
The Cheat Seed

Embark on an extraordinary journey alongside Marcus G Orno in the gripping novel, "The Cheat Seed." This captivating tale unveils the remarkable transformation of a seemingly ordinary boy into an unstoppable force, defying the limitations of his past and forging an unprecedented destiny. Marcus, once the target of bullies and living a mundane existence, yearned for greatness. His dreams shattered when his best friend, Dave, awakened an incredible power while Marcus remained powerless. Despair engulfed him, pushing him to the edge of despair. But just as he prepared to end it all, a bolt of lightning intervened, whisking him away to a mysterious dungeon teeming with untold secrets. Within the depths of this extraordinary dungeon, Marcus discovers that he has been chosen for an extraordinary purpose. Facing unprecedented challenges and wielding a power born from the enigmatic Cheat Seed, Marcus embarks on a treacherous quest. Pushing beyond his former limitations, he ascends to heights of strength and ferocity previously unimaginable. "The Cheat Seed" follows Marcus's thrilling odyssey, as he rises from a meek underdog to a force to be reckoned with. With allies and adversaries alike taking notice, he becomes a monster among men, commanding the attention and respect of an entire army. But this journey is more than a mere rise to power. It is a profound exploration of friendship, secrets, and the relentless pursuit of purpose. As Marcus unravels the mysteries that lie in his path, he discovers that every twist and turn has a purpose, leading him closer to an extraordinary destiny. Join Marcus in this exhilarating narrative, where action, intrigue, and self-discovery intertwine. ...... Connect with me on Instagram: @sidddwrites Feel free to JOIN OUR DISCORD community: Your support is genuinely appreciated. If you wish to contribute financially, here's the PayPal link: Thank you.

Sinadin · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Brawn + Brain VS Skill + Brain - 1

'Could he be the otherworldly hero?... The one before him?. The person for whom The Flame Emperor was searching for?... The one who broke the dungeon?'



Marcus yelled at the sky, at the sun, because there was nothing else around him to yell to except the ground which was shrouded with grass that grew till his knees.



A bullet zoomed past his eyes as Marcus dodged it easily.

"I am here Marcus...Hahahaahaa"

Raka's voice ricocheted throughout the dimension as he laughed.


His mind kept on repeating the word while his eyes darted left and right and his body to and fro.


Marcus jumped 5 feet away as Raka's voice boomed beside his ears.

'Bloody bastard. He's putting his deception magic to complete use.'

His thought reacted to what he wanted to say as he saw an Invisible entity flash past him yet again.