This art cover does not belong to me, if it is your then please say so in a comment on my newest chapter/// Yuki, a humanoid girl and the last Chimera left on the planet (although she doesn't know that) wakes up one day in a unfamiliar forest with no idea on how she got there, worst if all she doesn't know who she is or where she came from. Follow Yuki(snow in japenese) the last chimera and her traveling companion kawaii (cute in japenese) the Roaring Fox as they travel through a forest filled with secrets and it's fair share of dangers as they journey together to find out where they came from.
It took around three more hours before me and Kawaii was able to finish off the last human. Blood leaked from my claws as I slit the neck of the human in front of me. Looking around I could still see a lot more cages with monsters in them. Pushing my already extremely exhausted body forward I went up to the next cage in front of me. Now that all the humans were dead I was actually able to look at the monsters that I was setting free.
Walking up to the cage Infront of me I looked inside of it to see a small reptile that looked quite similar to a thorny devil. With small spikes running all along its spine while two horns poked out of the top of its head it looked like a mini dinosaur or dragon. It was about the size of a full grown fox. Although a major difference between a thorny devil and it were its large red wings that were laying down across its back. The wings of the creature were abnormally large.
The cage itself was six feet long even though the lizards body was barely a foot and a half in length. Unlike most wings however These seemed to be made out of some kind of liquid that made a puddle under it. Smelling the air my eyes widened in surprise as a metallic smell entered my nose as I realized that the creatures wings were made of its own blood.
Stepping back to get a better look at the cage I noticed that four long metal legs supported the cage while keeping it one foot off the ground. Surrounding it were multiple large buckets that caught the blood before it could hit the ground. Looking at the creature once more, anger started to build up inside me once again as I realized something.
The wings coming out of its back are supposed to be able to retract into its body. The lizards was being forced to fill up the buckets with it's own blood. Quickly swiping my claws at the blue symbol I released the creature from any danger of having its limbs incinerated befor cutting apart the metal bars that kept the creature inside of the cage.
Carefully lifting the poor creature out of its cage I could see little droplets of water fall from its eyes as it started to make the strangest noises that could be mistaken for a small but sad giggle. It's back twitched twice befor it's wings were quickly retracted into it's body, the little lizard let out a quick gasp of pain befor it's skin closed itself on the spot in which it's wings disappeared into.
I looked over to my right to see the sun disappear from the horizon. As the son disappeared from my sight my gaze was once again retracted to the lizard as it started to glow. It's body shined with a bright blue light that was similar to the light that came off of a glow worm. My eyes softened as I looked at the lizard which looked right back at me. Slowly crawling up my arm the lizard stopped on top of my shoulder befor laying it's head down and closing its eyes. Small squeaks started to escape it's mouth as it immediately fell asleep.
Almost letting out a squeal at the cuteness of the lizard I carefully scooted my finger towards the lizards head as I lightly started to travel it down the length of it's body. My eyes turned into hearts as the lizards tail started to wag as it's body let off a soft purring noice that was no different than a cat. Feeling a presence behind me I slowly turned as to not wake the lizard up before setting my sights on Kawaii. Unlike before when kawaii was battling the humans, his aura wasn't filled with that overwhelming bloodthirsty pressure and lust for battle but instead changed into a gentle and kind aura like when I had first met him.
Kawaii looked at the sleeping creature befor talking in a low tone that I guess was so he didn't wake up the creature. "I managed to free the rest of the creatures in the cages but there seems to be still a few more in the main humans tent. The cages holding the monsters seem to be made out of some kind of material that I can't break and I may need your help."
I nodded once as I started to silently follow Kawaii as he lead me towards a giant tent that I had surprisingly missed earlier while observing the humans camp. Even now, I was having trouble keeping an eye on the tent. It flickered hear and there as if trying to escape my sight. Walking up to the tent I had the sudden urge to turn around and go in a different direction although the urge wasn't very big and was quite easy to ignore.
"There's some kind of energy field over the tent that makes makes people subconsciously avoid it, it also seems to protect it from any external attacks from the outside including my own."
Kawaii said as he also studied the tent. Walking up to the tent I send a quick slash expecting to atleast damage it only for my attack to come right back at me making me fige to the left. Attacking with a few more swipes as well as a few tail japs I decided to try something else as I saw that none of my attacks seemed to have any affect. Looking at the tent once more my eye caught sight of another one of those glowing blue symbols that were on the cages that had trapped the now free monsters, It was located on the top of the tent as it faced towards the barrier. It looked quite similar to the ones that had shocked the trapped monsters except that the symbol on this at least had a few recognizable characters.
The symbol was that of a eye surrounded by multiple unrecognizable letters. The pupil of the eye which looked to be a some kind of flame glowed with a bright red light as the air around it visibly moved in waves as it made a stream that connected directly with the barrier. Thinking for a moment an idea suddenly popped into my head. looking at Kawaii I told him my plan befor quickly backing up. Putting his paws on the ground magical energy started to gather around them as the ground beneath his feet started to shake.
Cracks spread throughout the area as multiple vines shot out of the ground befor diving right back in. Indentions in the earth were made as the vines continued to travel deeper underground befor heading in the direction of the tent. Feeling no outside force keeping his vines from traveling under the barrier Kawaii continued to allow them to move forward befor making them appear above ground. Rapping the vines around the magical pendant located on top of the tent that carried the symbol Kawaii ordered his vines to crush the pendant as I started to here multiple cracking sounds that were muffled by the barrier. The pendant shattered as the barrier that had once surrounded the tent broke followed by a wave of magical energy that almost sent me flying.
Digging my feat into the ground that cracked slightly under the force I closed my eyes so as to not get dust in them. Once the energy wave had passed I opened my eyes as the unrestrained auras of multiple monsters bombarded my senses. Traveling into the tent my eyes widened as over twenty different monsters, every single one of them being a varient of there own race, were stuck in large cages with each one barely being kept alive. Gritting my teeth at the seen, I had a sudden wish that I could bring each human that I had killed back to life so I could take my time killing each one of them over and over again.
Looking over at Kawaii I pointed at the tent and whispering "I'm going in".
Kawii nodded his head before whispering back "I will stand guard out here, be quick."
Nodding my head back at him I turned towards the tent before heading inside.