
The Chaotic Reality Where I'm Married to You

passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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15 Chs

❁ Two ❁

"And my…" I gulped, "…my husband? Didn't he defend me?"

This time she avoided my eyes full heartedly, "He's like you, Fifth Princess. Too kind to be taken seriously. Used by the others, especially by the Imperial Crowned Prince Dmitry Emilian Nekrasova and 3rd Royal Prince Emmett Augustin Nekrasova," shit.

We are two pushovers? How did this match even happen to begin with? Sounds like pure shit. And it also means he's weak. As weak as I am now. I would never be with anyone weak, sounds disgusting. "Ah…" It was all I managed to say. "No one takes us seriously then."

"I do, Fifth Princess. And so does my husband!" Hah, of course.

It would be embarrassing if our aides didn't respect us either. "Do I live alone with this Fifth Prince of Bathelt Kingdom?" Will I even have to copulate with him? Ugh, just thinking about it sends goosebumps down my spine. "What is this 8th Castle? How many are there?"

"The Late Empress, Vera Marya Nekrasova, mother of Emperor Vlad Joseph Nekrasova, is fond of both you since you've arrived in here, Fifth Princess. Thus, you live in her Castle, but in your wing. The first and main castle is the Emperor's home, the 2nd Castle is the Empress's, the 3rd Castle is the Crowned Prince's, the 4th Castle is owned by the 2nd Imperial Princess, the 5th is the home of the 3rd Royal Prince, the 6th is the 4th Royal Princess with her husband, the 7th is the 5th Royal Prince's home. The 8th is the Mother Empress, the 9th the Father Emperor, and the 10th is the Castle of the 3 Imperial Concubines."

I frowned, "Names?" If she tell me once, I'll never forget.

"Empress Elena Aurelia Nekrasova. 4th Royal Princess Felicia Nay Nekrasova, and her husband Prince Eduard Rareș Drăghici-Nekrasova. 5th Royal Prince Simon Theodor Nekrasova. Late Emperor Ilarion Nekrasova."

As she walked me out of this place by what seemed to be a back door, I undid the braids in my hair and tried to dry them. "By how you called three of the Emperor's kids Royals and not Imperial, I take that they are his offsprings with the Concubines and not with the Empress."

"Yes," she nodded vehemently again. "3rd Royal Prince Emmett is the son of the Emperor with the 1st Concubine, Queen Nastasia Glushakova. 4th Royal Princess Felicia is the daughter of the Emperor with the 2nd Concubine, Queen Raisa Dubinina. 5th Royal Prince Simon is the son of the Emperor with the 3rd Concubine, Queen Isidora Kanunnikova. Both of them and the 2nd Imperial Princess are the same age, but born in different days of the same month and year," she made pointed to me softly. "They are all your age, Princess. While the Crowned Prince is a year older!"

Hah, that doesn't sound so good. "And the Prince I'm married to?"

"Same age as you. Coincidentally, same birthday too!"

Ugh, the last person who had the same birthday and age as me was Leo. I don't have good memories of that. "How exciting," my irony was explicit. "What about my… my relationship with my family?" I definitely should know about that.

Thankfully, she didn't seem so shocked with my lack of memories anymore. "King Leonid Gennady Swatosch and Queen Valeriya Katerina Swatosch are your parents, and they had five children together, you being the youngest. Crowned Prince Bernhard Danilo Swatosch, 2nd Princess Karin Danica Swatosch, 3rd Prince Michael Roman Swatosch, and 4th Prince Noah Nicholas Swatosch. All a year apart from each other. As they are now in peace with the Empire thanks to sending you here, they visit on holidays and when they have matters with the Emperor. You've always seemed to have a good bond with them, though not excitingly good."

"Angelina Jasmin Swatosch!" A male voice called me from behind.

Petra rolled her eyes, "Ugh, it's the 3rd Royal Prince!" She mumble loud enough so only I would hear. "He is obsessed with you, in a bad way."

When I turned to see who it was, I almost fainted as he was identical to Augustin Lukas Comănescu, twin brother of the pest that was always lurking around when I went to the Immortal Land of Garnet to duel with Leo. He was as much of a pain in the ass as Aurora Comănescu was. So, what the hell is he doing here? Was he experimenting the mortal life at the same time we were? Were these two even our age? I never gave a damn.

"Comănescu," I cursed under my breath. "What was his full name again, Petra?" I can't be mistaken.

"Emmett Augustin Nekrasova, Princess," she whispered.

Seems like I'm right. We get to the mortal realm and our real first name is used as our middle name in here. That's why my middle name here is Jasmin, and his is Augustin, and… oh, shit. Did she called the 2nd Imperial Princess Cleo Aurora Nekrasova? Does that mean that pest is here too?

"Why are you wet like this, Angelina?" He asked grinning.

I scoffed viciously, "Definitely not thanks to you!" He thinks I did not notice the dirty note on his voice? Come on, I've live thousands of years, I know better. "And I believe my name begins with Fifty Princess, does it not, Third Prince Emmett Augustin Nekrasova?"

"Oh? You're mad? I've never seen you mad before, Angelina!"

"Fifth Princess," I corrected him again. "I believe it's wrong for a male who isn't my husband to call me by my first name when I'm married!"

He frowned is distaste. "That piece of shit shouldn't be in such high position to begin with. He doesn't deserve you. If it hadn't been for that accident, you wouldn't be married to that shit man. You should have been my wife, Angelina."

I have no idea why I feel no mad with his words, but my intrusive thoughts are surrounding the idea of killing him. "I believe both me and my husband are deserving of each other," I don't really mean it, but I can't let this bastard badmouth the mortal I'm married to. I'm still married to him. "We are Royals from Kingdoms that lost to the Empire, foreigners in this Imperial land. I am a Fifth Princess and he is a Fifth Prince," and we are both pushovers. "I can't imagine me with a better match!"

His frown deepened, "Did my second sister drug you, Angelina?"

Taking a deep breath, I glared at him, "Fifth Princess," I corrected him again. "And no, your sweet sister did not drug me. She just pushed me on her seventeen-meters deep pond knowing that I cannot swim. Nothing that could not kill me," I smiled sarcastically.

Augustin stared at me for an eternity. "You look beautiful when you are wet, though," excuse me? "It's a pity that it's not because of me, or in my bed. I'm sure I would be able to satisfy you and make a better use of your wetness than your husband can, Angelina."

The audacity of this son of a bitch. "It's Fifth Princess to you. And thank Gods I'm married to him then," I glared at him disgusted. "It would be a waste of my life if I were to be married to a male with such a fool mouth like you, 3rd Royal Prince!" As I said that, leaving him utterly dumbfounded, I didn't even look back as I left, bringing Petra with me. Only after I had gotten us far from that place, did I stop to turn to her and ask where we were.

"Fifth Princess!" She gasped in dismay. "You were amazing. Oh, my Gods. You should have acted like this from the beginning. I knew you had this fire inside you, my Princess." Petra beamed.

Oh? I thought she would scold me or something. "I was, wasn't I?" Sigh, "So, where are we?" I looked around, completely lost.

"Near the communal training grounds of the Palace. Where do you want to go?" When I glared at her, Petra chuckled freely. "Ah, sorry. Do you want to go home?"

Not my home, but alright. "Yes. Take me there!"

"In a minute," she winked and took me by my hand.

Only then, I thought of the most crucial thing I should know now that I'm back to the past and to the mortal realm. Gulping anxiously I chose the words with which I would ask her about what I needed to know, and only after five minutes I managed to get it through my lips. "Petra," the tone of my voice was low as if I was whispering a secret. "Do you know anyone with Malachi in their name?"

She froze, staring at me as wondering if I had or not gone crazy. "Princess… are you serious?" Is that a yes?

"Yes. Do you know someone?"

Petra frown deepened, "Nico Malachi Hochmair-Gredler," shit, it's the middle name. It must be him! "Fifth Prince of the Bathelt Kingdom. Your husband, Princess!"

Leo is my WHAT?