
The Chosen's Odyssey

In a world that had endured a galactic war lasting centuries, a young boy takes an entrance exam for one of the most prestigious sects. He possesses an otherworldly handsome face and a charming smile that could captivate even Immortals and Deities alike. With secrets that many would give anything for, he embarks on the challenging journey of cultivation, filled with successes and setbacks, highs and lows, and plenty of action in between. Join him as he conquers the thrilling and erratic world of cultivation. ------ This is a novel I'm creating in my free time as a hobby so any advice or criticism is always welcome. ;) I try to upload 4-5 times a week depending on irl commitments. -----

Unorthadox01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
222 Chs

Mana & Homebound

"Vasari, we completed so many trials. Do you want to hear what we got?"

Hiromi's ecstatic voice caused Vasari to smile and pull her body closer to his. They were currently sitting on the throne with Hiromi snuggled on his lap.

"Of course, I want to know all about it."

"Well, prepare to be amazed. Mom, Kurumi and I completed 7 trials together. How awesome is that?!"

"So awesome." Vasari knew that T-Rex had adjusted the difficulty of the trials for them. 'I'll have to thank him later.'

"Come, tell me about what you gained."

"We got a movement technique, 2 cultivation methods and 3 martial techniques. The movement technique is peak Earth grade. The 2 cultivation methods are both low Heaven grade and the 3 martial techniques are mid to high Earth grade.

We also got a few Spirit and Earth grade weapons, AND some alchemical products, but we don't know what it does."

Vasari remained silent while listening to Hiromi explain all the techniques to him. Besides the Seven Form Moon Worshiper technique, all of them were better than his martial techniques by a fair margin. However, he quickly noticed that all the techniques were suited for women whose strongest element was fire and she 'coincidentally' obtained a high Earth-grade Yumi Bow which was her favourite weapon.

"What about you? What did you do while we were gone?" Hiromi asked while sneaking a hand under his shirt to caress his chest.

"Me? I was just cultivating. I broke through into the Qi Conversion stage a few hours ago."

"What really?! Can you tell me how you comprehended Mana?"

"For me, Mana is a force that permeates the universe. Mana was something that the 'world' continuously generated and one could feel it when they moved and even when they breathed. I view Mana as the perfect combination of Yin and Yang and the four basic elements."

Vasari quickly came to a realisation about the Mortal Ascension phase and how it was setting a cultivator up to comprehend the basis of Mana.

Qi was the simplest form of energy in the Universe. Anybody can absorb Qi if they open at least 1 of their meridians, but it only enhanced their physical body by a minimal degree and it was difficult to externalise back into the world via techniques.

In the Qi Flow stage cultivators strengthen and expand their already opened meridians with Qi. This stage taught cultivators how to control external energies through their bodies.

In the Yin Yang Control stage, by unlocking and learning to control your innate Yin and Yang, a cultivator experiences another increase in strength while simultaneously increasing the control over your body.

Next came the Elemental Manipulation Stage where one had to comprehend the 4 basic elements to the Basic Will level. This was important because Superior Qi was just 'normal' Qi combined perfectly with the 4 basic elements. By learning to use elemental energy, a cultivator will have an easier time picking up Superior Qi.

Many cultivators get stuck at the Superior Qi Stage because they are unable to comprehend Mana when it is so painstakingly obvious what it was when you just think about it from a logical standpoint.

By infusing Superior Qi with Yin and Yang energies, an insanely powerful energy is created.


"So this is what Adele meant when she said no outside help held any benefit in the Qi Conversion Stage. For me, Mana is completely different to what you just explained."

Vasari lifted a brow at Hiromi's words. He remembered T-Rex saying something similar, that he couldn't help and he had to figure it out on his own.

'So mana feels different from person to person. Truly confusing, but I feel like my reasoning is the most true and logical explanation.'

Vasari's thoughts were not unique to him as everybody who has comprehended Mana and heard another explain how it felt, thought their own explanation was right.

It was an unexplainable phenomenon that even after billions of years, nobody has figured out the reason for this.

"Well, now that I know you broke through, I think I should leave to get some rest and let you cultivate more."

Hiromi didn't wait for him to talk her into staying and sprinted to her room. Truthfully she was tired beyond belief and needed a nap.

Vasari shook his head with a smile and did what she suggested.

For the next 2 hours, he cultivated. The Qi Conversion stage was the process of converting the Superior Qi stored in your Dantian and flowing through your meridians into Mana. It was a boring process that took a long time, but cultivating in general was boring so it was nothing new.

He had already converted 5% of the Superior Qi stored in his Dantian to Mana before Hiromi arrived. With the two extra hours, he increased the percentage to 6%.


"Your Majesty, 50 cultivators from the Cloud Haven Sect have entered the castle. Even that Beast Tamer is here."

"Elder Equus? Do you know him?"

"I've heard about him. I heard he fought against the 14th General alongside the founder of the Cloud Haven Sect and lost. His life was spared due to the Cloud Haven Founder risking his life for him to escape."

"Oh, I see. Do you think you could defeat Elder Equus?"

"Haha in the past I could easily beat him like a dog, but my cultivation had stalled these past 30 000 years so I'm not sure."

Far from being upset, T-Rex seemed to be excited. Vasari could tell he enjoyed a good battle and testing his limits. In that way, they were quite similar.

"For the meantime, hide. When they are finished with the trials and we leave, I want you to start the mission I entrusted to you."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Then I will see you again soon."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Please keep yourself safe and remember your life is worth more than a trillion others."

"Of course."


49 disciples, all Inner Haven disciples, were chosen by Elder Equus to accompany him to Planet Voxotis and complete trials for the sect.

Elder Equus had just ordered the disciples to complete as many trials as they could when he noticed a familiar handsome figure walking down the castle stairs. Although taller than before, his perfectly carved muscular body was easily recognisable even when covered by his clothes.

"Ah Vasari long time no see."

"Not long enough if I'm being honest."

"Hahaha, You're a funny guy, young man. How have you been."

"Same old same old. Cultivate, eat, sleep, repeat."

"Haha, soon it will just be cultivating, cultivating and cultivating."

Vasari chuckled along with Elder Equus. Soon they were standing opposite each other and Elder Equus couldn't help but internally nod when he sensed Vasari's improved cultivation.

"Old man, how long are you planning to stay here? I want to get back home already."

"Brat, you still haven't learnt to respect your elders. Why don't you tell me why that little lass Joanna kept you alive? I was sure that she would kill you or at the very least enslave you."

"What can I say? I'm a pretty good 'boy toy'." Vasari shrugged, "I'm more concerned about the fact that you knew Archbishop Joanna would instantly find out I'm not from this planet."

Elder Equus cleared his throat a few times and scratched the top of his balding head.

"Ahem, don't you want to know how your girlfriends and your schoolmates are doing? Come let's walk while I tell you."

Hearing him change the topic Vasari felt like rolling his eyes if he could, but he was curious how Witney and the others were doing. He hasn't contacted them in the past few months.

Elder Equus started walking without a destination in mind through the castle with Vasari following behind.

"Well, where do I begin?"

"Start with Witney."

"Okay, she is doing quite well, to be honest. She placed amongst the top 5 in the latest Cloud Haven School Exam and she is steadily advancing with her cultivation. Your girlfriends are all quite talented, especially the one with the Copper Dragon Bloodline. She placed second on the latest exam only behind that Alex boy who is catching the interest of some Core Haven Elders.

Vasari remained silent and listened to what Elder Equus had to say about his friends. He had asked Elder Equus before he left to keep tabs on them and he was glad the old man kept his part of the deal.

According to Elder Equus, there was only one more exam before Cloud Haven School graduation. Alex was ranked first on the school leaderboard followed closely behind by Talia, then Witney in third.

Hassan was surprisingly placed in fourth, but Vasari always thought he was more than what met the eye. Jiang Xia, Jude, Gia and Jett placed 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th respectively.

Asher was in 18th place, Jaxon was in 20th, Timo was in 25th and DT was sitting comfortably at 40th. These positions were all pretty good considering that over 280 students were remaining and fighting for higher positions.

"Damn, so I basically missed the entire school experience."

"Agh, you didn't miss much. It's a boring time in your sect life and the exams get repetitive. Someone like you would definitely get frustrated so it works out in the end."

The two men continued chatting for a long time after, about many different things but there seemed to be a constant barrier that stopped them from improving their relationship.

Elder Equus knew the reason was that Vasari did not trust him anymore, but there was nothing he could do to change that now and frankly he cared very little about it. He was a man who was old enough to call Joanna a little lass, a broken relationship with a 17-year-old boy wasn't going to keep him awake at night, not that he slept anyway.


Quickly another 2 months passed by, marking over a year and a half since Vasari left the Cloud Haven Sect for his mission.

"Are we finally ready to go home?" Vasari asked. He was sitting on a large couch with Hiromi on his lap, Hozumi sitting next to him on his right and Kurumi sitting on his left.

"Yes, all the trials have been completed and all the disciples are already on the ship." Elder Equus said before taking a sip of the tea that Hozumi made. "Good tea." He praised causing Hozumi to smile in pride.

A Core Haven Elder had just praised her work!

"Jeez finally. Who would've thought it would take so long to complete a few trials."

"You took a year…" Hiromi teased.

"Hey, that's different."

"Anyways, if you want to take these girls with us back to the Cloud Haven Sect, I can make that happen, but they will have to be registered as your servants since they are not from the Noblia World and can't be given the same privileges or rights as disciples and citizens of the sect.

Vasari frowned in displeasure, how could he ever call his Mother-in-law his servant, it didn't sit right with him, but before he could say something, Hozumi spoke out.

"That's fine with us. We agree."

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yes, we know you won't treat us badly or force us to do anything we don't want to and we are just servants in name so it's alright."

Vasari sighed before nodding, accepting Elder Equus' condition.

"Okay, then let's go. It's a pity I couldn't take this castle with us. The formations protecting it are extraordinarily powerful. Truly a shame."

Elder Equus lamented his paltry knowledge of formations. His forte was beast-taming and he cared very little about learning alchemy and formations.

After finishing his tea, Elder Equus spatial shifted everyone inside the room outside the castle. Hiromi, Hozumi and Kurumi were blown away by what just happened. One second they were inside a room in the castle and the next they were outside with the sun shining down on them.

Elder Equus didn't give them much time to recover from their awe before he spatial shifted them again and appeared on the deck of his spaceship.

"Welcome aboard the Beast Cruiser. What do you think young man?"

"I'm blind."

"Haha, sorry, I forgot. Well, how does the wood on the deck feel? It's pretty nice huh!"

Clearly, Elder Equus was extremely proud of his spaceship. Vasari had no idea how rare it was to find someone who owned a spaceship and even rarer to find one of such good quality.

"Yes…it's the best wood I've ever stood on."

"Hahaha, I know right! You won't find better wood on the entire Westernord Continent. It's called Carbon Timber, it's extremely light yet absurdly solid. Perfect for building spaceships. Why don't I take you four to your room? I only have one room available so you will have to share for the journey back home."

Hozumi and Kurumi's eyes lit up when they heard this. Sharing a room with Vasari? Yes, please!

"How long is the trip back." Vasari had contacted Elder Equus a month before the end of his year-long seclusion so he could estimate that it would take more or less a month to get home and his calculations were correct.

"Around 25-30 days depending on various factors."

"Such as?"

"The vast outer space is home to plenty of dangerous things. Powerful beasts who thrive in the dark void, unexpected yet deadly phenomenons or space pirates who make a living by killing and plundering passing spaceships, are all factors that could affect our estimated time of arrival.


End of Volume 2.

Back to the Cloud Haven Sect for the next volume. Next volume will not only focus on Vasari’s life inside the sect but also events taking place around the Westernord Continent that may affect Vasari and those close to him in the nearby future.

AKA world building.


Vasari becomes a father of 8?!?!?

Unorthadox01creators' thoughts