
The Chaser

“You’re so cold but why can’t I let you go” “No matter where you go, I’ll be standing one step behind you to catch you”

sumixl · Action
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1 Chs


Seoul, South Korea


This place gets uglier each time I come here and it disgusts me so much. Like who in their right mind would be having sex in the school hallways. How?! This school is so strict on gender skin ships.

"How long are you gonna stand there looking at that used condom?"

"A little bit..." "WAIT WHAT?!" I look up to the right side of me to see her standing there looking at me in confusion. Oh my god, I can feel my face burning up. Why? Why come to me now? I'm such an embarrassment. Only if I could turn back time. Ughh....

"Uh...hi?" I awkwardly smiled at her as I scratched the back of my head.

"Why is your face so red?"

"It's probably the heat or something" I tried to laugh it off.

"You know that everyone basically saw you eyeing that used condom right" She said pointing at it on the ground next to the lockers.

"Ah...did they?"

"I understand your hormones are high but please control yourself and clean up after yourself when you're done."

"Oh don't worry about- WAIT! Clean up after myself?!" I was speechless. This girl just called me horny. "Hey, I'm a virgin." I exclaimed.

"Then why is it next to your locker."

"I don't know. Maybe because they want me to get expelled because of how handsome I am" I scoffed.

"Stop daydreaming and clean it up so we could go"

"Why would-"

"You want to get expelled? It's right next to your locker" She cut me off.

"Fine" I sighed.

"Wait here." I told her before leaving for the nearest bathroom and getting some tissues so I could clean up after those people's mess.

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

"Thank you for always walking me home Daimon"

"Of course, I'm glad to." I told her.

The both of us kept walking without saying anything, which I do find strange. There's almost never any silence whenever we're together but this time was different.

"I-" The both of said in unison.

"You go first," I said.

"I wanted to-"

My phone started ringing which ruined the whole mood.

"Go ahead" She smiled.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see that my mom is calling me. Why would she call me during this time? She never did. I don't like the feelings I feel right now.

"Hello" I answered the phone.

"Where are you at right now?"

"Walking my friend home, why?"

"I need you to come home right now. Don't worry, I told Bobby to come get you. Stay put where you are." She stated before ending the call abruptly.

I sigh as I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Now, what were you saying?" I smiled at her but her facial expression made my heart drop. "Daimon, there's scary guys dressed in black suits coming our way" She said as she came to me and wrapped her arms around me. Of course, I hug her back to let her know she is safe with me. Scary guys dressed in black? I turned my head a little to see that it was true. What is mom up to now?

"Sir we need to go now" I heard a voice from behind me.

"No" I refused.

"I don't want to use strength"

"Neither do I"

"Daimon? Do you know them?" I broke away from the hug and put both my hands on her shoulders. "Hey, don't-" I stopped my sentence mid-way when I felt someone pull me back and held onto my arms tightly.

"Let go of me"

"We're running out of time" The guy who held me captive said before dragging me with him.

"Daimon" She said, running to me until I saw another dude grab a huge branch from the ground and swing it towards her head.

"Let go of me" I shouted as I tried to get out of his grip.