
The Choices we make [MMO Fantasy]

Choices is an upcoming full dive MMO that has the entire world hooked on its promises. Follow the story of Alexander, who comes from a family of gamers, which were sold on the game by its very first trailer. But which class and race should they choose? The options were far to great. But even after only going through the character creation, Alexander made a choice that would follow him for the rest of his life.

Dante_Braun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 21

It made perfect sense that every military was involved in the game.

The gods pushed the game through. No one could do something against the launch.

If it wasn't for all of the promises that were made to the public, there surely would have tried to lock the game down.

The capsules were leagues ahead of the current technology. It was unthinkable at the time that something like a full dive game would exist.

Alexander had not to be a genius to guess that far.

"For what I want to do… I cannot answer that without further context of the ability.

Some are passive and do little to no harm, while others are active and can destroy the order of the world."

Alexander made a dramatic pause just to elevate what was coming next.

"I have already gotten the ok from the gods. So, everything is permitted on my side.

Even if they wanted to do something, the gods of our world cannot stop anything happening on earth right now.

I am solo on that front. In the worst case that means I have to kill the person. But that is just the last straw and not the goal."

General Kurz was in thought for a while before deciding to help Alexander. It was not easy to suddenly submit the whole military to one man, but surely, they could at least work together to stop malicious people from showing up.

"At least our side of the military will help you. You have to convince the rest yourself. But as an righteous angel that shouldn't be a problem for you.

If you somehow get even more angels to elevate your rank that would be even better."

The thought of getting more angels was good. He already created the order of seraphim, he just needed members.

With enough mana, he could even craft them weapons.

His own mana already classified as divine, so the weapons would naturally carry a divine aura that could slay evil.

If some dumb player gets the idea to draw on the energy or skills of demons, their soul would be tainted by it and the weapons would deal extra damage to them.

"To get more angels is a really good idea that I have thought of before. I will just need to go to heaven to ask for permission really quick."

Alexander spread his wings and with the words "Be right back." He flapped them hard to ascent fast towards heaven.

The golden door to heaven opened without him even needing to concentrate much on it.

He just wanted to go there, and it opened for him.

Remembering the position of the military base in heaven, Alexander quickly flew towards the main temple.

Since it was far away, Alexander put everything he had into the wings.

Since maturing, his speed grew manyfold.

It was now impossible for any human to follow him if he really wanted to run.

He did not know the exact speed he was flying at, but it was faster than military jets.

After a ten minute flight, Alexander was shocked to already be at the main temple of heaven.

Doing some quick math's, he was flying at around 783 meters per second.

With that speed, Alexander could fly around the whole world in 2 ½ hours.

Just imagining his speed of his first flight an now, there was too much of a difference.

He just grew to fast.

Alexander entered the temple and went to the front desk.

The office lady angel was still there working.

She seemed to not have noticed him.

"Hello again, I need to talk to Liliana about something. Is she free right now?"

Without looking up she just pointed me to the teleport formation behind her.

"You know the way already. I notify her."

She shooed him away without a care. Friendliness was not her forte it seemed.

But it looked like she is doing much of the administration work here.

Better not anger her too much.

He went to the formation and activated it shortly after.

Talking to the office lady and disturbing her workflow was not a good idea for him.

Again he arrived in the small meeting room he talked to Liliana and Freya in.

Sitting on the same chair he sat last time, Alexander waited by browsing the forum again.

He neglected it a little bit because it was still the beginning period of the game.

Only a few player had reached a good level the last time he checked.

The median of all players seemed to be somewhere close to level 10 now.

Only people like his own sister broke this metric by killing everything they came across.

But for normal people, they just lived their life there. Everything was slower because of the old lifestyle the people were not accustomed to and walking took ages for the people.

To first get quests and then secondly finishing them took the players a lot of work.

The world was mercilessly killing them with everything it got.

Beasts were cunning and evil things such as goblins fought their entire lives.

Alexander found it very satisfying that the people were so slow. That only gave him more time to prepare everything.

To just think about establishing contacts with every military in the world made him shiver.

Not because it was hard, but he had to actively participate in boring meetings and would have to talk to so many useless people.

20 minutes passed and soon after Liliana entered the room, but this time alone.

"You have come back really fast here. I guessed that it would take you longer to reach the point were you fuse entirely with your divine spark. How can I help you today. And do I need more alcohol?"

Alexander just smirked and beckoned her to sit next to him.

She felt as if he just showed her the way in her own home.

It was not respectful at all. He acted too friendly to the goddess in her opinion.

But for now she permitted it.

"I want to borrow angel that can at least hold a sword for my plan to have the most effect."

The goddess looked glad.

"Haaaaaaa~ I knew that this day would come. The second you proclaimed to have created the order of seraphim I knew that in the future you would require some of my angels.

You do know that they have never fought in their entire life? They are virgins in battle. We don't even have weapons for them."

'She guessed that even then? That was smart of her.'

Alexander just nodded at everything she told him.

Defeated she looked down and just said "How much do you need?".

Now she was talking his language. The goddess of creation in the other world was bossy and more like his own mother in a creepy regard, alexander wanted to forget this again after he remembered, this goddess of creation however was a docile drunkard that only meant good for the people.

Even she could see that by giving Alexander a good amount of angels, his reputation would soar in the eyes of the humans.

"To start off, around 51 would be fine. Later I need a few hundred more.

I want to position them in the different countries around earth with a detection system that I will somehow create when I need to."

She was baffled by now. He only had a rough outline of what he wanted to do. It was nothing concrete. What did he mean by "when I need to"?

"I knew it was not good to give you full reign on the situation. You cannot half ass this Alex. You need serious work to manage the world. To delegate everything to the angels is no good."

She was acting up a little bit. But that was something Alexander could handle.

"I imagine it that way. I Alexander will come as a big white wolf down from heaven with my 50 angels and one angel General in pack down to the people.

I will proclaim myself as a wolf god called Alexander the fluffy.

Just imagine getting your ass kicked by a guy that calls himself fluffy."

Alexander changed into his wolf form. He made it a little bit bigger than before, but still not big enough that he wouldn't fit in the room anymore.

"Feel my fur. My family said that I was the fluffiest thing they ever touched."

After Liliana thought about the plan and hesitated to touch him, she did.

Suddenly her hand disappeared in his fur.

She did not resist and got to cuddle his front leg.

"Over the years I cuddled many animals in heaven. But to call yourself fluffy is an understatement.

The god of fluff would be better. Who knew that having the law of purity would make your fur feel and smell so fantastic?"

Liliana stopped cuddling him for a bit to get more alcohol and then went back to him.

To have his family cuddle him was one thing. The goddess of creation was something entirely different.

She birthed the races and the world here.

That was the only excuse Alexander could find for him not to feel bad for like it that she cuddled him.

She even hit his good spots after he rolled on his back to give her some room.

After Liliana had enough, both got up and sat back down at the chairs.

She went into serious mode again and resumed their talk.

"Your idea is great. I will give you the angels that you require. They have the casual angel equipment because they never needed to fight. But you have to procure weapons for them."

Easy enough thought Alexander and conjured a sword out of his mana.

"This is the quality of your mana? What the hell did you do? It is so pure."

Did she not know what I did with my core?

"Didn't you already know how I structured my own core and fused my divine spark with it?"

She shook her head.

"We are not omnipotent. Without looking hard at it we can only feel what you are trying to do.

The fact that you did absorb something and turned it into essence was also known to us.

But this, this is mana that was cleansed by a divine law.

What you did before was just an imitation of purity. This is the real thing."

Duh, he knew that it was pure. But that made little difference for what Alexander did with it.

It was good against evil. Even more so now. The rest would show itself at a later point.

"Good to know."

Liliana did not like his tone. He downplayed purity. Without impurities, mana could flow faster from point a to b. The not so terrifying looking blade Alexander just made was a proper magical sword.

He could arm the entire angel army by himself, did he not know that?

'Wait… Maybe that was his plan the entire time? He only needed personnel. Not weapons.'

Liliana finally understood the severity of his claims.

Without further ado, Liliana changed the topic.

"You can have the angels. They are ready in an hour. I just sent someone to get them."

Alexander was pleased by the change of pace.

She acted quickly for some odd reason.

He had expected of her to lash out at him for not respecting her much, but the opposite was the case.

"We are now going to our storage so that you can take a look at the design of the holy swords.

I cannot let my angels run around with these ugly sticks of yours that you dare call swords."

His mood went up for a little bit and directly plummeted back down because of some dumb statement.

Even if that statement was true, he did not like it.

Alexander and Lilia entered the formation she used to come into this room to get out.

He got to see a little bit more of the temple than before.