
The Chosen One of the Ancients with a Game System

In an ordinary day, the life of the main character was turned upside down. He was ripped away from his familiar world and thrust into an unknown parallel world. In this world, there looms a threat of monsters invading through interdimensional gates. But in exchange for this unexpected turn of events, the hero gains an extraordinary ability—a game system with all the skills from his favorite game. In this new world, where the rules are initially unclear, the hero must survive and utilize the advantages of this game system to overcome the monsters that threaten to destroy the parallel world. His journey becomes a tale of transformation from an ordinary person into something greater, a being capable of altering the course of events. As the main character delves deeper into the world of gaming abilities and the struggle for survival, questions about the fate of his native world start to stir in his heart. What has become of the world he left behind? How can he balance protecting the new world with seeking answers about the fate of his home?

Seidakhmet_Issayev · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Chapter 10. Ability Shop

Ever showed me an example of how to use the ability I obtained from the weekly lottery. The power of the ability was as expected for someone at the 11th level, but it was a pity that I could only use it twice.

"Thank you for the example," I said, and then added, "Now it's time to visit the store."

"You will be able to access it after leaving the lottery slot," she said.

I glanced over the lottery page and pressed the "Back" button. It felt like I was really in a game menu. After pressing the button, I found myself in the status window, where I immediately clicked on the shop button.

Upon clicking the button, a page appeared before me with various windows and descriptions of ability categories that Ever had shown me before.

Ability Shop:

1st Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 1st category: the weakest passive abilities and basic auras that provide small bonuses.

Abilities in the 2nd category: more complex passive abilities that enhance the wearer's attack or defense, and additional auras and buffs for allies.

Abilities in the 3rd category: active abilities with a small range of action, such as dealing damage or applying debuffs to opponents, and active abilities of items with low cost and simple usage.

2nd Level of the Shop.

Abilities in the 4th category: medium difficulty abilities that require precise positioning or timing, as well as more complex active abilities of items with effects on target areas.

3rd Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 5th category: complex active abilities that require combos or multiple perceptions, and more powerful active abilities of items with effects on a wide area.

4th Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 6th category: abilities with a high level of complexity that require precise timing and coordination with the team, as well as powerful active abilities of items that have a global impact.

5th Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 7th category: abilities with a high level of complexity and potential, such as complex skill combinations or abilities that have a powerful influence on the situation.

6th Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 8th category: abilities with a high level of complexity and potential, such as abilities that alter the rules of the world, and unique active abilities of items with special effects.

7th Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 9th category: abilities with unique mechanics and complexity, including abilities that change the form or abilities of the wearer, and epic active abilities of items capable of turning the tide of events.

8th Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 10th category: abilities with extremely high complexity, such as complex combos or abilities that alter the rules of the world, and unique active abilities of items capable of overturning the situation.

9th Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 11th category: abilities with unique mechanics and complexity, including abilities that influence the environment or abilities that alter the outcome of battles, as well as auras and buffs that have a global impact on the team.

10th Level of the Shop:

Abilities in the 12th category: abilities with unique and complex effects that affect the rules of the game or the course of events, as well as legendary active abilities of items that change the rules of the world.

It could be said that I was reintroduced to the categories of abilities. However, it's even better because now I can know what to expect without having to enter those slots, especially at the 1st level of the shop. After thinking for a moment, I remembered something and immediately turned to Ever.

"As far as I remember," I said, slightly embarrassed, "you mentioned that I would need to raise your level to gain the ability to purchase 4th category abilities, but here it says that I need the 2nd level of the shop. So, does that mean you are the shop?"

"The level of the shop directly depends on the system level, just like other functions available to you. I can't say that I am directly part of the shop, but it can be said that the shop is part of me, along with other system functions," she replied calmly, but for some reason, her response seemed to carry a hint of offense. So, I quickly added, "I didn't mean to offend you," trying to justify myself. "I was just curious."

"I can't be offended," she replied briefly.

Realizing that I couldn't change the current situation, I decided to change the topic of conversation.

"I wanted to ask, um... what abilities did the previous body owner have?" I asked, stuttering slightly and reluctantly, with a hint of fear or disapproval at the fact that I had inhabited a familiar yet foreign body.

"The previous body owner had only three abilities, mostly passive ones," she replied.

"And... what were they?" I ventured to clarify, continuing to stumble over my words.

"His first ability granted him a chance of passive evasion. The second ability was related to acceleration. The third ability functions as a critical strike, randomly activated when the possessor of the ability hits the opponent's weak spots," she answered.

Alright. So, it turns out he had three abilities, two passive ones and one active ability related to acceleration. I need abilities that will either work in a similar way or closely resemble them, otherwise the people familiar with him will realize that something is off.

"Can you help me with finding abilities?" I asked her.

Since the moment I asked the question, it had already been more than 5 seconds, maybe even 10, but I didn't receive an answer. I was starting to think that her silence meant no, and I felt disappointed. However, she replied, "I apologize for the wait. I checked my permissions and realized that I can assist you in finding the abilities you need."

I hadn't even had the chance to express my joy when she added, "Currently, there are already 1246 abilities in the system."

"Wait. How... 1240... 1246 abilities?" I exclaimed in astonishment.

"As you mentioned yourself, the basis of the abilities you possess was taken from the game, and there were definitely fewer abilities there," I added, bewildered.

"As I said before, the abilities were only taken as a basis, and then I myself created them using the resources of this world. As the system continues to evolve, new abilities are constantly being created. Perhaps someday the number of abilities will exceed even one million," she said, sounding somewhat proud.

"So, in the future, there might be abilities that surpass those that existed in the game?" I cautiously asked.

"It would be more accurate to say that there are already abilities stronger than the original ones," she replied, with the same tone of pride.

After her words, my jaw involuntarily dropped, and my eyes widened to an astonishing size. Perhaps someone would say that my eyes were now like two big circles, taking up my entire face. I believe that one could even see the fire that ignited within me in them. After all, in a normal situation, I would be limited to the number of abilities equal to those in the game, but now, I could say that I had limitless potential.

Perhaps due to my astonishment from the information she had given me, she seemed to be waiting for me to snap out of it before speaking again.

"The system's shop has abilities that can replace the ones used by the previous body owner," she said, and a list with information appeared before me.

Ability: "Destroyer's Mark" (Critical Strike): Ability Category: Level 4 Ability: "Whirlwind Dance" (Wind Path): Ability Category: Level 3 Ability: "Limit Camouflage" Ability Category: Level 2

After reading the list, I furrowed my brow deeply and said to her, "Wait, I won't be able to buy a Level 4 ability, it's only available at the 2nd level of the shop."

"This is the closest alternative," she said, and then added, "Would you like to see the alternative?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed, almost shouting.