
The Chaser: Tale of Ninetailed

If usually a gumiho-a Nine-Tailed Fox-likes the heart of a human, but not with this one gumiho named Lee Myeong. The Gumiho in the form of a beautiful woman preferred the heart of a young girl. Behind her fondness that loves the heart of the girls, tucked a story that makes it become like that. A painful story for her to finally bring himself into a terrible destiny. Hwang Ian Is the biological son of the gumiho woman, but Lee Myeong introduced the child as his younger brother. Ian is currently studying in the 6th semester at one of the private universities in Seoul. The 23-year-old had a dark past because of his own mother, and he had a pact with her that he made in the past. In addition, Ian apparently has a task related to the fate of the mother, a task that should have been carried out hundreds of years ago. What is the story of Lee Myeong and Ian? What are Ian's duties related to the fate of the mother? Will Ian be able to do the job?

nhiefeliana · Fantasy
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43 Chs

20 Throwing Bait

June 5, 2021

Baekyeon University

"Wang Su Bin!"

A call from a woman's voice made Ian open his eyes, ending the session while enjoying the nature of his campus. He turned back a little to see who had called his friend. The next second, he returned to Su Bin after knowing who called his best friend, Lee Soo Young. Before the woman was at the garden table she was currently on, Ian hurried from his seat making Su Bin who saw him confused.

"Where are you going? Any classes?"

"I just remembered an appointment with Emma," Ian replied. "So I'll go first." Without waiting for an answer from Su Bin, he just left.

Right after Ian left the garden table, Soo Young and the other two people were already there. They watched Ian, who was still near their eyes.

"Isn't that Hwang-ja?"

The question from Kim Jae Mi, one of Soo Young's friends, made the Park woman immediately turn to her friend with a curious look. "Hwang-ja? You mean the famously handsome student?" Soo Young's attention is now on Su Bin, who is apparently looking at her. "Are you friends with him?"

Su Bin sighed. Without realizing it, he put on a face that looked resentful because of the questions asked by his target women. "He is my best friend," he replied.

Soo Young looks back at Ian, who she can still see. A slight smile then fell on her pretty face.


Nighingale Bars

"Even though this bar belongs to your friend's brother, it doesn't mean that you can casually come when it's still closed, let alone while knocking on the door like before."

The owner of the bar, Lee Tae Hyung, Min Hyung's older brother, kept nagging Ian, who had previously knocked brutally on the bar's door as if he was going to raid it. Young Lee's hands were not silent at all, they worked to wipe the tables while his mouth nagged his brother's friend. Ian looks like he doesn't care about Tae Hyung's chatter; he keeps sipping the beer he ordered (it's more appropriate to take it himself) while watching Tae Hyung, who is cleaning.

The young Lee stopped working; he glanced at his waist while looking at Ian, who looked back at him. "At least help me clean up, don't just pay attention to me."

"Tae Hyung." Ian, who had since come to silence his mouth, finally opened his voice.

"What? Why? Want to help me clean up?"

"No," replied Ian. "I want to ask you something." He was silent, looking at Tae Hyung, who was waiting for the question he was going to ask.

Tae Hyung decides to leave because he does not receive answers to the questions that the young man wishes to ask. He didn't think the young Hwang would ask if he was silent like that.

Seeing Tae Hyung go makes Ian sigh. He chose to sip the beer that was left in the bottle.


June 6, 2021

Pentagon Nightclub

The excitement of the nightclub still occurs even though the clock is past midnight. Visitors to the club were dominated by young people who were partying and dancing on the dance floor as if they were not sleepy at all. In the midst of hundreds of people who packed the dance floor, Lee Soo Young was seen dancing with so much enthusiasm, following the rhythm of the music played by the DJ. He is not alone, next to his best friend---Kim Jae Mi---dancing no less passion than Soo Young.

"Jae Mi! I'll go to the toilet for a while," Soo Young yelled.

"Oh okay. Be careful, many male lions are starving here." Jae Mi shouts as well, and she even smiles broadly as she says, 'Male lions are starving.'

"Yes, I know."

Soo Young rushes out of the crowd. She even kept her manners by saying 'excuse me' when breaking through the crowd. After struggling with great difficulty, she finally managed to get out and rush towards her current destination.

Soo Young cautiously runs to the toilet. Incidentally, she currently wears heels, although they have a height of about nine inches. Not seeing the slightest puddle in front of her, Soo Young slips and almost falls if someone doesn't hold her body.

The twenty-four-year-old woman looked shocked because she almost fell, and she was even more shocked when she saw the person holding her body. A handsome young man like a prince from a fairy tale. A split second later, Soo Young is fascinated by the young man's handsome face, she never dreamed of being able to meet a young man like this in her life.

"Are you okay?" asked the young man, half-yelling and re-straightening Soo Young's body.

"Ah, I'm fine. Thank you," Soo Young replied and bowed slightly.

Meanwhile, the young man, who is none other than Ian, is still standing in his place while watching Soo Young's back disappear from his sight. It didn't seem like she recognized him, even though he was very famous throughout the college faculty, but that was a good thing.

After her mother 'ordered' Soo Young to perform two days ago, today she started her first action, which is approaching the target. But apparently he would not have thought about it if he had to go to a place like this. He sighed and then moved from where he stood, he wanted to go home because his eardrums would explode if he kept silent in a place like this.


June 6, 2021

Soo Young ' S Apartment

"Amazing! So you were about to fall, and then the guy who held you was a handsome guy?"

Jae Mi looks so enthusiastic while listening to Soo Young's story that she almost falls if she is not held back by the handsome man. "Then, did you ask his name?"

Soo Young coughs when she hears Jae Mi's question. Ask the young man's name? It really didn't occur to her earlier, she only thought of the toilet because of her natural affairs. "Of course not. Why would I ask that person's name?"

"Of course to have him as your lover! You're over twenty years old, but you've never dated before," Jae Mi explains, making Soo Young shake her head.

"Did you forget the message you told me before I went to the toilet?" Soo Young tried to remind Jae Mi, but she didn't get any response from her best friend. "'Beware, many lions are starving here.' That's what you told me, so I'm careful with the men!" she said.

"Truly, I said that, but handsome man, why did you miss?"

"Whatever you want! I'm going to bed. Good night." Soo Young pulled her blanket over her whole body. In the blanket of the cartoon character, in fact, she has not closed her eyes. She recalled the handsome face of the man who held his body while at the club. A smile falls on Soo Young's pretty face, but the next moment it disappears.

Wait. I think I'm familiar with that young man's face—Soo Young's inner self. She frowned, a sign that the woman was trying to think about the face of the young man who was familiar to him.

"Hwang Ian," she muttered with a faint smile. She realized that the person who had helped her earlier was Hwang Ian.

Dissolved in the happiness of having luck helped by a figure idolized by college students, Soo Young kicks her blanket happily. To be honest, Lee Soo Young admires and respects Hwang Ian's physique. It's just that she is not like most of the students, who chase the young man around like a fanatic. She was in a different faculty with the young man, did not go to the faculty of chemistry deliberately in order to see Ian. Usually she will see the figure when in a park, library, or parking lot.

Jae Mi, who saw her best friend's behavior, could only shake her head. "Love at first sight," Jae Mi muttered.