
The Choice of The Universe

The most powerful and advanced race in the Chaos universe has sent its state-of-the-art research ship into space to search for inhabited planets and, if necessary, colonize them. Years later, on their way back home, their sensors caught a strange energy fluctuation coming from the black hole they passed near. Therefore, they changed direction and got as close to the black hole as possible. At that moment, the lightning energy suddenly released from the black hole hit the research ship. The ship, whose all systems suddenly shut down, lost its balance and was pulled into the black hole. After a while, the ship started working again, but it was too late. They could not escape from the black hole due to their insufficient energy, but sensors discovered that there was a wormhole inside the black hole. The ship heading to that point passed through the wormhole at the last moment and reached a very small universe. When they began to examine the new universe closely, they were immediately spotted by the local races and a war broke out between them. They lost the war because their advanced weapons were useless in this universe. And the new owner of the ship became the clan of Ahzab the Immortal. About 20 years later, all the clans who wanted to take over the ship united and declared war on Ahzab's tribe. Ahzab's clan managed to escape from this green world by ship, but suffered many casualties. When they left the black hole with the ship and reached the universe of chaos, there was no trace of those following them. However, the condition of the ship was not very good. They set out for the nearest habitable planet. After many problems the ship quickly entered the atmosphere and it hit the earth and sank into the ground . Time passed quickly and years later, the immortal Ahzab's clan join a new student.

CalmWindofTheNorth · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 2 - First Step

Nineteen days later...

In front of an oval-shaped, glass-like transparent structure filled with a snow-white liquid with the consistency of egg white and constantly moving, Dean Noyan was observing intently, while listening to Ms. Esin provide information about the child's health.

When the message box of the thin white tablet in Ms. Esin's hand glowed green, green dots began to appear in the snow-white liquid. Reading the message, Ms. Esin smiled slightly,

- The boy's healing process is completed. We will gradually activate the nervous system against sudden shocks. In approximately two hours and twelve minutes, we will begin the process of exiting the healing capsule. Supreme Master, you can stay and follow the process if you wish.

Dean Noyan thanked Ms. Esin and then left the room with his hands behind his back...

In another room, Chief Baran was talking to Atay, the chief of administration and general affairs.

- Don't you think it took too long. If we were to suffer such an injury, we would heal in less than an hour.

- Three days ago, I asked the same question to Ms. Esin and she said (here Baran stood up and held his index finger pointing forward at the level of his chest and thinned his voice) How will you know? People's healing process progresses at a certain pace. We cannot operate by ignoring this. This child is using the healing capsule for the first time. That's why we were only able to three times the healing speed of the capsule.

- What was that index finger you showed?

- At that time he was pressing his finger on my chest...

They paused for a moment and Atay continued,

- So you're saying... The more it goes more into the capsule, the faster it heals, right?

- !!

As if enlightened, the two looked at each other and then laughed treacherously. Their laughter could be heard even from the corridor...

Two hours later, in the quarantine room, Ms. Esin was giving final instructions to the medical team. The healing capsule had turned completely light green. The liquid inside was sucked out by the base of the capsule, revealing the human child. Removed from the capsule, the child was taken to its pre-arranged room to rest...

The next morning Dean Noyan, Baran and Atay came to the boy's room. Mrs. Esin welcomed them and as they all walked towards the boy, they began to talk.

- Welcome, Supreme Master,

- What's the situation, is everything okay?

- Yes, the healing is complete, all his physical injuries, including the old ones, have been corrected. He's completely healthy, no physical problems, but...

Before he could finish, they had come to the boy lying in a half-sitting position.

- What is your name?

- ?

- How old are you?

- ?

- Do you know where is?

- ?

Never got getting any answers, Dean Noyan took Ms. Esin aside and asked,

- I had thought everything was normal. What's going on? Besides, why do the child's eyes look like he has lost his soul?

- He had woke up early in the morning, while checking himself and his surroundings, he saw the nurse and asked, "Where is my father?" When the nurse explained the situation, he had bent his neck and clenched his fists. Then they said he was crying silently. When I learned about the situation, I came quickly, but he was caught in an emotional trauma until I arrived.

- Result…

- We'll take him into care. We won't let him be alone. We'll treat him well and we'll talk a lot. I hope he will get better after a while,

- You're not sure... You're just hoping, right?

- …

When Ms. Esin bowed her head sadly, Dean Noyan was clenching his fists in anger. He looked angrily at Baran and Atay inside the room. Then he turned around and left...

After a while the others aslo left the room. Ms. Esin appointed three nurses responsible for the child's care. "You will stand in rotation, I want your reports about your duty hours every morning, please do not miss them" she said and left the room..

Days passed but the child made no progress...

Ms. Esin was reading the notes every day. The expression that flourished in him in the first days of the trauma, "It will get better with a little help, there is a lot we can do", faded over time. And finally she started to think, "There is no point in what we are doing. We will not succeed."

The notes kept for the child were almost identical every day. "He is very quiet. His gaze is dull. He vomits one of the three-four meals he eats. He has difficulty falling asleep. He wakes up suddenly at night screaming but does not realize he is awake. He constantly looks out the window"

By day thirty eight, there was an interesting change in one of the reports. During the second nurse's shift, the child slowly reached out and took the nurse's hand. He continued to hold her hand for the next few days. On the fourty five day, he started to look-see more meaningful and beautiful.

Ms. Esin was now looking at the second nurse's fourty nine day report. That day, they went out of the room and started traveling around. Ms. Esin sent a message for the second nurse to come and ten minutes later the nurse came,

- Nurse Oya, according to your report, you started traveling yesterday. How did that happen?

- Sir, as you know, my shift is between 4 pm and 12 midnight. At first, the child had trouble falling asleep. I was constantly talking to him so that he could sleep comfortably, but there was no change in the child.

So I started reading the books we had that might be suitable for children. Although there was no psychological change in the child, he began to show physical reactions from time to time. For example, when I read a book he liked, he would physically turn towards me. Then I realized that what they loved were strong hero stories.

When I asked the librarian to help me, he gave me a book called "The Rise of Power". It was about a boy whose family was killed by monsters, who improves himself and kills monsters.

When I started reading the attack of monsters part, he reached out and took my hand. His glances changed when the boy was noticed by a master and began learning martial arts. As the child in the book strengthened himself, I felt that his self-confidence was also restored.

Finally "You know what? This is also an education center. When I said, "You can make yourself stronger here," he opened his eyes wide and said, "Really?" Then he asked me to take him around. But we couldn't go very far.

- You did a good job, well done... You have taken the first step for now. Keep working like this. I'm waiting for your good news.

When the second nurse said bye and left the room, Ms. Esin also left her room to share this situation with other managers.