ability? This is the first time I've heard that I'd have to pay points for using an ability," I said in dismay.

"Allow me to use a phrase popular in all worlds: 'There's no such thing as a free lunch,'" she replied.

"How many points do I have in total now?" I asked, hoping to hear a larger sum.

"You have a total of 12,520 points," she replied.

"Well, that's better. So, how much does it cost to buy characteristics from you? Oh, and I almost forgot, how much will it cost to upgrade the system to the next level?" I inquired.

"You can purchase the first 10 characteristic points for 5,000 points, and the next 10 characteristic points will cost you 1,000 points more. Upgrading to the third level of the shop will cost you 10,000 points," she informed me.

"So, if I understand correctly, if I want to upgrade the system, I'll have to spend 10,000 points, and I can only buy 2 level 5 abilities?!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"You can purchase abilities from levels 1 to 4 without upgrading the system," she said.

"Thanks for the reminder, but you're not kidding. Give me a moment to think about what to do with the points," I said.

"If I upgrade the system and take a long-range combat ability, I'll be able to deal with monsters like the Goblin King more easily. But if I improve my strength and agility characteristics, I'll be better equipped for close combat. After all, only 11,000 points will be needed for 20 characteristics, which I can earn later. It's probably better to..."

"Name me an ability no higher than a 5th category. It should quickly regenerate, deal critical damage, and, most importantly, be long-range," I said.

"At the moment, the system has three such abilities. The 'Silent Shot' ability allows you to make a silent shot from any weapon, and it doubles the user's damage. The next ability is 'Shadow Shot.' As long as the user can see the target, they can shoot into the shadows, and the bullet will strike the enemy from its shadow. The last ability is 'Piercing Shot,' which works like 'Piercing Strike,' filling your attack with increased damage," she replied.

"Isn't it a concern that each of these abilities uses bullets?" I asked.

"You can choose the 'Sharpshooter' ability, which creates a bullet in front of you. It will fly from you at the speed of a pistol shot, approximately 300 meters per second. One such bullet will cost you 5 mana, and its damage will be equal to the sum of your characteristics, such as agility and strength," she replied.

To start, tell me the cost of all the available abilities, - I stated with a serious tone.

"Silent Shot" - 1,000 points. "Shadow Shot" - 500 points. "Piercing Shot" - 1,000 points. "Sharpshooter" - 500 points, - she replied.

Then upgrade the system to the 3rd level. With the remaining points, I want "Shadow Shot," "Piercing Shot," and "Sharpshooter," - I announced.

Deducting 10,000 points for the upgrade. You now have access to the 3rd level shop. Deducting 2,500 points for the 3 abilities. You have 20 points left, - she swiftly stated.

At least I'm not at zero. Can I summon a bullet now? - I asked her.

You can create it, - she said with a sarcastic tone.

It doesn't matter whether I summon it or create it; can I do it at all? - I inquired.

Just imagine it, perhaps in front of your finger, - she suggested.

I extended my hand, mimicking a childhood gesture of holding a pretend pistol. Closing my eyes, I envisioned a bullet hovering right in front of my finger. As mana drained from my body, I opened my eyes and saw the bullet floating near my index finger. It slowly revolved around its axis, emanating a beautiful glimmer. The bullet emitted a radiant aura-like light from itself.

In the distance, amid the ruins and debris, I could discern the vacant Goblin King's throne. It now resembled an artifact of past times, solitary and abandoned. Its existence alone spoke of the former glory of the Goblin King.

Resolved, I aimed the bullet towards the empty goblin throne. The bullet shot forth at great speed, creating a small vortex around it as it flew. Upon striking the throne, it left a hole the size of a fist, possibly enough to kill an ordinary goblin.

Now, I faced the question of how to combine two abilities.

"After creating the bullet, imagine the 'Piercing Shot' or 'Shadow Shot' ability," she answered my unspoken question.

"Understood. Thank you, Ever," I said, creating a new bullet.

The bullet circled in front of me. All that remained was to envision it imbued with the 'Piercing Shot,' similar to how I had done with the 'Piercing Strike.' The color emitted by the bullet shifted from pale blue to crimson. The more mana I infused into the ability, the more intense the red hue became. Using the maximum allowable amount of mana, I released the bullet towards the goblin throne.

A crack sounded, followed by splinters scattering in all directions. The location where the throne once stood was now deserted. I was confident that I could deal with it only with such bullets, leaving no trace of the throne or the goblin king's remains.

But now, it was too late to dwell on it. I was more concerned about the fate of the half-breed. Unfortunately, no evidence remained. I needed to return to the portal's exit.

"Where's the return stone that should have appeared?" I asked Ever.

"The return stone didn't appear; instead, a dimension core appeared. You can freely enter this place in the future and also close the passage to this dungeon for outsiders," she replied.

"Wait, does that mean I'm the owner of this place now?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, you can consider yourself the owner of this dungeon," she answered.

"So, I can leave everything as it is, and people will continue coming here to kill goblins?" I asked her.

"Yes, as long as the core exists, this dungeon will continue to spawn goblins, and people will continue to hunt them down here," she said.

"So, now no one will be surprised by this core?" I said disheartenedly.

"As far as I know from the memories of the previous owner of this body, such cores are in the hands of guild leaders. They use these portals for enrichment and training new fighters," she replied.

"I see, so it will come in handy in the future if I decide to create a guild. Alright, we've sorted that out. How do I exit?" I asked.

"Imagine the exit using the core," she replied concisely.

"Well, let's go," I said, picturing the exit.

At the exit of the cave, as I had anticipated, I was met by Arman. He greeted me warmly and said, "Do you realize how many days have passed? What took you so long?" he asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait, days? I thought I spent only a few hours in there," I said, bewildered.