
The Chasm

Ruche_Spencer · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

My head throbbed as I crouched at the foot of my bed, anxiously waiting for my fate. I could hear the erratic beating of my heart as I groped for my cellphone that had fallen earlier.

"Search the entire house!" a man's deep and scratchy voice commanded. His voice was so loud that it resonated in the whole house. I held my breath as footsteps approached my room.

"S***! What should I do? What should I do?" I mumbled. Beads of sweat started forming on my forehead. "Where the hell is my phone?"

"Raven, just give me what grandpa gave you and I'll let you live. I swear," my maternal cousin Richie shouted which made me wonder why he's crazy about it. I didn't even know what it was because I've never heard of it nor had I seen it. But one thing's sure, he'd put a bounty on my head in exchange for the mysterious heirloom.

A month earlier, grandpa died and as soon as the funeral services were over, my mom and I with uncle Sam and his family gathered for the reading of grandpa's will by the family attorney. The tension grew as attorney McCain read through the will. Uncle Sam, my mom's brother, and Richie's father slammed the table upon hearing that the house and lot, along with the vast winery, were under my mom's name.

"That's ridiculous!" he thundered. We saw his face turning red as he clenched his fists. At this point, my mom knew that uncle Sam was on the verge of exploding so she kept quiet. Aunt Florida tried to calm him but he snarled at her.

"Are you saying that he left me with nothing? Hah! That old man nonetheless got his revenge until his grave!" uncle Sam muttered.

"Sam, if you'd let me finish," attorney McCain calmly said.

"He left you the enterprise and the guesthouse near Lake Mariana. Also, two million dollars is going to be transferred in your account under one condition...,"

"What?!" Richie asked sarcastically.

"You must run the enterprise. Give your full attention to it otherwise Raven will get the money," attorney McCain explained. Uncle Sam gritted his teeth in fury as Richie kicked the table.

"That's bullshit!" Richie yelled. My mom and aunt Florida gasped at the sound of the shattered glassware. Spilled tea and water soaked the carpet.

"Calm down, Richie. Things won't be solved with wrath," aunt Florida whispered. She held his hand and rubbed his back. The back of my mind chuckled at the sight of it. My ever mama's boy cousin.

"Attorney McCain, is there a way to revise the will? I mean, if we can split the property fifty-fifty," my mom suggested. My ever-generous mother who doesn't want any rift between her and uncle Sam.

I understood why grandpa favored my mom over uncle Sam. She had that golden touch in business while uncle Sam struggled to the point that he secretly sold his property to finance his new textile business. Unfortunately, it didn't go so well. He spent more than he profited which caused him to lose both his mansion and his business.

When grandpa knew about it, he was outraged. He was so angry that he nearly disowned him if not for my mom.

Attorney McCain shook his head. "I am sorry, Alice. But your father was adamant. Take it or leave it," he told.

"Just run the goddamn enterprise. End of discussion!" uncle Sam told Richie. My cousin's face soured as he met his father's eyes.

"F*** you! This is all your fault! Had you been more sensible, this shouldn't have happened," he snapped. Then, he stormed off.

My cousin was a budding musician. He did have the talent, but grandpa had been against it and he never masked his irritation towards my cousin. Contrary to me, he wasn't into the business. He hated it, just like his father. He tried his best in the path he chose. Grandpa never approved nonetheless.

I felt sorry for him so I always reached out, bridging the gap between us. We became close-knit but strange things happened two days ago. He came to my office at half-past one demanding something.

"Where is grandpa's watch?!" he asked straightforwardly.

I creased my brows in confusion. "Sit down," I told him yet he just stood in front of my desk, impatiently waiting for my answer. I put down the pen and the documents I was signing to face him.

"What watch are you talking about?" I asked.

He fidgeted his leg. "Grandpa's watch! I know you have it," he replied.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I~,"

"C'mon, Raven! Cut the crap. Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying and I don't have reasons to. You know that. Besides, all grandpa's personal belongings were put in his casket."

"Nope. His watch is missing."

"Wait. What? Are you saying that you exhumed his coffin?"

His face turned pale then he let out maniac laughter. "You're funny! Where is the watch? Tell me before I lose my patience," he warned.

"I don't know! Really."

"You'll regret this, Raven. If I found out you're lying, I will kill you myself," he grumbled then left me shocked to my core. I'd never heard him threaten anyone before despite his volcanic temper. He cursed yes but not deliberately said kill.

The squeaking of my door as it was being opened brought me back to the present. I heard my cousin chuckle.

"I know you're here, Raven. Stop hiding! Show yourself," he taunted. I held my breath as his footsteps came closer and closer to where I was. I slowly crept towards the baseball bat I realized was lying under my bed. I gripped it hard and prepared myself to attack any minute.

Then my phone rang. I cursed silently. It was just beside me a while ago. Richie picked it up and pressed the answer button and listened quietly as my mom spoke.

"Raven, did Richie come to you? He's been looking for you all afternoon. Hello? Raven, are you there?" she said. Then Richie ended the call before leaving the room. I exhaled in relief.

When everything seemed clear, I hurriedly stood up with the baseball bat still in my hand. I tip-toed towards my door when it suddenly opened.

"Where do you think you're going?" Richie asked with a malicious grin on his face.