
the chef hunter

ANIME_WRITER1200 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Hunt

Nora walks in the forest and as she goes deeper she hears a sound come from some bushes in front of her she gets in a fighting stance as a creature jumps out of the bushes

(the size of the creature is equal to a dire lion and the creature has fangs like a saber tooth tiger it has no tail instead of has a nub and it's claws and spikes all down its back it has scaly skin)

then the beast jumps on Nora and starts licking her

"stop you scale ball" the beast gets off "good boy" the creature is called a hunting drake its name is Fang.

"you're late but it's good to see you now come, Fang"

Fang follows Nora into town they are standing at to front gate then Nora pulls out a list

"ok let's get the spices and alcohol then the oil for me and Bell hehehe"

then both walk into the town and shop for everything then Nora straps a back on fangs back "now go take that to bell and I will follow shortly after"

Fang runs in the direction of the tavern "now time for my favorite part of the day"

he looks on the ground and spots animal tracks than she bolts in the direction of the tracks and she pulls out her axe and chops down trees as she follows the track and as she's doing that animals run in the opposite direction then she yells.

"I found them the animals I was looking for"

she leaps forward at surprising speeds and cut the small animal down first the she kills the large animals and then she finds her target and pulls out her crossbow takes aim then she fires and misses

"damn it fuck it it's Hatchet time"

she pulls but a hatchet with an axe at both ends and she throws it as it spins mid-air to her prey it hit its hin leg and jumps over she stops herself as she leaves boot marks on the ground she dusted herself off and pulls out the hatchet off the prey and pull out her axe

"any last words you delicious dinner"

the creature looks at her with a fiery will to live then she stops and puts her axe away and picks it up "welp guess I have to find another one of your kind then come along" she drags the beast by the tusk and picks up the other little animal and makes her way back to the tavern.