
The Child Soldier

Xiao starts as a self-pitying and rebellious preteen in a poverty-ridden slum. Aiming to reclaim her freedom in a patriarchal world and make the money to live on her own terms; Xiao disguises herself as a man to climb the ranks of the military. She soon realizes all is not what it appears to be on the surface. Her country is declining, and her government is self-serving and corrupt. If only she could do something to change it? Year after year Xiao trains in mana with the help of many new comrades. Over time she'll grow with them, building a bond one can only find in times of war. When a rash girl frequently scrapes past adversity, mental wounds accumulate. When will she burst? Please take a chance on this novel, I am constantly improving and I write every day. Thank you if you choose to read, your support gives me the strength to continue and improve :). contains romance.... eventually (so sorry). Contains a magic system. -Some LGBT Content, skedaddle if you don't like it.  It won't happen immediately though, so don't get too excited you perverts. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Raydiator · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The chapter I completely forgot to upload

Sitting by the bonfire, the day comes to a close. Xiao watches as the sun brushes over the white tents on the horizon; reflecting off of them in a golden hue. Yuto sits across from her, saying nothing, Occasionally poking the fire to keep it aflame. Using this time to reflect, she thinks of her new comrades. There was something unnatural about their meeting. It wasn't that she hated them, but there was an uncertainty that made being around them make her skin crawl. She had never met a group of people so unguarded and suspicion overwhelms her.

The strangest phenomena of this whole day had been how comfortable she had felt around Yuto. His enmity and disgruntled air remind her of home; Of the only thing she's ever known. Her impression had always been that this was going to be a solo journey. Yet here she sat, overloaded by new relationships. She didn't know how to handle it. She could fight, she could deal with peoples disgust towards her, but respect and comradery was a new venture. Gwendal had forever been her closest companion, as finding someone who didn't look down upon her in Bailekwam was a rarity. A part of her imagines what Gwendal would have thought of all this had she shared. Would she be disappointed? Worried, even?

Xiao herself was terrified, she wondered if she'd ever get used to this feeling. The feeling of knowing at any second she could be found out and killed for having lied to the Zalisthia empire. And what risk does she run, Getting close to the men in this squad, she was very likely to be found out. It was best to keep her distance.

Yuto hits the firewood with a long stake. Embers dance into the air. He seems satisfied with it, revealing a smirk. she starts to admire him, Yuto being an odd reminder of herself. His bitterness and pessimism being a confliction they both have suffered from. Yuto looks over to her, something bothering him. She stares back, the blaze animating her battered and bronzed face. Neither wants to break the silence. So they don't. The night ends.


Bright and early, when the light has only started seeping into the tent, Captain Dunder crashes aggressively on pots. Each hit hammers at the trainee's eardrums, they shuffle in their blankets to cover their ears. All except for Yuto, who is completely aware and already dressed. "Pack up, We'll train in the forest today." Out of the corner of her eye, Xiao can see Nel's face paling. "Oh not again," he shivers, wrapping his arms around his body defensively. Captain Dunder sends an icy glare to him, "You have ten minutes before we head out on horseback."

Each of them hurries to redress themselves into the dreary, green military uniform. Prepared for this moment, Xiao shamelessly undresses down to a black tank top and shorts. The boys, unaware of her bandaged breasts, assess Xiao to be another brazen man.

Nel spots the bloody wraps around Xiao's thigh. "Oh my god! If you're injured you should have said so!" She looks at him nonchalantly and uncaring, "It's fine, I got it five days ago it shouldn't be bleeding anymore." Nel pales further, worry for his new comrade possessing him. "I'll bandage you after training, don't you dare run away."

She looks at him, suddenly feeling disorientated.

They both exit the tent to join the others. In front of the tent lays a simple array of a primitive campfire, a rack full of weapons, and the horse's Captain dunder had prepared for the day. There wasn't much room in front of their tent and the rear ends of the horses obstructed the camp's path. Making it obvious as to why the captain was in such a hurry to leave this morning.

Xiao looks up at her assigned horse for the day, suddenly feeling timid. She notices Yuto glaring at her, urging her to finally make the leap and mount her horse. Feeling unsteady, Chance rides close to keep an eye on her.

The mud has dried overnight and with each step, the horse's hooves drum at the earth. Climbing their final grassy hill, a patch of forest comes into view.

Captain Dunder is the first to dismount. "You all must volunteer two of you to fight against Christopher," Xiao squints her eyes in disapproval, "Why two of us?"

"You'll see," Yuto mutters bitterly.



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