
The Chosen's Odyssey

concentrating on IRL commitments and can’t find the time to update regularly, so I’m taking a short break to sort everything out. ————— In a world that had endured a galactic war lasting centuries, a young boy takes an entrance exam for one of the most prestigious sects. He possesses an otherworldly handsome face and a charming smile that could captivate even Immortals and Deities alike. With secrets that many would give anything for, he embarks on the challenging journey of cultivation, filled with successes and setbacks, highs and lows, and plenty of action in between. Join him as he conquers the thrilling and erratic world of cultivation. ------ This is a novel I'm creating in my free time as a hobby so any advice or criticism is always welcome. ;) I try to upload 4-5 times a week depending on irl commitments. ----- Cover art not mine if you are the artist contact me and I will take it down.

Unorthadox01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
222 Chs

Trust me

Walking through a dimly lit hallway with a high ceiling decorated with framed paintings that hung on the walls.

Vasari noticed most of the paintings were what looked like family portraits. There were 4 males and 3 females, and every single person in this family was extremely good-looking, to the point that even he had to admit that in terms of pure looks alone, Witney could not compete.

Vasari watched as the person he was first-person spectating pushed open a fancy double door that lead to a spacious hall.

In this hall stood 3 figures standing next to each other. These figures were all over 2m tall and had muscular builds giving off a fierce aura of someone who has had their fair share of life-or-death battles.

Vasari noticed these 3 men looked like those in the family portraits he saw in the hallway.

"Father, brothers…you requested my presence?"

The person standing in the middle of the three stood forward and placed his hand on 'Vasari's' shoulder with a genuine smile. The man was 225cm tall with black hair cut short and evenly. He sported a strong, thick beard, and his facial features were masculine and hunky. The man wore golden cuirass armour with gold leg greaves and held a golden Corinthian helmet in his other hand.

"My son it's good to see you again. It's been a while hasn't it?"

"Yes Father, it has. Mother has been worried about you."

"Haha, your mother is always worried. How are your sisters? Are they well too?"

"Yes Father, elder sisters have been in closed doors to cultivate while you were away, but Mother said they are close to a breakthrough."

The older man smiled with contentment and lifts his hand from 'Vasari's shoulder.

"My son, the reason we have returned early is to discuss the topic of who you have decided to be your wife. It's an important topic that needs to be urgently discussed, your wife will be the next Empress after all."

The 2 men standing slightly behind the father, frowned in dissatisfaction after hearing what their father said, but they quickly hid it, returning to their uninterested facade.

The father noticed their change in expressions but ignored it and continued looking at his pride and joy, the greatest achievement of his life, his youngest child. He stared at his son's eyes that gave even he, an almighty cultivator that could destroy planets if he didn't like how the gravity felt, the feeling of helplessness and reverence.

"Father, I thought we already agreed that I would marry the princess of the Imperial Dragon clan. Has something changed?"

"Son, although the Imperial Dragon Clan is powerful and the rulers of our galactic region, there are plenty of other galactic regions with ruling clans that would start wars to get their daughters even a chance to become a mere concubine for you. After all…you are the chosen one."

Vasari's mind reeled in shock when the father's words sunk in. Was he viewing the vision of the legendary chosen one? The person who was revered by many and feared by all.

The chosen one and his army were said to be the sole reason for the death of billions of cultivators and were only defeated after the entire galactic region and those from neighbouring regions decided to join hands.

"Father but I have already promised to wed the Dragon Princess and I think she has already set her heart on me. It would be disrespectful and cowardly to back out now."

The father sighed and shook his head. If there was one thing he would change about his precious son was that he was too prideful. He had all the qualities of an amazing leader except one thing. He was not cunning in the slightest. It was the one quality he lacked that his two older brothers excelled in.

"Son, the Imperial Dragon Clan is threatened by your existence and wants to eliminate you, but they can't because of your mother and me. I'm just worried that this Dragon Princess is deceiving you into thinking she loves you."

The father watched his son's brows furrow in contemplation and his eyes shone with almost blinding brilliance.

"Father might be right, there is a slight possibility that she is manipulating me, but I can easily find out her true intentions when we meet again."

Behind the father, the 2 older brothers trembled in fear when they felt their youngest brothers' eyes start to leak an ancient aura that suppressed their cultivations entirely, making them unable to move a muscle. They watched how their younger brother held out his right hand and a pink pill started shimmering into existence.

10 seconds later 'The Chosen One' held a pink pill with tiny runes engraved on the surface in his hand.

"This pill is called 'Candours plea of innocence'. It's a pill that will make whoever digests it unable to lie for a month. I will secretly give it to the Dragon Princess when we meet again and find out if I'm being lied to."



'Where am I? Is the dream already over? What about the rest?'

Vasari woke up with his eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed with confusion. He tried to recall what had all happened in the last dream he had but was unable to remember anything except for being in the body of someone else.

'Forget about it. If I don't remember then it's probably not important.' He consoled himself while getting out of bed.

"Oh I feel lighter yet stronger and my body feels more flexible and robust than before too." He stretched his muscles and popped his bones to freshen up his body after not moving for a long time.


"Vasari you're finally awake!!"

Witney kicked the door open and rushed into the room when her wifey instincts kicked in indicating Vasari had awoken.

"Woah! Did you grow taller? And you managed to get even more handsome…" Dazedly staring at Vasari's improved body, Witney's female hormones flared, making her face flush pink and her body heat up.

Her desires were so strong that Vasari could smell it in the air. He chuckled and pointed at the door, "At least close and lock the door first."

Witney nodded and quickly locked the door before jumping into his arms and drowned him in kisses.

For the next 2 hours, the two stayed locked up in their room constantly exchanging their Yin and Yang with each other.

"So how long was I asleep for?" Vasari asked while stroking the soft light golden blonde hair of Witney.

"Tomorrow would make it exactly two weeks. We were getting worried that something went wrong so we asked Miss Covington to check on you. She said that your body has already been refined by the Superior Qi and that you were just in deep sleep."

Vasari was at first surprised that he was actually in bed for 2 weeks but didn't think much of it afterwards. Although not common, there are instances where people stay in a coma for 2 weeks during the Superior Qi body refinement. He was more worried about the upcoming mission. If he recalled correctly then he should be leaving the next day!

"I see. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Hmph as you should, you have a lot to make up for. Firstly you need to spend the entire day with me and make sure that you give me enough love to last the entire time you are away on your mission."

Hearing the demands of his woman, Vasari smiled and got to work.


"Did you have time to say goodbye to all your friends? I heard you just woke up from your Superior Qi refinement yesterday. Congratulations on the breakthrough by the way."

"Thanks and yes I was able to see everyone earlier to bid them farewell."

"Hehe, I can imagine some of those girls probably didn't want to let you go."

"Old man don't be too surprised if you suddenly become cursed and have your little brother miraculously chopped off."

"Hahahaha thanks for the heads up young man.", Elder Equus burst into laughter, luckily curses didn't work that way or he would've lost his precious little brother ages ago.

"Elder Equus I've been meaning to ask but how will you get me onto planet Voxotis when you said that the Church of Prasufis destroyed all the spatial portals?"

Elder Equus mysteriously smiled and brought out a cube-shaped object from his spatial ring. It looked unremarkable but the aura it exuded indicated that it was a treasure of a high grade.

"In my hand is a teleportation cuboid meant for transporting goods from one planet to another. Before, living entities were impossible to send through the teleportation cuboid but our sects formations experts have come up with a way to make it possible for you to get through."

"You want me to go through a device meant for transporting goods without testing it beforehand? That's crazy."

"Of course, we've tested it before. With pigs and sheep…but that doesn't matter right now. All you have to do is trust me."

Vasari raised his eyebrows in amusement when this short elder mentioned the word trust. Wasn't this the same elder that sold him out in the first place and got him into this suicide mission? And yet HE was mentioning trust. What a joke.

Elder Equus remained silent and waited for Vasari to make his decision. Either willingly enter the cube or be forced to enter the cube. There was no third option for the young man.

"Fine, we are wasting precious time here. Send me to this planet so I can get this mission over and done with."

Elder Equus smiled and nodded his head before pressing a button located on the top of the cube. Vasari suddenly felt himself being dragged towards the cube, he didn't resist the force and allowed the cube to drag him closer. All of a sudden a 5m tall and 2m wide oval-like portal appeared in front of the Cube swallowing Vasari inside.

"Don't get yourself killed young man. You have a bright future ahead of you if you can complete this mission."

Elder Equus stored the cube back into his spatial ring and disappeared from the spot.


Blue skies, fluffy white clouds and a bright solar star illuminate this wonderful yet small planet of Voxotis.

This peaceful atmosphere was rudely interrupted by a small oval-like portal appearing high up in the blue sky. A person unexpectedly fell out from the portal before it closed and disappeared.

A small figure could be seen hurtling down towards the ground with its arms flapping and legs kicking in desperation.


I had very little time to edit this chapter so I apologise for any grammatical errors.

Unorthadox01creators' thoughts