

I'm scared... I'm feared... I don't want to die But... If there is a hope I can change my life, I want to change it Strong... Until no one can defeat me I'm Steve Wimpffen I wasn't blesses by mana No matter what people say I'M NOT GIVE UP UNTIL NO ONE CAN MOCK AT ME AGAIN

RoC · Fantasy
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11 Chs

First Battle

In this first quest we have to Kill the Traitor of Gryffon Kingdom. First we know this traitor names Frank de Lafantte. We only know Frank can leave without leaving a single trace. We know that Frank is not alone. He has comrades and his comrades will protect him with their life.

We are spread into 4 areas. Jack going to north area, I'm going to west area, Ritcher straight to East area, and Rio straight to south area. Each of us have one red firework and one blue fireworks. Red firework means to make a sign if one of us find Frank or his comrades. The other one means to give a signal if some of us finds death body.

In the west area someone hidden himself and seen everything. He knows that we want to kill Frank. He gives a signal to other five people. After he gave the signal, five people of Frank's comrade went straight to the place that had been informed.

Jack running straight to north area. From one building to other building. He checked everything in the north area and he found nothing.

"Come out Irish." Jack summoned Fairy Spirit. Jack gives Irish an order to check if there she finds any suspicious or not. Then, Irish flew to the sky and enchant spell Oju Iseda it means Eye of Nature.

Irish is One of Seven Rare Treasure. Irish's ability are scouting and she has sensitive to enemy or traps. Irish can be used on battle if Irish combine magic with Jack or become one with Jack. Irish has gold wings and purple's color on her skin. She has sacred stones at her forehead.

Irish gives her sign to Jack and let Jack sense it. There is two people have weird aura on their body. Jack went straight to their location and found both of them are death. Jack was shocked to saw death body and he check one of corpse's body and try to find any clue.. Jack found a single scar on the neck of the death body. Jack try to give deep check from the corpse and he found that both of them had same scars on their neck.

"He..lp... me.. he...lp... me..." said dying person.

Jack heard someone needs help. Jack found him and try to lean his body against the wall. With a gasping breath he tried to tell me,

"Th...ere... are... fi..ve... peo...ple...care...ful" told dying person to Jack with his last breath.

He died after told to Jack. There are 5 person who helped Frank. Jack assumped that one of his comrades had been here and the three of them knew their planned. Hence, the same scars as a clue that it is possible other victims die with the same scars.

While Jack cover up two corpses, he straight to other location in the north area and found nothing. Jack used blue firework to three of us.

Rithcer is the closest one to seen the firework. Ritcher make assumption that they are run away and spread to east, west, and south areas. Before he straight to other location on the east area, someone used direct magic to hit Ritcher. Luckily, Ritcher saw the magic came to him and get down before the magic hit him. Ritcher try to run away from them but, they can catch up Ritcher and success to cornered him.

There are two people from Frank's comrade came out after they cornered him and they attacked Ritcher without any further.

Ritcher knows that Frank's comrade are not from amateur nor professional. Both of them have been trained well. Ritcher realized after he clashed with them. Both of them have same roles and the their roles is the killer.

Ritcher ability is fire magic. They kept atacking him without make him rest. They tried to make Ritcher exhausted and with a single strike they can defeat him. Ritcher knows his movements were lockdown by them but he can seen through their movements. He comes up with an idea by enchant Fire Blast and Fire Tornado to make a space between him and them. Then, he enchant Three Fire Orb near to his body to protect him and enchant Fire Blast to make a direct hit with the enemy on his right.

After that he enchant Fire Chain to the enemy on his right and make sure he can't make any movement for a while. Then he focused on his left side. He using Three Fire Orbs to blast him but he is more agile than right side. He dashed and move foward by using Mana Skin on his body, then he tried to close to Ritcher and make Ritcher couldn't have time to enchant his magic. Ritcher enchant Fire Wall to protect him from his Mana Swords. But, Ritcher has reached his limit. His mana was about to run out. If he want to end this battle, it means he must kill one of them. So, he decided to use his True Fire to make powerful magic. True Fire is fire symbol of Agmarnoff's family. If someone was born from Agmarnoff family, he or she can obtained True Fire when they turn 18 years old, they are part of Agmarnoff family and they will become a new young master. Then, he open True Fire and he tried to control whole of his True Fire. Five minutes is the longest to used this True Fire.

Thus, he possessed by True Fire and try to blast him with powerfull magic. His hair changed by full of fire. He knew that he couldn't last long using True Fire because it would exhaust his consciousness and he would go on a rampage. He enchant Wheel Fire Blast to blast him on the left side. After Fire Wall broken by his enemy on the left side, Ritcher blasted him with Wheel Fire Blast. He was schocked and couldn't dodge his attacked then he got direct hit and burned 'till death. His comrade on the right side saw his comrade death and he broke Fire Chain. He tried to stab Ritcher from behind, but Ritcher saw his movement and then he cast once more Wheel Fire Blast. Before he cast his spell, the enemy has disappeared and Ritcher try to calm his fire and back to normal but he runs out his mana and he start to collapse.

Jack saw big fire on the east area then he try to be fast to see what happened on there. Then, he saw Ritcher on the middle has passed out. Jack saw one of Frank's comrade burned to death by Ritcher's magic. Jack picked up the unconscious Ritcher and led him to the inn that Jack and Steve stayed and let him rest for a while.

The bartender who is cleaning the dishes than he seen Jack brought someone's body curious to know what happened of him but he keep silent and pretended not to know.

After battle on the east area, one of Frank's comrade retreated and straight to black market. The location of black market in market places. The person who sell apple is the key to lead one of Frank's comrade to meet Frank.

One of Frank's comrade arrived at black market and he speak the secret code. He enter the place and met Frank then he told one of his comrade burned to death. Frank only listened and he still silent.

When Rio checking in south areas, he felt something bad with his young master. Suddenly, he felt his young master used True Fire. He worried about his condition because he remembered two years ago his young master lost control and went to rampage. He burned one village and no one can escape from his True Fire.

While he tried to go to save his young master, one of Frank's comrade was sneaked behind him and tried to stab him. Rio knew someone approached him then he deflected. The enemy was suprised to seen Rio deflected his suprised attack. Then, he used lightning to increase his speed and used Mana Bullet to distracted Rio. Rio had not suprised and deflected all the attacks from his enemy. He grit his teeth then he straight to Rio by useing Mana Skin for his sword then he swung his sword to Rio's head but Rio parried it. Once again the enemy grit his teeth and tried to attack Rio from four directions but not a single hit could injured him. He gave a space between him and Rio and fixed his breath. Suddenly, Rio saw an oppurtunity then Rio sheated his sword and Rio use his power by using Half Transformation and make his body solid. He used wind magic Whirlwind to his foot and increased his speed then he straight to the enemy. The enemy was suprised and dodge his attacked. Rio keep closed to him and he raised both of his hand and used Destruction Smash. The enemy looked up and he couldn't react. Rio smashed him and he died by one hit.

After Rio killed him, Rio went straight to east area and found nothing. Then he searching in the whole of east areas and the results were nothing. Rio used Mana Sense but he couldn't find young master until Jack come out in front of him and told to Rio that his young master saved by him and Jack brought his young master to the inn who Jack and Steve were stayed. After Rio heard everything from Jack, he straight to the inn and meet young master while Jack going to straight to the west and helping Steve.

"Sigh... What the hell is this place?! Look, someone selling beef barbeque and it's so yummy. Well.. I'm a little bit hungry tho." Said me.

When I'm trying to buy barbeque beef, there is someone approching me. He used hood and mask on his face. He glared at me with killing intent on his aura. I can feel his killing intent and I try to stay away from him. I go to from one market to other market and he still following me. I try to run away from him but he cornered me. I realized that not only one person was following me but, there were two people. One of them are experts and the other one is an amateur. I remembered I got same situation before and I got goosebump and feel scared. I'm using red firework to make sure someone can help me. But, no one coming to my location. My whole body trembling and I see only one person approching me. I can feel this person is not strong than that person who blocked my way out. He open his sword and then he straight to me. I saw he straight to me by his sword and I felt this is over. Suddenly, I remember about my promise to Jack. He is waiting me to become strong and we can have a great journey. I realized Jack mentioned about my job is warrior and warrior can used bare hand. I spoke to myself to move my body and make a simple dash and punch him with my strenght. He swung his sword to me and my body dashed it. I punched his belly after I dashed his sword then I punched his face and he felt down. That punch is stronger than before and then I look into him and he wake up. He used Mana skin to cover his sword and give a killing intent to me. When he swing his sword to me, I can see his movement and I can easily dodge his sword then I can punch his face. It's not once he felt down by my hand but it is already third times he was down. I can feel my own body feels light and I can move freely and hit him more and more. Then I'm using my strenght to direct hit to his nose then he flew and bumped into someone's store. I can see he is not moving and I don't know if he died or not but, I still have one person to deal with it. This enemy it's not simple he can cover his aura. When I tried to predict his movement, he disappeared. I was shocked he disappeared and didn't know where he is. He pops out behind me and he used bare hand to hit me. He did that many times and I couldn't resist his attacks. I felt hurts in my whole body and he still hit me. I tried to punch him but I can't do it. My body feels heavy and I also lost a lot of blood. I felt down and my view were blured then I collapsed.

"I can't see anything. Am I die? Please... I don't want to...die. I.... still.... have.... a.... promise. So..rry... Jack.."