
The Decision & the Consequences

[8 Years ago, Indore.]

Sarim and his mother reached the nearby police station headlong. The unanticipated guest that arrived a few minutes ago was a police inspector who came in with an arrest warrant of Sarim's father because the income tax officers seized a good amount of black money from his warehouse. Not even in his most random dream had Sarim ever seen what his eyes were witnessing at the police station. His father was brutally beaten up and given six months of imprisonment.

(Six months later)

Time went by, Sarim completed his first semester, which gave him a taste of you-don't-belong-here-ness. His scores were average and his interest aloof. Somehow, he managed to gather the courage to talk to his father about the idea of leaving engineering as it's still not too late. On the other hand, Sarim's father, after completion of his sentence was discomforted by depression, disgust for the man in the mirror and shame that he brought upon himself and his family. Now, he expected his son to get him his lost pride back. Little did he know of the upcoming storm. The consequences of the damned 'choice'.

Sarim informed his father about how Murcops Fashion firm has offered him a six month long paid internship in Delhi on account of his previous hard work. His father was filled with disappointment and anger. The days which followed were occupied by tension and fret. Sarim took a bold yet risky decision of dropping out, and went to Delhi. His father acted neutral.

(Six months later)

Sarim completed his internship and his work was praised by all. On his return from Delhi he bought a scarf for his mother and a QnQ watch for his father, who has been refusing to talk to him even on phone call since the day he left. On his arrival, Sarim saw his mother sitting on his father's chair in despair. Her face was expressionless but had swollen eyes. On seeing Sarim, she wept like a baby and so did he, because right in front of her was a framed picture of Sarim's father, who was no more. His father's last words were – "Don't tell Sarim, Don't disturb his career. Let him make my soul proud in whatever way he wants", before he succumbed to his heart disease. Sarim had never felt more deafeated in his entire life. He started questioning his decisions, the consequences, what he had lost, what he was yet to lose.

[Present day,

Burberry Fashion Pvt. Ltd].

Sarim walked inside the building of Burberry Fashion Co. simultaneously thinking about all the sacrifices his father made just so he can succeed, and he did succeed, "but at what cost?" asked Sarim to himself. He walked inside his office and on the name plate kept on his desk was written- 'CEO & Founder'.

**THANK YOU for reading.**

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A ‘choice’ made in a particular situation has the tendency to either amend your life or worsen it. And in some cases, both.

Ubaid_Khancreators' thoughts