
The Charmed Ones

Kaya Soydere a high school college graduate returns home to find his mother and younger brother brutally murdered. With his school fees not up to date and his father going to prison for the death of his mother and sibling, a crime he has not commit Kaya has no choice but to make peace with the fact that his life is full of badluck. But then he meets an old man, who gives him new luck...~ Charmed is my very own system, fantasy and adventure story staring main character Kaya who lives in a world with several and questionable phenomenons. When his mother and sibling gets murdered and his father goes to prison for it, he takes it upon himself to avenge his family and find the true culprit. He eventually meets Mr Knight a sorcerer from a secret orginization called the Argon Agency. An elite Force specializing in the exorcising of badluck, which according to Mr Knight, was what killed Kaya's mother and brother. Mr Knight trains Kaya and teaches him how to convert badluck into a special power called divine art and with it, Kaya tries to find his mother's killer.

Erotic_God · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter Five

Dawn was nearing in and since I already had sleep, I didn't have much in more for rest of the night. I was inside the lounge playing video games. We actually had an Xbox installed, literally.

"Hey babe," Adam came peeking inside the door. "Have you eaten?" He asked me.

I looked at him and nodded, raising the empty bowl in which I just had some serial. "Yea, I just ate."

"I'm baking some pizza, so just incase you're hungry-" And then suddenly the power went out. "You have got to be kidding me!"

"Is now really the time for this to happen?" I groaned. I understood his frustration because I was still in the middle of playing smash bros.

"Stay here, I'll go check what it is. It's probably the cold causing this." Adam said and went to fetch a flashlight.

I didn't want him to go out into the cold snow alone so I got up and rushed after him after wearing shoes and putting on a warm jacket.

"You coming with?" He asked as he walked to the stairs.

"Yes. Someone has to hold the flashlight for you!"

He didn't reply and just chuckled. I didn't deliver any commentary. I mean yea Adam was stronger than me but I was a bit overprotective and I did have this fear of having something happening to someone I cared about. The last time I let my guard down I-….

"Yep it's definitely the cold!" Adam tapped the frozen power box while I was holding the flashlight to give him light.

It was cold as fuck outside. Who's bright idea was it to put the main power grid outside?!

Adam put on gloves, not that he needed any and just blew over the lock before he broke it with his barehand and opened the power box. He then sighed and scratched his neck.

"Everything is in tact the only problem is that the snow outside must've been so called that it just went out?"

"That sounds ridiculous and you know it." I said. Even if it was below 0 degrees of Celsius there is no way in hell millions of joules would just get frozen out of nowhere. And it really didn't feel that cold out here that it could freeze the wires.

"Brian isn't here. He would've easily seen a problem since he has the electrical engineering skills and I don't." Adam sighed and then he closed the box. "Let's go inside. Light up some candles and start up the furnace. This place can get cold pretty fast!"

"Okay…" I pouted as I so badly wanted to have that pizza.

Adam wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his side. "Don't worry about it babe. They'll be back soon and then Brian will have that grid up and running again!"

I had no doubt in my mind about that. Brian was really good at these stuff aside from being a tough and strong fighter and being my hot soulmate.

"Do you hear that?" Adam asked and halted.

I paused by the door and looked up at him. "Hear what?"

Adam frowned and then narrowed his eyes over at the woods. It was as if he saw something, so I also had a look for myself. There behind a tree stood a shadowy figure with two green glowing eyes, just staring at us.

Is that a Knightmare? How could we not sense it? There's no doubt, this one is a special grade!

Every muscle in my body flinched before tensing up. Adam released my hands and clenched his fists by his sides. He was going to attack it and even though I could attack it, I knew it'd just get myself killed. Special grades were above my league.

"Stay put, Kaya." said Adam and then he speed blitz towards it.

Adam moved at ferocious speed, the snow moving out of his way in waves. His fists and forearms had a bright red glow around them and then he leapt towards it, slamming his fist through a tree and unleashing an outward shockwave that blew away a whole portion of forest meant to pulverise the knightmare. It wasn't enough to kill it and the next minute all I saw was the flashing of red and green streaks. Adam was fighting it so fast my eyes couldn't follow. I wanted to help but I just didn't know how. And how didn't any of our monitors detect anything, they had their very own batteries.

Suddenly I felt the hair around my name rise up. Somethings just told me to so I went with my gut feeling, and when I looked up a massive spear of ice was stuck in the door meant to impale my head!

I thought Adam was busy fighting the Knightmare but when I looked there was another one. It was huge and massive covered in thick white fur with bright glowing blue eyes. It frickin looked like an abominable yeti.

I mean I did see a frickin Minotaur a day ago, so it's not surprising bad luck is making all folklore come to life. This one didn't seem a strong as the other one so I could surely take it.

"Divine art," I clenched my fists tapping into my special power and then dashing towards it boosting my speed and aiming swift kick at its knee cabs.

Another ice spear appeared in its hand. If I landed the kick then I'd get impaled by that spear, so it left me with no choice but to twirl out of the way and dodge.

The yeti Knightmare roared and attempted to smack its hand at me. I backflipped dodging it and then performed a swift chop with my hand, sharpening and increasing the hyperspace pressure around the attack, which sliced the Knightmare's arm clean off.

I couldn't kill it without the necessary tools, but I could beat it into a pulp till it's incapable of fighting. Knightmares could heal but divine arts slowed their healing and even permanently disabled them and that's what my technique allows me to do. If I do pierce the skin I cause permanent damage. The yeti Knightmare wouldn't be able to regenerate after that attack.

It roared in pain holding its arm and then just unleashing multiple blows at me. I held my fist up staying guarded. I made my own fist collide with it. Since my attacks unleash shockwaves on impact, there is a protective layer of luck created around me. Therefore when my blow landed against its fist, the yeti got knocked away and not me. It was left wide open and then I unleashed a shower of punches against its chest and abdomen hitting all vital spots and feeling some bones cracking.

The others were supposed to be on duty. They also should've known about this the minute a special grade came into existence. What the fuck were they even doing?!

"Haaa!" I delivered a kick and sent the beast flying, snapping a few trees in the process till it laid buried into the snow.

I was left panting and then looked around for any sign of Adam. He finally did come out the woods. His shirt halfway torn off him and a few cuts on his body that slowly began healing. In his hand he was holding the head of the special grade Knightmare he just had an encounter with. It's head still alive trying to bite at him but to no avail.

There was certain few of us that didn't need divine treasures. To exorcise knightmares. Adam was one of those special cases.

Looking very pissed off he held its head and crushed it in his bare hands before it burnt into a crisp after being engulfed by red flames. He then darted his eyes at me and the other one I just fought. He snapped his finger and it also burn in some red fire.

He then came to me and held my cheek. "Are you okay? Where did that one come from?"

"I don't know. And no need to worry about me, as you can see I was the one kicking its ass!" I said grinning as I did feel good about myself. But damn Adam was amazing.

"What do we do now?"

"I don't think it's safe to be here anymore, we may have risked exposing our location to other badlucks. It's best we move from here."

I nodded in agreement and then we both heard it. The sound of the chopper from above and Brian yelling as he came falling from above the sky landing a distant away and then storming in our direction.

"Where the fuck is it?!" He yelled holding his chaos claws.

Adam waved him off. "You're late! I just killed them!"