
Chapter 60

"I asked you something" he gritted out, the veins around his throat popping out.

"We are working on our relationship" I managed to say.

He got up abruptly "Can you please leave for today" he said looking away.

"But...." I began.

"Please" he pleaded.

I nodded; a rush of tears threatening to break free. I stood up instantly and walked out of the door restraining my desire to look back. If I look back, I'll see his anguish and show him mine. It will do no good.

Getting inside the car I took a moment to pull myself together. Pulling out my phone, I scrolled for the number that I just dug out of Jack's call log and dialed her, unashamed.

"Hello" came her deep businesslike voice.

"Esther here" I said

There was a brisk pause "To what do I owe this pleasure?" she replied sarcastically.

"I believe you have a date with Jack this evening" I want to keep our conversation short.