
The Chasm

Ruche_Spencer · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

"Where am I?" I thought. I was pretty sure that I hadn't been here before. I was panting as I leaned onto the rock. Then, I heard a rush of water coming from inside. After taking gulps of air, I searched for the mouth of the cave. For whatever reason, I was drawn to the sound. I was fascinated by the fact that an underground stream was lying hidden in our property that I started searching for the mouth of the cave. I was already imagining how to develop it into an underground spa or resort.

Vines intertwined. Soaring centuries-old trees. Giant ferns. These made it even harder to navigate. Added to the ordeal were insects flying all around. I was just hoping not to meet a snake or any poisonous creeping animal.

Unsure how long I spent searching for the mysterious stream, I heard my grandpa's call. He seemed so far away but it was unmistakable that was him. I got excited that I immediately forgot about the mysterious body of water and rushed in the direction of the sound. Before I knew it, I was at the heart of the forest, hurdling over vines and bushes along the way.


No answer.

"Grandpa!" I screamed. Now, it was louder. But still no answer. I stopped and looked around, no traces of human disturbances but mine. With the lush vegetation around, I couldn't see anything, making me walk blindly through the woods.

The eerie stillness was shaking my core. Only the rustling wind and the pounding of my heart made sounds. My breathing became erratic when I've realized that I was lost. My grandpa was missing.

"Holy shit!" I screamed when my right leg slipped into a deep crevice, leaving a tingling abrasion. I impulsively blew air at my wound as I slowly washed it with the water.

After hours of wandering in the forest, I saw a clearing about half a kilometer away. I felt relieved. Limping, I slowly approached the area. As I drew closer, I've noticed a cabin perfectly concealed on a rockface if not with the smoke coming out of the chimney.

I knocked.

"Hello!" I yelled as I banged the door.



We were shocked at each other's presence. Not only that I found her here, but she's also my ex-girlfriend. But, what was she doing in our estate? I could feel that there's more than what she told me before.

Three months earlier...

"Why?" I asked when she first told me about breaking up. Earlier that day, she texted me to meet her in the restaurant we frequented. My excitement in meeting her immediately vanished.

"I love you, Raven. But...,"

"Is there someone else?"

"No... no! It's personal."

"What do you mean it's personal?"

"Raven, I love you. You know that. I've never loved someone as much as I love you."

"Then... why?"

She sighed. I could tell that she wanted to say something but eventually kept her lips sealed. She was fidgeting on her seat, clearly, antsy, disoriented, and confused. But she was good at concealing her emotions.

I nodded in defeat. "I hope that you're happy," I whispered before leaving her at the restaurant. And that was the last time I saw her. She resigned from the company, deleted my number, and unfollowed me on social media.

I was suspicious at that time. I knew something was odd but the timing wasn't just right for me to dig into it because my grandpa suffered from his second stroke. Then, he died after his third attack.

"Uhm... come in." Merlisse's voice woke me up from retrospecting.

I quietly entered the house. It was a small cabin, enough for one person to live in. There was just one small bedroom, a tiny restroom, and a living room, kitchen, and dining room all crammed in one place. I sat on a rattan chair, the only chain in the room, as she prepared a cup of tea for both of us.

"What are you doing here?" she shyly asked. Out of longing, I hugged her tightly. She froze. I took advantage of the moment and kissed her. We shared a long, passionate kiss. She pulled away and cleared her throat as she looked beyond the window.

"I miss you," I whispered. There's no point lying at that time. She looked down and I saw her clutch the hem of her shirt.

"You have to go...," she replied as she turned away from me. It was a perfect chance for me to embrace her from behind. I was still confused about what's going on. But my emotions towards her was overpowering.

I began kissing her neck. She gasped. "Raven, please... stop," she moaned.

I chuckled. "Not until you tell me the real reason why you dumped me," I replied while my hands were exploring her body. "I won't stop unless you tell me."

I smiled when instead of explaining she chose to turn around, equaling my lust. Not long after, the sounds of our carnal desires filled the small cabin as we both traveled to the heavens.