
The Chosen One of the Ancients with a Game System

In an ordinary day, the life of the main character was turned upside down. He was ripped away from his familiar world and thrust into an unknown parallel world. In this world, there looms a threat of monsters invading through interdimensional gates. But in exchange for this unexpected turn of events, the hero gains an extraordinary ability—a game system with all the skills from his favorite game. In this new world, where the rules are initially unclear, the hero must survive and utilize the advantages of this game system to overcome the monsters that threaten to destroy the parallel world. His journey becomes a tale of transformation from an ordinary person into something greater, a being capable of altering the course of events. As the main character delves deeper into the world of gaming abilities and the struggle for survival, questions about the fate of his native world start to stir in his heart. What has become of the world he left behind? How can he balance protecting the new world with seeking answers about the fate of his home?

Seidakhmet_Issayev · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 14. Envy and Family

I looked at her, at the girl who loves him, not me... Can I pretend to be them? Or say that I forgot about her? But what if...

"Maybe you should pretend that you've forgotten everyone?" Ever finally asked.

"You said it's my decision to make. But thank you for the advice. I think it's better than trying to pretend," I replied to her.

"I only told you because you have little time to decide," she explained.

"Oh..." I uttered and realized that everyone was looking at me.

I was surrounded by nearly a dozen people, if not more. Some sat nearby, observing the whole scene. The doctor and the healer, parents, the girl, best friend, and acquaintances - that's the whole list of those surrounding me.

Emotions were different among them. From concern to almost indifference. The closer someone was to me, the more they worried, but the farther away, the more indifference was evident.

To the farthest ones from me, it seemed like fear or something similar. When I understood this, Ever told me, "They abandoned the previous owner of this body in that dimension. Although it's more accurate to say that they left at his request," she said.

"At his request?" I asked her.

"He decided to divert all the monsters' attention to himself, even though they were originally after him," she said with a touch of pity in her tone.

"Then they're not at fault if it was his decision," I said.

"Perhaps, but it's not for you or me to decide," she said.

"Then who will decide?" I asked her.

"The Association of the Awakened," she replied and added, "Your parents are approaching, I think you should respond to them." After her words, I instinctively turned to them.

"How are you, son?" both mother and father of the other me addressed me in unison.

"Yes, Temir, how are you? Is anything hurting?" Aynagul asked me with the same concern as the parents did.

"I... Who am I?" I asked.

"Son, don't you remember us?! I'm your mother, and this is your father," my mother said, concerned, almost shouting, pointing at the people around me. She even introduced Aynagul to me as my girlfriend.

Her face showed what she was going through. I had seen such a face only when news about my younger brother, who is several years younger than me, came.

By the way, my mother, or rather, the mother of the other Temir in this world, looks almost the same as my own mother. As many may have already figured out, she is a middle-aged woman, attractive, and energetic. Though now, there was worry and nervousness on her face, she tried to stay strong and composed.

Her hair, like many of us, is black, slightly curly, but neatly styled. Her eyes, like mine, are brown. Most likely, under normal circumstances, her eyes reflected care and determination, which my mother, or rather, the mother from my world, usually had.

My father, on the other hand, is a middle-aged man, like my mother, tall and athletic. Like many, he has short black hair with a straight fringe and a thick, well-groomed beard, which gives him a stern and confident appearance.

Despite his stern look, concern was evident in his eyes, just like in my mother's. If this were my world, I might even rejoice in that.

Speaking of their names, my mother is called Aizhan, and my father is Erlan.

Love, concern... What else can I see from them today? In my world, they only showed these emotions to my brother. Perhaps, he's simply not here, so they care so much about me.

Should I talk about how Aynagul and the other friends of this body reacted? It was clear that it shocked them, especially her, Aynagul. I think she's on the verge of tears. Should I comfort her, or is it better to remain indifferent?

As for the one who helped me get here, Arman, his appearance left much to be desired. As if he got hit by a car, he stood with a pale face. Although, I might understand him. Considering that he's been friends with the other me for a long time, his concern and worry for him would be substantial.

Well, I think it's time to lighten the mood; otherwise, the doctor and the healer will start crying from this whole situation.

"I don't feel bad, can I get up?" I asked, addressing the duo of the doctor and the healer.

"Yes, of course, just wait a second, I need to check something again," the healer replied, placing his shimmering hand on my forehead.

After 2-3 seconds, the shimmering from his hand disappeared, and he addressed us.

"He doesn't have any head injuries. I think I was right about the ability. Perhaps, it's just a side effect that will pass through time," he said thoughtfully but with a hint of joy.

"Are you sure?" my parents, Aynanul, and Arman asked in unison.

"I think so. It's the first time I've seen this in my practice, but other healers have encountered memory lapses after gaining abilities above B-rank," he replied.

"Then I'll hope for that," my father said, while the others sighed in relief.

I decided to confirm his theory with words:

"I can't say for sure that I remember you, but you resemble my parents, and if he's right, then my memory will return soon," I said with a touch of uncertainty for added effect.

"Of course, you'll remember everything. How can you forget us, my son?" my mother said with joy.

As if to affirm her words, I squeezed her hand and simultaneously made the same gesture for Aynagul. I think it's best to delay parting with her for now.

And since they pronounced me healthy, we headed home, if I can call it that.

As for those who traveled with us, it was my parents and Arman with Aynagul, while the others decided not to come. Perhaps, the real Temir had not interacted much with them, especially with those who left him in that dimension. I think they have had enough of what he went through, and the rest won't matter until the trial in the Association of Awakened. Should I somehow help them? I pondered, surveying the landscapes of my native city.

Perhaps, someone might be interested in knowing which city this is? The answer is simple. It's Shymkent.

Shymkent is a green city, surrounded by numerous parks and well-kept squares, creating a soothing atmosphere. Its streets run along green areas, and in the evening, as the sun sets on the horizon, the sky is painted with bright shades of orange and pink, creating a magical spectacle. Monuments and fountains adorn the city, giving it a special charm and uniqueness.

People in the city greet every moment of life with laughter and joy. Their unhurried pace creates an atmosphere of tranquility and harmony. Among the ordinary city residents, one can encounter several astonishing personalities - the Awakened, dressed in armor and unique clothing adorned with guild symbols, adding mystery and intrigue to Shymkent. These Awakened possess abilities reminiscent of characters from anime or manga and captivate the gaze of passersby.

Occasionally, portals appear on the streets, created according to designs from higher-ranked dimensions, connecting different cities and countries, making travel between them convenient and exciting. These portals appeared not long ago, just a little over a year ago, and have become a familiar element of the urban environment.

Shymkent has changed with the appearance of the Awakened and portals, and now the world of fantasy has become part of everyday reality for its residents. However, despite all the changes, the city remains a familiar and attractive place for its inhabitants.

As far as I understood Ever's explanation correctly, these portals appeared not long ago, just a little over a year ago. They were created according to designs from higher-ranked dimensions. Building one such portal requires a huge amount of materials and resources, with a cost of several billion dollars. Additionally, there's a percentage to pay for the use to those who mined this design. Nevertheless, it's still more convenient than spending time on flights or train rides.

It's impossible to convey all my feelings in words during the trip. My hometown, Shymkent, has changed, and new elements have emerged in the world that are now considered normal. All of this evokes mixed emotions in me, but no matter what, Shymkent remains my hometown.

So, that's how we arrived at the place I will call home.