
The Children of Gardled

Nia is from a village called Natura Cordis, which is located within the woods of Cordis in a continent dominated by magic users. However, Nia finds out that she doesn't have an arcaneum lifeline, which places her at the bottom of the food chain. Despite this, she manages to find another way to make use of Arcaneum after a life-threatening situation and a chain of events that followed it. Soon, Nia will discover the consequences of commanding arcaneum through other means than natural birth. Changed it to male lead cause even though it is a female-leaded novel. Romance isn’t the main focus.

Ganbarisa · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 7: Crasod

Nia and Yatia walked quietly beside the strong stone walls that surrounded the stronghold town. Although the structure was grand, Nia felt uneasy as she saw the poverty that surrounded them. Poverty was common in Natura Cordis, but the severity of it in this small area was alarming.

Seeing the rundown houses and poorly dressed people who lived there made Nia feel sad. She couldn't help but think about how challenging their lives must be, struggling every day to meet their basic needs. Nia also felt scared as she thought about the dangers and difficulties that the impoverished community had to face.

Despite feeling scared and sad, Nia admired the people in the community for their strength and resilience. They had been able to survive in such challenging conditions, and it was clear that they had a strong spirit.

Nia's curiosity got the better of her as she walked alongside Yatia in the prison stronghold of Cardis. She couldn't help but wonder if the place had a local name. "Hey Yatia, does this place have a name?" Nia asked curiously.

Yatia chuckled at Nia's question. "Do you really think that the rulers would give us the privilege of naming our own home?" she asked rhetorically. "No, they just call it the prison stronghold of Cardis, after the province it's in," Yatia explained with a shrug.

Nia's face fell slightly at Yatia's response. She had hoped for a more interesting name. "Does it have any other name given by the locals?" she asked, trying to keep her hopes up.

"Yeah, we just call it the Crasod," Yatia replied with a smile.

Nia's eyes widened in surprise. "Really, the iron cage?" she asked with a soft laugh, amused by the name's literal translation.

Yatia joined in Nia's laughter. "Blame the old folks for their creativity," she said, still chuckling. "More importantly, I didn't know you could speak Ancient Gardled. That's impressive," Yatia said, changing the subject.

Nia smiled at Yatia's compliment. "My parents taught me a little bit a long time ago," Nia explained.

As Nia and Yatia walked down the narrow, dimly lit alley, their senses were on high alert. The area was known to be a hotbed of criminal activity, and the girls had heard rumors of dangerous individuals lurking around every corner.

Suddenly, a man's greasy voice broke the silence. "Aren't you two afraid you'll be grabbed and taken to one of our huts, walking alone in the iron cage?" he taunted.

Nia's heart skipped a beat as she turned to face the source of the voice. She could see the man's silhouette, but his features were obscured by the shadows. She tried to steady her breathing and maintain a calm exterior, not wanting to show any signs of weakness.

Yatia, on the other hand, rolled her eyes at the man's pathetic attempt at intimidation. "Oh please, spare us the theatrics," she said dismissively.

Nia peeked at the man and saw that he was wearing very little clothing and looked more pathetic than threatening. She let out a small sigh of relief, knowing that he wouldn't be much of a threat either way.

The man chuckled in response to Yatia's comment. "I'm just trying to be friendly, ladies," he said, his tone suddenly shifting to one of false politeness. "Don't mind me, I'll just be on my way."

As the man slunk off into the shadows, Nia and Yatia continued on their way, their nerves still on edge.

Together, Nia and Yatia walked along the winding, narrow streets of the Crasod, passing groups of people huddled around dimly lit fires and stray dogs wandering aimlessly in search of scraps of food.

As they made their way towards the outskirts of the stronghold, Yatia turned to Nia with a smile. "I'm excited for you to see my house," she said, a hint of anticipation in her voice.

Nia felt a tingle of excitement in her stomach as she followed Yatia down a small alleyway lined with ramshackle houses made of wooden planks and corrugated metal. The smell of burning trash mixed with the sound of chatter and laughter filled the air, creating a unique ambiance that Nia found strangely comforting.

As they approached Yatia's house, Nia couldn't help but feel curious. She had heard Yatia talk about her home before but had never been there herself. She wondered what it would be like, what decorations Yatia would have, and if it was different from her own home.