
Chapter 17

David was surprised. "How could you lie to me?"

He looked at the packet and then at Nada and realized, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

Nada looked at him, lowered her head and swallowed the rest of the bread, then took the crumbs off her fingers, and stood up and said to him, "Excuse me."

David stood up, watched him take the thermos cup, went to the back of the water dispenser to get a glass of water, poured the water into the thermos cup lid and sipped.

David asked, "Won't you be hungry if you just eat these two pieces of bread?"

Nada said, "No."

David also dare not continue to ask, change the topic with Nada said Ivy family bankruptcy, in this, he said lightly: "her little assets, three days to her to get away, also do not know what to be proud of, hum."

Nada paused and looked up at him.

David felt the look in her eyes and immediately puffed out his chest. Although Adolf did it, what Adolf did was just as good as what he did! He's willing to take the glory for him!

Nada whispered, "How did you do it?"

David: "..."

His upright chest slowly deflated, eyes wandering, with his own years of listening and watching, he said: "If the chain of funds for his company is broken, the funds he invested cannot be recovered, it is lost, the hole is getting bigger and bigger, and there is no money to borrow back the funds, naturally can only go bankrupt."

Nada nodded thoughtfully.

David looked down at her. Looking over from his Angle, he could faintly see the small mole under Nada's left eyelid. She was very delicate, and even the small mole was round and lovely, which made her skin more clean and white.

David's mouth tickled for no reason. He licked his lips and asked, "Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Nada.

David withdrew his gaze from Nada's face for too long and said, "Running a company is tiring."

He also started companies with friends, and went bankrupt five times, none of which lasted more than three months.

Nada looked at him as if he had run a company before.

David asked tentatively, "If you had the chance to manage a company, would you do it?"

Nada dropped her eyes to the book, "I don't have enough conditions to answer."

David asked, "What do you want?"

"Annual salary, benefits package," says Nada.

David broke his fingers and began to count, "The terms you mentioned, of course, have to be the best, annual salary, um... Give you $10 million? Welfare package Get you a Porsche? A cruise ship? A mansion? What more do you want?"

Nada: "..."

If someone had said that, Nada might have thought he was bragging, but when David said it, Nada took it seriously. "Are you serious?" she asked.

Without hesitation, David said, "Seriously, what do you say?"

Nada was not easily moved. "No."

David gasped. "Why not?"

Nada put down the lid of the water cup in her hand, turned to David, and said seriously, "If I were you, I would not easily give people so much salary and welfare benefits, and you are a capitalist not a philanthropist, if you give people an annual salary of 10 million, then you must at least let the other side create more than 100 million value, otherwise this business is a failure."

David: "..."

No, it's his wife... Open your mouth and you're an old capitalist.

David shivered a little, was about to say something, and suddenly found a blind spot, he whispered: "Then you don't want, is it not confident in yourself?"

Nada nodded, "I'm afraid I can't help but exploit you."

David: "!!"

"Why do you say that?" he asked in horror.

Nada curved her lips slightly, gave a meaningful smile, and calmly said, "Because you look easy to bully."

David: "..."

He sat up straight away from Nada.

Nada looked at him with a frightened look and turned her eyes back to the book.

In his heart, he carelessly thought, he is so tall, how dare so small? And it's easy to cheat.

David was quiet for a long time. The words Nada said echoed in his mind.

Does he seem easy to bully?

That's why Nada was always...

Yes, he was just too good-natured to let Nada walk all over him for so long!

Nada may be his wife, but she's exercising her fucking rights.

A grown man doesn't like being told what to do by his mother!

David thought, and a little sad, this is because he did not have the majesty of his husband in front of Nada caused the consequences!

David again remembered the purpose of coming to Nada, he is to pick up the dignity of a man in Nada, rather than continue to be exploited by Nada!

He's got to keep Nada down. She can't bully him anymore!

David gathered his courage and turned to look at Nada. "That..."

Nada didn't look at him. "What's the matter?"

David asked, "Can you not bully me?"

Nada: "..."

David said, "Do I at least consider you my brother? Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional Chinese virtue!"

Nada gave a perfunctory "HMM."

David said seriously: "And I am so good to you, sincerely change sincerely, you should be good to me."

Nada: "..."

Nada looked out the window and wondered, is he really eighteen?


Ivy in the police station, know his home bankrupt news.

At first, she thought Lvy's mother was lying to her, but Lvy's mother's angry appearance was not like fraud, she reached this age, but her voice was still as thin as a girl, and once she screamed, it was especially uncomfortable for her ears, "Your father also stole my private money!" More than a million! He lost it all! He wants me dead! What now?"

Ivy is incredible, the whole person is in a trance, "how can it be?"

Lvy's mother said, "How can it be! Your father that person talk but brain, I know he will offend people, sooner or later the company will be destroyed by him, usually let him give me more money I save for emergency, he does not give, do not give, and now an accident and miss me so much money! Divorce! I want a divorce from your father!!"

Ivy was her voice Shouting ear pain, heart fire also came out, "Mom, you say a few words!"

Lvy mother airway: "Why, you dare yell at me too?" Well, I gave birth to you, divorce you with him, anyway, I can't control you!"

Ivy: "..."

Lvy's mother said that and hung up the phone.

Ivy looked at the black phone screen, very dazed, and soon, she was overwhelmed by a huge panic.

Ivy can't imagine that her family is the only one in her mind that can make her feel superior among her peers, but now her family is bankrupt?

Her father is so capable that he can earn a lot of money for the family every year, so she can live in a big villa, spend thousands of pocket money every month, buy smart phones that friends do not have brand-name sneakers, and enjoy the envious eyes of others.

But now, Lvy's mom tells her the family is broke?

How did it go bankrupt? Ivy's brain is in a mess, the heart is beating very fast, just for a moment, she suddenly remembered a face.

The guy who helped Nada, he was tough on her.

Ivy suddenly realized that it was her!! ?

Ivy was breathing fast, and to this point, she still had a trace of fantasy.

No, no, no, not her. Even if she had money, she was in high school just like her, how could she bankrupt a company the size of her family?

Two days later, the detention was over, and Lvy's father came to the police station to pick her up. Lvy's father, who was no more than forty years old, was obviously a little older at this time and had white hair on the temples. She saw Ivy, didn't say anything, gave her a coat and let her get on the car.

Ivy looked at her own BMW and breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as she got on the car, she heard Lvy's father say, "This car will also be sold in a few days."

Ivy felt nervous and did not speak.

Lvy's father said: "At that time, 480,000 yuan bought the car, less than six months, can only sell 160,000."

Ivy said in a husky voice, "Can you sell it higher?"

Lvy's father gave a sneer and started the car.

Ivy stopped talking.

After passing the viaduct, Lvy's father suddenly said, "I really want to drive down here and be done with it."

Ivy: "..."

Lvy's father said, "Your mother ran away and took the last bit of the family savings with her."

Ivy was silent.

After a long time, to the place, Ivy got off a look, but it is an ordinary residential building.

Lvy's dad sneered, "Watching what? Some accommodation is good, dare to criticize you don't stay, just save a person's food costs."

Once the momentum of bullying Ivy, now by his father ridicule, even dare not say a word.

Seeing Lvy's father like this, she already had some vague speculation in her heart, and under extreme panic, her heart beat faster, so that her face turned red and her forehead broke out with fine sweat.

After going upstairs and reaching the room rented by Lvy's father, Lvy's father closed the door, raised his hand and slapped Ivy, "Do you know why I hit you?"

Lvy's father was so strong that Ivy was beaten back a few steps and hit the wall, listening to Lvy's father asked her, and did not speak.

Lvy's father said, "It seems that you guessed, yes, the family has made this situation, it is your fault!" Do you know who the transfer student in your class is?"

His chest heaved violently and he almost roared: "It's Adolf his son! You mess with who? Fuck with his friends! Do you know how much debt I'm in? More than ten million!! What do I get back? What do I get back? Will you return it? Sell you back? !!"

He got emotional and he kicked Ivy.

These few slap feet come, Ivy more at a loss.

Adolf, he had heard of, the big man who often appeared in the news, he was heard to be the richest man in the country z, the richest man in the country, and that boy was actually the son of Adolf?

Ha, no wonder, no wonder you can give people a watch of three million, no wonder you dare to put hard words to him casually, the original is to rely on ah.

Ivy's face twisted. Even Adolf's son helped Nada. What charm does she have?

Why on earth? !

They're the rich kids who should be hanging out!

Why would he help Nada? ! Why is that?

Ivy is punched and kicked by Lvy's father, who used to be such a tall person, now squatting on the ground like a dead dog.

Until this time, she finally had a trace of regret, regret.


Ivy dropped out of Nanyang, which Mignon said a simple sentence in class, then continued the class.

David whispered to Nada triumphantly, "I told her I was going to take her out of school, okay? I did it."

Nada did not respond, and David wanted to say anything to her, so he heard Mignon cough and said, "Some students pay attention, now in class, don't wander off and disturb other students."

David was quiet for a while, and when Mignon was not looking, he leaned into Nada's ear and said, "A blue face is angry at the crown, and blue face doesn't mean something?"

Nada: "..."

David: "Say something."

Nada: "..."

She wrote a note to David, and while Mignon was writing on the board, she pushed it to David.

David gave Mignon a quick look, picked up the note, and his face turned red.

It drew a love heart, red with a red pen, and added: "Thank you."

David stared at the little heart and wanted to ask what Nada meant, but he dared not.

Is Nada trying to seduce him?