This art cover does not belong to me, if it is your then please say so in a comment on my newest chapter/// Yuki, a humanoid girl and the last Chimera left on the planet (although she doesn't know that) wakes up one day in a unfamiliar forest with no idea on how she got there, worst if all she doesn't know who she is or where she came from. Follow Yuki(snow in japenese) the last chimera and her traveling companion kawaii (cute in japenese) the Roaring Fox as they travel through a forest filled with secrets and it's fair share of dangers as they journey together to find out where they came from.
My nose twitches as I slowly start to wake up. As my eyes slowly open, so do my senses along with the tickling sensation coming from the hairs of my mother's tail against my nose. Suddenly my eyes snap shut as my head goes forward letting out what other people would think as a cute sneeze. I slowly get up and look towards my mother seeing if I accidentally woke her up. Good, I see that she is still asleep so as carefully as I can I tiptoe out of the small little burrow and give myself a big shake to get all of the bugs and leaves off of me.
Mother is not really a morning person and loves to sleep late most days but even though she's tired she still forces herself to have the energy to play with me. Knowing this fills my heart with joy. I've been planning something special for over a week now and it's finally time, today's the day. My mother works hard to get us both food and she even dug up this burrow all by herself while I was out chasing an illusion butterfly. They like to use illusions to make more pictures of themselves so predators will have a harder time killing them. Which just so happens to make them the perfect creatures to chase.
I've chased tons of them before in many different forests. In one forest I found an abnormally large illusion butterfly that was even bigger than my mother. For some reason the thing was mad and my mom had to help me escape. Maybe it was because of that small butterfly I ate, hmmmm well anyway as I was saying me and my mother are what we like to call roamers. We don't stay in one place for very long, usually we stay in a burrow or cave for about a week before we move again. I don't like roaming. Every time we roam my mother's smell always changes.
I smell fear mixed with anxiety in her scent. I don't know why she worries so much and every time I try to ask she just changes the subject although one time she let something slip although I don't know what she meant. She had mumbled under her breath something about a dragon and revenge. I don't know what kind of creature this revenge is but I do know what a dragon is. I've always wanted to see one, the stories of how they were the strongest creatures in the whole forest and could even take down a human. Soooooo awesome, me and my mother ran into a human one time, a pointy stick came out of nowhere and pierced my mother's leg.
We barely escaped. But if we had been dragons then that human would have been toast. But for some reason my mother dislikes dragons and every time they are mentioned I smell fear coming off of her. So today I'd like to surprise her. I've been tracking down a great horned rabbit for the past six days and finally found it's borrow. Mother will be so surprised whenever I bring home lunch. I look back at my mom sleeping soundly as a smile bloomed on my face.
Flowers swing with the wind as the smell of freshly bloomed roses, and dandelions travel over the flowery field and into my nose. My head ducks low under the tall grass as I see the small rabbit poke its head out of its burrow making sure the coast is clear. Unfortunately I can't attack the bunny head on thanks to our major size difference. I mean like seriously, I'm barely bigger than it's head much less it's whole body. Which is why I decided to go with a sneak attack. After about 5 minutes of checking to make sure there was no danger around the bunny, it slowly moved forward to not alert any predators of its presence.
The bunny starts to move forward at a faster pace as it starts heading to the edge of the field where its favorite meal is just waiting to be eaten, carrots. My eyes follow the bunny as it gets closer to the meal and closer to my hiding spot. The bunny stopped ten feet away from me where a group of especially ripe carrots were gathered. Suddenly the bunny starts to dig trying to find the hidden vegetable under the ground. Its horns slowly start to rotate on top of its head turning into a many drill that apparently is strangely very silent.
The bunny then moved its head against the grown suddenly making tiny bits of duty fly everywhere converting its vision and that's when I knew it was my chance. I slowly started creeping forward, careful to not make any vibrations in fear of it running away. With my small body I only got one chance to kill it before it runs away. I slowly get up behind it and whenever I'm only about 3 feet away I pounce. claws outstretched and teeth apart I grab into it's back and start biting and scratching as much as I can. The bunny instantly bolts and starts trying to shake me off but I hang on.
My claws are latched onto it's back and with great determination my teeth lock around its neck and bite down. The skin is very thick for my little teeth but I don't give up and neither does the rabbit. Suddenly the rabbit stops and slams into its back breaking my leg in the process but even with this pain I remember the image of making my mother smile as I hand over the special kill and hang on. As the rabbit once again slams it's back into the ground I use that moment to lock down my teeth as hard as I can. and as my head hurts the friend and my mouth closes, the extra wait from the rabbit was just enough to help my teeth break through its hard skin and puncture its artery. My mouth was filled with the blood of the rabbit as a large smile appeared on my face.
Even though the pain from my broken leg banged against my mind, the thought of making my mother happy made me decide to move. My teeth locked around the rabbit and even with my incredibly small size I was able to lift it up. I turned my head towards home and started to walk the painful way back. The white circle was already high in the sky whenever I got about halfway to my burrow. It didn't take me very long to get back after that but whenever I did I found myself being hugged by my mother with tears running out of her eyes. She kept saying the same words over and over again.
"I was so worried". she repeated to me at the very least six times before I suddenly let out a small yip as pain went through my back.
"Don't you ever be gone that long again you hear me, I thought you had been hurt or" suddenly her voice went quiet as a tiny little whisper escaped her mouth "or dead."
I didn't know why but whenever I looked into her eyes and could tell she was absolutely furious, instead of feeling sorry I felt happy. Because there was the smell of fear mixed into her scent and it was stronger than anything I had smelt before. And knowing that she cared about me more than anything else warmed my heart to no end. But I didn't want her to be afraid or angry and I knew just the thing to make her happy.
"Mother I'm sorry for making you mad but I got you something, so please don't be upset. I know I was gone for a while but I wanted to get us lunch. Well I guess I should say that I got us dinner since it took so long." I turned around and grabbed the dead rabbit and put it In Front of my mother.
The expression of fury was still on her face but It wasn't as scary as before. Suddenly the pain from my broken leg caught up with me as I was forced to lay down as little whimpers left my body. My mother quickly came up to me and started sniffing me for injuries. I didn't notice it from the pain in my leg but only about 3 quarters of my left ear was still there. The rabbit's horn must have grazed my ear as it was slamming me into the ground.
And of course my mother noticed it as well but not before she noticed the horrible condition my leg was in. I immediately found myself being picked up and then put on my mothers back. She gave a heavy sigh as she took me in one of our burrows many tunnels. It's located right beside our sleeping tunnel and it's filled with leaves that give off a beautiful light. My mom says this is because of their magical pr....prop.... ummm.. owe ya, my mother says it's because of their magical proper berries.
Unfortunately that's the only thing beautiful about them. The taste is awful. My mother tries to make me eat them but I just can't. I turn my head left and right as my mother almost manages to get one leaf into my mouth. I pull out of her paws, I turn my head head downwards and then forcefully barry my head into the ground like those fat and plump birds do. Man are they dum but at least their ideas work.
Finally it seemed as if she gave up until I felt my head forcefully pulled out of the ground and then my mouth being pried open by my mother's paws. Unfortunately the worst part came as her tail then forced itself into my mouth along with the horrible tasting leaves. My eyes watered from the taste as I started running around the burrow looking for ANYTHING to eat or drink to get this disgusting taste out of my mouth. I didn't even need to ask how my leg or ear was healed because I already knew. It was those disgusting leaves.
Thankfully although it was my mother who put me in this state it was also her who came to the rescue. For right Infront of her was the juicy rabbit that I had brought home. My mother tore off both of the hind legs of the rabbit and I immediately started munching on them. As I finished off the last bits of the leg I noticed mother had finished off the rest. My stomach was bloated and my eyes were getting heavy as a long yawn escaped my mouth. Today was great and I had hopes that tomorrow would be even better. and as I went to our sleeping tunnel and curled up beside my mother. The sound of her breathing helped me to fall asleep as one last thought crossed my mind. (I love my mother.)