
the child of arvianos

mckenzie is a being that doesnt like her parents at all, and the feeling must be mutual especially since they left her to rot in a dungeon for 14 years and never came back for her once. despite the circumstances she was still able to find ways to educate herself as much as possible but what will happen when two kids almost her age come into her life? will they be her downfall in her plan to escape and hold her back, or will they become the salvation.

Kenzie108 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

authors note/ not real chapter

hello! i just wanted to warn everyone about whats going to be in this story



self harm



all of them are just like light except for a couple but i will put a tw on the chapters with self harm, abuse and assault. i hope you really like my book and that you will have an equally as great time reading this book as i did making it. :)