
Cultivation & ManaPhones

Vasari woke up just before the sun showed itself to the people in the CloudHaven Sect.

Since he was so exhausted the previous day, Vasari did not explore his new room. Vasari slowly walked around the room using the sound and vibrations from his footsteps to get a feel around the room.

He noticed that it was pretty much empty besides his bed, a desk and a chair. He also found that he had his own bathroom which had a shower, bath, toilet and sink.

After showering he exited his room and made his way to the lounge which was much quieter than when he first arrived. He guessed that the others were still sleeping. Vasari soon found the kitchen.

The kitchen was pretty much as basic as it gets with a stove, oven, microwave and fridge. Vasari was pleasantly surprised when he found that the fridge at least had some ingredients such as eggs, some vegetables and some meat.

"Let's do some cooking."


"*Yawn* Ahh last night was pretty rough. I probably should not have drank so much."

Timo lazily opens his door after he wakes up to an amazing smell which he knew all too well. Still half asleep he made his way to the kitchen with saliva absconding his mouth.

The fatty's eyes suddenly widened when a scene that he never thought he would see even in his wildest dreams.

A tall male wearing only a pair of tracksuit pants and slippers, his upper body exposed to all eyes. A thin piece of cloth covering the eyes on the most perfect face you are ever likely to see and midnight black hair tied into a ponytail reaching below than men behind.

When Timo finally recovered his awestruck self, he found himself blushing like a maiden in love.

'I'm Straight! I'm Straight! I'm Straight! I'm Straight! I'm Straight! I'm Straight!'

He screamed to himself but he couldn't be blamed doubting his sexuality since Vasari was just that handsome.

"Yo, you are finally up. Have a seat, breakfast is almost ready."

Timo nods before his feet move subconsciously to the dining room table.

'Wait...how is he able to cook.'


20 minutes later Timo, Asher and Hassan sat at the dining table with incredulous looks on their faces while staring at the food in front of them.

If someone told them that a blind person would be making breakfast for them they would have laughed in your face and walked away thinking you are some crazy man.

"Dig in, the food isn't going to eat itself." Vasari didn't wait for them and started gobbling up his scrambled egg, sausage and some vegetables.

The others glanced at each other before similarly gobbling up their food.

"Vasari, are you going to join us at the CloudBar later? We went last night and the girls in this sect are next level bro." Asher asked while he washed the dishes.

CloudBar was one of the most popular hangout spots for disciples when they want to socialize and have some fun. Timo and Asher found the bar while exploring with a few of their newly made friends and were planning to go again.

"I'm not sure what that is but I don't mind joining you later."

"Sick! With Vasari with us girls will be swarming us hehe." Timo's eyes gleamed with excitement at the thought of socializing with nation-toppling beauties.

"With you there I doubt any girl would get within 100 metres from us never mind sit with us." Asher retorted causing Timo to redden in anger before another round of arguing commenced. Vasari chuckled at them before leaving them to duke out as he went to his room.

In his room, Vasari took out his new sect robes from his sect token.

'Oooh so soft~ I could get used to this' This was the first time that Vasari would wear such high-quality clothes. All he ever had before was track pants and a T-shirt. Only recently he was able to get a pair of slippers.

The robe was in pristine condition and was pure white with a big light blue cloud on the back just like the one Olivia was wearing before however on the sleeves the word 'student' was embroidered on it to signify that they have not yet graduated from the CloudHaven school.

Vasari put his new sect robe on which was initially much too small for him but suddenly it grew until it perfectly fit his build.

'Woah that's pretty cool.'

"It is still a few hours until we leave for hmm... what's the name again? Oh yes, CloudBar. Anyway, I should get a few hours of cultivating done in the meantime."

Vasari sat down cross-legged on the wooden floor and entered a meditative state almost immediately.

'Before the entrance exam, I broke through into the Qi Flow stage and I have not cultivated since. Also because of my foundation my cultivation speed will be a bit slower but I will be unparallel within my cultivation stage.'

Humans can start cultivating from the age of 7 years old. While some might have special bloodlines or body constitutions to allow them to start earlier than others, 7 years old is the standard age.

The first realm in the long and arduous path of cultivation is the Foundation Establishment Realm which consists of 3 stages.

The physique tempering stage is the first stage of the 3 and as the stage name suggests it has to do with tempering your body to the maximum that you can handle. Many cultivators, especially female cultivators, would normally rush over this stage since it is a painful experience and unless you want to become a cultivator who excels in hand-to-hand combat or has a bloodline or body constitution that puts a heavy emphasis on your physical strength then it is not rare for cultivators to do the bare minimum to overcome this stage.

Wealthy families can afford to buy products to improve their young cultivator's physique like medicinal baths, physique-enhancing pills or rare magical herbs with properties that improve one's body when digested or absorbed.

Poorer families would have to temper their bodies the good old-fashioned way by training and taking a good beating every once in a while.

The physique tempering stage is also divided into 4 smaller stages. Tempering of the flesh, Tempering of the muscles, Tempering of the bones and Tempering of the tendons and ligaments.

Tempering of the flesh makes the flesh more durable than before and much harder to penetrate.

Tempering of the muscles adds robustness and power to your muscles that normal humans couldn't hope to match even with a hundred years of constant training.

Tempering of the bones hardens the bones making them many times more durable and able to handle the pressure of a cultivator's explosive movements.

Tempering of the tendons and ligaments makes them more flexible and durable allowing the cultivator to control their body with more precision and make sure that they do not snap with the new enhanced power of a cultivator.

Once the cultivator completes the physique tempering stage they will enter the meridian opening stage.

This stage requires cultivators to firstly be able to sense their meridians and secondly be able to open them. A cultivator has a total of 81 meridians that they are able to open. However, the average cultivator is only able to open 36 to 49 meridians. The more talented cultivators can open up at least 64 meridians while the geniuses that would be considered the best of their generation will open 81 meridians.

However, only those with powerful families or those with heaven-defying talent will tell you that 81 meridians are not the limit. There have been cultivators who opened up more than 81 meridians and it is said that the real limit is 100 meridians but nobody has been able to confirm that theory yet.

To find and open a meridian requires patience as well as diligence. The first 64 meridians are all located in the same general position in the body no matter who the cultivator is. The next 36 meridians however are different from person to person.

After opening as many meridians as you can a cultivator will then attempt to open their Dantian which is the most simple of the 3 stages and also the easiest to complete. A cultivator would first have to learn to enter a meditative state of mind where they are able to clear their mind before they can continue with the rest of the process.

After entering a meditative state they would attempt to sense the ambient Qi flowing in their immediate surroundings. When they can sense the ambient Qi they must absorb it into their bodies and it would immediately travel to their Dantian which will in turn wake it from its dormant/sleeping state allowing them to use Qi and breakthrough into the next realm called the Mortal Ascension realm.

The first stage of the Mortal Ascension realm is the Qi flow stage. The Qi flow stage is where cultivators fill their meridians with Qi until it is completely filled to the brim. Each meridian filled is an increase in power for a cultivator although not by much but the accumulated strength is not to be underestimated.

Cultivators cannot rush this stage because it is possible to cripple your meridians if you over-exert them so it is better to slowly fill your meridians little by little until it reaches maximum capacity.

The Yin Yang Control stage is the second stage of the Mortal Ascension Realm.

"Woooo! That was refreshing." Vasari releases a breath of pungent air as he stands up after cultivating non-stop for 5 hours.

'That is 20 meridians full now. Only 80 to go...'

Vasari heads straight into his bathroom and brushes his teeth since his breath was reeking after cultivating for so long without any breaks.

After brushing his teeth he head out of his room and met up with Timo and Asher who were busy playing on some type of device that Vasari had no clue about.

"Are you guys ready to leave?"

Timo and Asher nearly shat their new robes after suddenly hearing Vasari's abrupt question. It seemed that they were so engrossed in the device that they did not even notice Vasari enter the room.

"Ah Vasari we were waiting for you and didn't want to disturb you just in case you were cultivating," Asher answers as he puts his device into the inner pocket of his sect robe.

"Hmm, thanks." Vasari notices his movements and decides to ask another question. "What were you guys playing with just now?"

Asher and Timo look at each with confused expressions on their faces but as if reading into each other's mind they both made an 'O' shape with their mouths.

"Ohh! You must be talking about our ManaPhones." Timo exclaims as he takes out a small thin rectangular-shaped device. "These ManaPhones allow people to connect with each other even if they are on a different continent."

"Not just a different continent but different worlds! They use mana as a medium to connect our ManaPhones to something called the Mananet where there are Manasites that people can create and post whatever they want and there are apps that you can download that allow people to post pictures of themselves or whatever they like and others can view those pictures and even like and comment on it." Asher expanded on what Timo was talking about with intense passion, he was quite fervent about the subject.

Vasari had no clue what these two guys were talking about but he nodded along and acted like he understood.

The conversation continued until the trio left the house and headed to the CloudBar.

Getting bored with the ManaPhone topic, Vasari changed the topic.

"So where is Hassan? Is he not joining us?"

"Nah, he is a bit of an introvert and said he would look after the house while we are out."

"I see..."

"Wassup!! Beefcakes! Sausage roll! Over here!" A youth with a mullet screaming at the top of his lungs interrupts Vasari causing him to turn his head towards the loud youth that was waving in his direction.

"Ah, Vasari those are the guys we met yesterday, they passed the exam with us and they are pretty chilled people, though their naming skills could use a bit of work," Asher mumbled the last part with a bit of annoyance in his tone.

3 young boys walk up to Vasari, Timo and Asher. The 3 boys who were walking with cocky swagger towards Vasari, Timo and Asher felt their legs turn to jelly when they reached 5 meters (16.4ft) from them. The reason being, Vasari's aura was something that they have never felt before.

After calming down and adjusting themselves accordingly, the boy in the middle was the first to introduce himself and his name was Jaxon Ellis, he is the 3rd son of a middle-class noble family in the Timore Kingdom. He was above average height, had brown hair and eyes and was a relatively good-looking young man.

The next boy to his right called himself DT and he did not give much information about himself but it was not hard to tell he was from a common household due to his mannerisms. DT had dark brown hair that was shaven on the sides forming a mullet-style haircut. He had an average build and average face and Vasari instantly identified as the class clown type of guy.

The last boy was named Jett Monk and his parents are both Inner Haven elders of the CloudHaven Sect so he is somewhat of a bigshot. He was around 180cm in height and a had good strong build to complement it. Light blue straight hair grown to his shoulders and low dark eyebrows complimented his light blue eyes. Overall he was the by far the most handsome in the group...well that was before Vasari tagged along.

Timo introduced Vasari to the rest and they slowly got accustomed to being around Vasari while heading to the famous CloudBar.

Every so often Jett would sneak a glance at Vasari from the side while plenty of thoughts ran through his head.

'This guy is scary, not even mom is that scary...wait, I lie. Mom is definitely scarier." Jett shuddered as the image of his mother holding a wooden spoon came to mind. 'Yep Mom is scarier but he is a close second.'

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