
Chapter 1

Strike of eleven:

"Try as you might, chipmunk, even your birthday suit wouldn't qualify as sexy for the party," Ethan chuckled, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Isn't your candor just a breath of fresh air?" I shot back, a sharp glare aimed his way. "Remember, honesty is not always the best policy."

He shoved his camera under my nose, distracting me with a taunting grin. "So, are you going to fritter away the night picking out a dress that won't turn heads, or embrace your inner glutton?" He was still smirking, the rascal.

The picture on his camera showed a delectable roast chicken, provocatively nestled among an array of buffet dishes. It was a no-brainer. "All hail the goddess of hunger!" I yelped, snatched the first pink frock that caught my eye, and dashed for the bathroom. Ethan's echoing laughter trailed me.

Hey there, I'm Esther Taylor. The wisecracking fellow you've just met is Ethan, my best mate. I can almost hear you groaning, "Esther and Ethan? Seriously?" Yes, folks, welcome to my world of unimaginative monikers. Born on the same day in the same hospital, our parents became fast friends, thought it'd be a riot to give us rhyming names.

The sweet part? Ethan despises our paired names more than I do, making it a prime source of my amusement. Whenever he tries to charm a girl, I latch onto him and flash a warm smile at her. "You've met Ethan? Hi, I'm Esther, his name twin." His future partner will no doubt appreciate my teasing.

Anyway, back to the day's agenda: Ethan's brother Dennis's 16th birthday bash. Dennis's the hotshot future alpha of our 'Bluewood' pack, and the spotlight of the evening, of course, was his prospective mate. Once Dennis finds her, they'll begin their decade-long training to become the next power duo of our pack. Dennis's intent on being a doctor - a noble ambition his dad, Alpha Blake Wood, wholeheartedly supports.

Do I sense some whiff of envy from you? Well, you're right. Ethan and I are somewhat green-eyed about his royal highness Dennis's smarts and obedience. Ethan, however, pulls the short straw here, having to share a roof with Dennis - who we are convinced was a British aristocrat in a past life.

Bearing platters piled high with chicken, we headed straight for the lawn and found cozy spots, ready to savor the food and the unfolding drama. Dennis and his dad were busy schmoozing with the pack's movers and shakers - a rather yawn-inducing spectacle. Our attention veered towards the 16-and-above 'Luna hopefuls', dressed to the nines. I glanced down at my simple attire and sighed. "Wish I were sixteen."

"So, you could be Dennis's mate?" Ethan sniggered.

"Hilarious," I retorted, fixing him with a glare. "I just want the chance to look stunning in a dress."

Ethan flashed a grin. "You'll outshine them all someday."


"Absolutely. Just slow down on the feasting," he advised, his own mouth full of food, "and stop treating me like a brother."

I shook my head, defiant. "No can do."

"You know, I once asked Dennis what he wanted in a mate. 'Elegant, graceful, kind, someone who will serve our pack alongside me,' he'd said. He even mentioned that he'd like her to be a doctor. For some reason, I thought of you," Ethan turned towards me, a serious look on his face.

"Me?" I gasped, wide-eyed.

"Yes," he affirmed, then quickly added, "But the exact opposite of you," winking at me.

I shot him a glare. "Oh, we'll see. Mr. Uptight won't know what hit him when his 'elegant' mate shows up."

Speaking of Dennis, I wondered if he'd found his mate yet. With him, it's hard to say. He could be grinning like a Cheshire cat or frowning like a bulldog - his expression would remain the same. I often wondered if a book could be one's mate. If so, Dennis would be betrothed to his precious hardcovers.

When he caught me staring, I quickly shifted my gaze to Ethan, waiting until Dennis was distracted.

"Ye gods!" I exhaled, hand on my heart. "That was nerve-wracking."

"What's up?" Ethan asked, looking up from his food.

"Can future Alphas read minds?" I blurted.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "We all have mind links, Esther."

"Not that. I was mentally cursing Dennis, and he glared at me. Think he'll hold that against me when he becomes Alpha?"

Ethan chuckled. "You're always so spooked by him. He never harmed you."

"I've never seen him smile. It's unsettling," I confessed.

"He does smile, just not often. Maybe he doesn't like you," Ethan teased. "Might be your looks."

"Do you think he'll pick on me when he's Alpha?"

"Nah, Dennis's got a big heart. He won't bother you, no matter how unattractive he finds you."

"One of these days, Ethan..."

The party wound down around midnight, Dennis retreating to the pack house with a somber expression.

Guess something marred Mr. Perfect's perfect day?

"Seems he didn't find his mate," Ethan mused.

I grinned, "But we found the heavenly chicken!"

"Hell yeah!"

Half a decade later:

"Could the two of you potentially become mates?" Daisy, the docile and demure daughter of the beta, asked. She was easily the gentlest and most introverted werewolf you could ever encounter.

The night before our 16th birthdays, we all huddled by the lakeside. Ethan, Tyler, Bruce, Aylin, Daisy, and me, we formed an official group when we all experienced our first shift around the same age two years prior. This was a gathering to commemorate our last day of youthful recklessness.

"B.O.R.I.N.G" we chorused, exchanging knowing grins.

"But wouldn't that be incredibly romantic?" Aylin debated. She had a knack for daydreaming about love. "It would be as if the Moon Goddess blessed your union by ensuring that you were always together."

Everyone gave her 'the' look.

"So, what will you do if it happens?" Bruce echoed Daisy's question. They seemed determined to get an answer.

"I'd be dead meat," Ethan grumbled, irritation creeping into his expression. His mood had been swinging wildly in anticipation of his 'mate day' for a few weeks now, which was getting on all our nerves.

"That's right, I'd skin him alive if he turns out to be my mate," I retorted, feigning a growl. "Have you seen the number of girls who have clung to him this past year?"

Puberty had been kind to Ethan. His impressive height and twinkling green eyes naturally drew attention, so the sight of Ethan with a new girl every few days had become quite commonplace.

"We need fresh faces in our lives," Ethan replied, winking at me.

"Someone we can gradually discover. Someone unaware of how clumsy I am so I can act graceful," I pointed at myself, "or how much he's scared of horror movies so he can act brave," I pointed at Ethan.

"Enough said," Ethan interjected.

"Why is the party at Esther's and not yours?" Bruce asked Ethan.