
The Child Soldier's Reincarnation (Old. New version up.)

New version up

Ramen_Guy10 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 29

Reinhardt POV:

"Huh? What?-"

"Well I say I've made arrangements but I've just asked her to take a look at you, she'll decide whether to take you in after that. If she takes you in then you'll be traveling for a while."


"Do you not want to?"

For a moment, I thought to myself, if this tutor was who I thought it was. Then the merits would be huge, I'd be able to witness the power of one of the most powerful Swordsmen in this era. Or rather, swordswoman, and I'd be able to get far stronger with 'that person' than with anyone else.

"No, I definitely want to. I want to see the world outside of our territory."

This was the 'merit' I was talking about, I wished to see the world a bit. This world was far larger than my old one, although this whole world was a single continent, that continent was unimaginably huge. The history of this world was also interesting, there was a time called the 'Ancient Era' when many creatures like Dragons and Phoenix roamed the earth. They were poweful beings, but I'm not particularly interested in them since they don't exist anymore.

No one knows why but they simply dissapeared, maybe some sort of calamity destroyed them. But they're gone now and they have nothing to do with me.

Anyways, back to exploring the world. I want to see the world, like I've said before. My goal is to find a reason to live, a purpose. Maybe traveling the world will help me find one? But another reason is that If my predictions are correct, I will be able to meet the person who I believe will become my tutor and a certain princess with points. These two people will become invaluable to me as pawns if I can tame them.

And even if I can't use them, meeting them and establishing a friendly relation is enough. Considering how much they impacted the main story. I looked at Lucas with an 'intrigued' expression.

"Your potential teacher will test you soon, so train like your life depends on it."


2 Months later

It's been exactly 20 weeks, or 6 months, since I've reincarnated. I've trained in using the Rosenblade bloodline for the past two months. I can now make clothes and can even form basic structures with it like spikes and whatnot. Apparently my constitution is perfect for the Rosenblade bloodline which is why my prowess with it will surpass almost all others before me.

The reason I learnt to make clothes is simple, I wanted to be able to hide my identity while exploring the world. I would simply make a mask and a cloak to hide myself, my hair had grown out a lot. It nearly reached all the way to my back.

Today was when I was going to meet 'The Sword Saint.' A living legend, a person who has reached the pinnacle of Swordsmanship. A Saint was someone recognised by federation, the federation was similar to earth's 'European Union' they were a group of countries who cooperated in mutual interest. The federation would likely crumble at some point, humans in any era would struggle to work together in large groups due to internal strife and whatnot.

Anyways, the Sword Saint had strong ties with the church, which is why she even considered becoming my teacher. Of course my talent also played a part in it.

I was wearing a simple plair of clothes, a black t-shirt and black pair of jeans. These were one of the few clothing items I had learnt to create. The clothes were more durable than any other piece of clothing available. Another thing about my ability Is that I could manipulate it like Lucas could manipulate ice. I had also learnt to fuse it with my Dark Attribute Mana.

That increased its speed, power and durability. I had learnt to do this with both constructs and with weapons.

I said that I could manipulate it like Lucas could manipulate ice, this just meant I could use it make walls, spikes etc. But creating constructs was far more taxing than weapons. As such I had to make the constructs dissapear or else it would cost too much Mana.

I went downstairs into the living room and there sat a young woman with black hair and black eyes, she bore a completely monotone expression. She exuded power, authority and most of all, this sense of being inviolable.

She was powerful, incredibly so, she seemed to be below Lucas but far above me. She looked at me calmly as she sipped a cup of tea.

"So, you're the child whom I've heard so much about?"

A/N: Sorry for the late update, I fell asleep and forgot to upload this chap