
The Chosen's Odyssey

concentrating on IRL commitments and can’t find the time to update regularly, so I’m taking a short break to sort everything out. ————— In a world that had endured a galactic war lasting centuries, a young boy takes an entrance exam for one of the most prestigious sects. He possesses an otherworldly handsome face and a charming smile that could captivate even Immortals and Deities alike. With secrets that many would give anything for, he embarks on the challenging journey of cultivation, filled with successes and setbacks, highs and lows, and plenty of action in between. Join him as he conquers the thrilling and erratic world of cultivation. ------ This is a novel I'm creating in my free time as a hobby so any advice or criticism is always welcome. ;) I try to upload 4-5 times a week depending on irl commitments. ----- Cover art not mine if you are the artist contact me and I will take it down.

Unorthadox01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
222 Chs

Since the beginning

"However…it is unfortunate that some of you have not made it out alive…"

Vasari frowned when he heard this. If there were students who died then it meant that Miss Covington was not watching over them. This was a good and a bad thing since his secret was still safe but it also meant his friends could be dead.

The gym hall was quiet for a long time as the students glanced around trying to figure out who was missing. They soon realised that there were only 32 of them in the hall compared to the 35 that entered 3 days ago.

"Vasari!" A teenage girl's voice called out from near Vasari. He breathed out in relief when he heard this voice and his nerves slightly subsided. He turned in the direction of the excited voice with a charming smile and outstretched arms after putting the sleeping cubs on the wooden floor.

Witney jumped into Vasari's arms and hugged like a koala would do a tree branch. In her excitement, she didn't even notice the cubs beneath her.

"Ahh Vasari I missed you so so so soooo much." Witney squeezed his chest and snuggled her head into his sweaty robes but she didn't seem to mind. Vasari patted her head to console her.

Talia also walked to Vasari after finding him.

"Vasari I'm glad you are okay." Vasari chuckled and started patting the head of Talia who stood next to him with a content smile on her face.

"Talia, who was it that did not make it back from the exercise?" Vasari asked, he hoped that it wasn't anybody he knew.

Talia looked around the gymnasium trying to spot who was missing. She identified all the people she knew first before moving on to the faces she would regularly see in class.

"3 boys that sat in the third row died. I don't remember their names though." She answered honestly. Vasari felt 10kgs lighter after hearing that none of his friends had died.

Miss Covington paid close attention to the reactions of her students. She noticed some were grieving, some were glad, some were fearful and some were indifferent.

"This is a reality check for you students. Nothing in this world is smooth sailing and you will not always have someone to protect you in dire times. The weak will fail while the strong prosper, it has been this way since the beginning of time. Now, bring me the spatial rings with the heads of the beasts you killed."

The students formed a line in front of Miss Covington, her words were true and even if they were shaken by the deaths of their classmates, they had to get over it as this is part of life.

"Jude: 30 infant stage beasts, 16 adolescent stage beasts and 5 adult stage beasts…not bad. 44 cloud points."

"Jaxon: 22 infant stage beasts, 12 adolescent stage beasts and 4 adult stage beasts. 34 points."

"Asher: 27 infant stage beasts, 17 adolescent stage beasts and 3 adult stage beasts. 34 cloud points."

"Timo: 10 infant stage beasts, 3 adolescent stage beasts and 0 adult stage beasts…4 cloud points."


"Shut up Asher."

"I didn't say anything."


"DT: 50 infant stage beasts, 20 adolescent stage beasts and 7 adult stage beasts. 60 cloud points. Well done DT, I'm impressed, it seems that the techniques you chose suit you well."

"Yes, teacher. Thank you for the opportunity." DT bowed 90 degrees to express his gratitude before walking away.

"Next…Talia; 64 infant stage beasts, 23 adolescent stage beasts and 8 adult stage beasts. Impressive Miss Timore, 69 cloud points."

"Witney; 47 infant stage beasts, 15 adolescent stage beasts and 4 adult stage beasts. 39 cloud points."

"Always the last one heh?"

"You know what they say. Always leave the best for last."

"Haha let's see if that cocky mouth of yours can back it up."

Vasari handed the spatial ring to Miss Covington. She looked at his relaxed smile and couldn't help but appreciate his appearance for a second before looking into the spatial ring.

Seeing the number of adolescent and adult-stage beasts' heads in the spatial ring caused her brows to twitch. She also noticed one of the heads was a beast on the verge of breaking through to become a beta-stage beast.

"Vasari; 64 infant stage beasts, 47 adolescent stage beasts and 19 adult stage beasts. 148 cloud points."

Miss Covington announced causing a mini uproar in the gym hall. His adolescent stage beast kills alone brought him more cloud points than others got in total. How insane was that? But the most insane thing was the fact that he killed 19 adult-stage beasts in just three days. That's 6 adult stage beasts a day!! Just how large was the skill difference between them and him?

Witney clapped her hands in excitement after hearing her boyfriends score. What woman didn't want her man to succeed and be the best?

Asher: "He's a freak."

Timo: "More like a monster."

Jaxon: "The man is just built different."

Asher: "Timo, my brother…please just tell me what happened. I promise I won't laugh."

Timo: "I don't want to talk about it."

After receiving his cloud points from Miss Covington, Vasari walked to where his cubs were napping and picked them up by the scruff of their necks waking them up in the process.

It was only then that everyone noticed the 4 wolf cubs that Vasari brought back with him.

Witney was the first to skip over to him.

"Aww~Vasari where did you get these cute puppies." Witney took the still sleepy Bing into her arms and started rubbing his stomach causing the cub to kick his legs in satisfaction.

"I ran into their pack before killing all of them except for the cubs."

Witney eyes widened and she quickly covered Bing's ears with her hand. "Vasari you can't say that! You could hurt their feelings." She aggressively whispered and poked his chest.

Vasari rolled his blind eyes under the cloth. Feelings? These lazy shits wouldn't even be bothered if the sky was falling down above them.

Talia also came over and took Cupid into her arms but the undersized cub seemed intent on escaping her grasp. Cupid struggled and whined but abruptly stopped struggling when Talia released a bit of her bloodline aura. The cub reluctantly allowed the cold-hearted girl to pat and rub him.

Vasari was left speechless by her actions, he felt sorry for the poor cub but did nothing to help.

Miss Covington soon dismissed the class after handing out all the cloud points. Vasari and friends walked home together while reciting the adventures that they had these last few days.


Vasari and Witney were back in their room, laying on the bed with the 4 new additions to the family busy play-fighting each other on the floor.

"Hmm hmm hmm Vasari stop, it tickles~"

Vasari ignored her complaints and continued his playful assault. He kneaded, pinched, licked and sucked on her perky breasts. Although she asked him to stop, she held his head firmly against her left breast with her left hand and used her right hand to keep Vasari's hand on her right breast.

"Vasari hmm just like that."

Witney loved how his hand easily cupped her boobs and how warm it felt on her skin.

"Vasari, how's your leg doing?"

She noticed after Vasari took his sect robe off that there were 4 puncture holes on it. When she questioned him the first time he told her to just ignore it but she just couldn't bring herself to ignore it. She was extremely overprotective of him and the last thing she wanted to see, was him in pain.

Vasari stopped sucking her breast and tilted his head up to face Witney. He had saliva coating his lips which looked very sexy in Witney's eyes making her struggle to concentrate.

"Although it stings a little, it's bearable and in a week or two it will be healed, so don't worry about it ok?" He stroked her blonde hair to assure her that everything was fine.


"Good," Vasari said before planting a sloppy kiss on her lips to which she replied with her own.

The two lovebirds entangled their bodies with one another and it wasn't long until sensual moans and grunts echoed throughout the room. The cubs ignored their new parent's movements thinking they were also play fighting.

The moans only stopped an hour later when Witney couldn't continue anymore. She fell asleep with a satisfied expression on her face and her little sister filled to the brim with semen and yang essence.

Vasari shook his head with a smile before cleaning up the mess they made. He also noticed the 4 cubs had fallen asleep amidst all the noise they were making.

Placing the cubs on the bed next to Witney, Vasari laid down with half his body off the mattress and for the first time in 3 days he had a decent night's sleep.


The next morning.

Vasari, as usual, was the first one in student residence 69 to wake up. He showered, brushed his teeth and prepared to make breakfast for his roommates.

He planned to make the usual bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast but he now had 4 gluttonous cubs to feed as well. There was already 1 pig in the house, now suddenly there were 5. It would seem that he would need to put some cloud points away for food soon.

For the cub's breakfast, he cooked the meat of an adolescent stage cow.

"What spoilt wolves. There are people who would kill for meat from an adolescent stage beast and these buggers are eating it for breakfast."

Vasari spoke to himself while preparing breakfast. Hassan and Asher soon woke up and helped him a little before Timo woke up.

The last to get out of bed was Witney. When she walked out of the bedroom she was followed by a small entourage of baby wolves.

The cubs trotted behind her with bright eyes and drooling mouths. They could smell the meat cooking from the bedroom and woke up Witney, who was still half asleep as she walked to the lounge.





The four brothers cutely howled when they saw Vasari and ran to his legs.


Not understanding what Vasari just said, the cubs continued to stare at him while wagging their tails with fervour.

Vasari didn't know if they sat down or not so he just gave them the meat anyway. Their cute begging stopped and they started chowing their breakfast.

"Vasari you really need to train them, my dude," Asher said while watching the cubs devour their breakfast. It was absolute carnage, the meat didn't stand a chance against their deadly canines.

"Why? They're beasts so if you take away their wild and aggressive nature then they are no different than house pets."

"If you say so dude, but just make sure they know I'm a friendly. I don't want to end up as their breakfast one of these days."


"Timo what happened!?"

"There's a new article on the Knights&Fairies Manasite and it's all about Vasari!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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