
Stardust: Monochrome

" It's still magic, even if you know how it's done."

In the land of Gurami, we always waited for the Mountbatten Pink Moon.

We always love to go to the forest to go find the Celestial Castle, where every wizards stay and teach whoever requested.

One day, the King said that there was a problem in the town, it was strange because our town was protected by borders of a giant brick wall.

Every guards prepared their shields and sword to be ready to fight to the enemies but...

We took a wrong turn.

The town broke into millions of pieces leaving our memories to dust.

The time froze, and the winds started to blow so hard, that it pushed us into the depths of the dark void.

We really hope we're all okay, because every single piece, we were trapped.

And we will do our best to break into the seal.
