
The Children of Gardled

Nia is from a village called Natura Cordis, which is located within the woods of Cordis in a continent dominated by magic users. However, Nia finds out that she doesn't have an arcaneum lifeline, which places her at the bottom of the food chain. Despite this, she manages to find another way to make use of Arcaneum after a life-threatening situation and a chain of events that followed it. Soon, Nia will discover the consequences of commanding arcaneum through other means than natural birth. Changed it to male lead cause even though it is a female-leaded novel. Romance isn’t the main focus.

Ganbarisa · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 19: Trip

The carriage was hopping and bumping on the road, drawn by two ancient bear-like creatures that were well-trained and obedient to their driver's commands. Most of the locals knew to keep their distance from the carriage as it passed through town. There was a strange energy emanating from it, as if some kind of arcaneum was at play.

Inside the carriage, two young girls were sitting on plush cushions, each with her own comfortable seating area. Yatia was sprawled out on her sofa, relishing the feeling of luxury that she had never experienced before. The carriage was intricately designed, with ornate carvings on the walls and rich fabrics adorning the furnishings. Yatia couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the opulence around her.

As they rode along, Yatia and her friend Nia chatted about their day, with Nia occasionally peeking out the window to take in the passing scenery. Yatia was still amazed at how much her life had changed in such a short time. She had grown up as a prisoner within the iron cage. But now, she was riding in a luxurious carriage, pulled by two fierce and powerful bear-like creatures, seeing parts of the world she had only dreamed of before.

Yatia was thrilled as she explored the various functions of the sofa. The sleek and modern design had caught her eye, and she was eager to see what other surprises it held. As she played with the buttons on the armrest, she discovered that the sofa could transform into a bed.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Yatia exclaimed with excitement. "You can even turn it into a bed!" She pressed the bed button, and to her surprise, a pillow and blanket appeared out of nowhere. The sofa began to expand, with rails popping out of the sides. It was a marvel of modern furniture design.

Nia joined in on the fun, chuckling as she took note of the sofa's transformation. "I'm surprised there's still enough space for legs even with the bed transformation," she observed, settling onto the sofa.

Ezekiel smiled at their reactions, happy to see them enjoying the comfort of the latest technology. "We're using the latest advancements in arcaneum technology to make the trip to the gathering spot as comfortable as possible for you," he explained. His words hinted at the idea of cutting-edge technology that was beyond their current understanding.

Nia voiced her concern about the safety of the advanced technology they were using. "Are there any robberies that take place during these trips?" she asked, her tone tinged with worry. "This technology seems expensive..."

Ezekiel nodded understandingly, well-aware of the potential dangers that came with such a high-tech mode of transportation. "Yeah, there are usually one or two attempts each trip," he admitted, his expression serious. "But that's why I'm here, so don't worry," he added, trying to reassure Nia.

He went on to explain that he was specially trained in defending against such threats and that the security measures put in place were state-of-the-art. The safety of his passengers was his top priority, and he would do everything in his power to ensure that they arrived at their destination unharmed.

Despite his assurances, Nia couldn't shake off the worry completely. She was relieved to know that Ezekiel was prepared for any potential threats, but the thought of danger still lingered in her mind.

It was a long journey, but the three of them talked about the art of arcaneum on the way. Ezekiel shared some tips with them, and they found out that he was a trained Arcaneum user himself.

Ezekiel leaned back in his seat, letting out a deep sigh. "I remember my time at Grichwood Academy like it was yesterday," he said. "It was a challenging experience, to say the least. The curriculum was rigorous, and the professors were strict. But it was all worth it. I learned so much during my time there. It was a great foundation that I could apply to my real-life experiences."

"I see," Nia nodded. "So, you think experience is the best teacher?"

Ezekiel nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. There's only so much you can learn from textbooks and lectures. The real test comes when you're out there in the field, facing real challenges. That's when you truly learn what you're made of."

As they approached the meeting point, Ezekiel brought the carriage to a halt. "We're here," he said. "I hope you have a great time at the gathering. And remember, if you ever need any advice on arcaneum, feel free to reach out to me."

Nia and Yatia thanked him for the ride and got out of the carriage. As they watched the carriage disappear into the distance, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the insight and knowledge that Ezekiel had shared with them.

Nia and Yatia thanked him for the ride, said their goodbyes, and got out of the carriage.