
The Chaos God's New Chaotic Fantasy

A dragon god of chaos and war awoke from his 101 years of slumber. Decided to have a fun adventure around the new world with his precious son to replace his war monger self and say hi to his six other children.

doradoragon · Fantasy
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Chapter 1:Wakey Wakey~

The sunray touched my brown skin. Ow, so hot.

I opened my eyes and saw a person standing next to my bed.

I slowly got up even tho still feel a bit sleepy.


The person looked at me.

Oh. It's Ashme.


"You're awake!"

He looks at me with excitement and delight.

"What was your name again?"

His smile slowly turned into a frown.

"You forgot about me master?"

"No-no-no. I just forgot your name."

"You're...um...Bob. Right?"

"Have you forgotten master! You named me Ash! Ashmedai!"

Dunn!!! He pouted! So cute!!!

"Oh yeah. Sorry sorry."

"I was just teasing you. How could I forget about my dear Ashme."

I kissed him on the cheeks and patted him.

"Look at you all grown up."

"You were so tiny just yesterday."


He's still pouting Gahhh!!!~

I got up and walked to the balcony of my room.

"Wahhh!!! Fresh air! So refreshing!"

Ash gave me a glass of juice.

"Thank you, Ash. Did you make this?"

"Ye! Is it delicious?!"

I took a sip.


I can almost see his wagging tail even tho he doesn't have one.

How cute~<3

"How many years have I slept?"

"You have been asleep for a hundred and a year master."


I spat out my drink out of surprise

"Heck Tha's long."

"What happened when I was gone?"

"Lot's of things happened."

I can see Ashme's small frown.

"Kingdoms have been built."

"People advanced."

"Many things happened when you were gone, master."

"Many of the clerics in the temple quit and go on with their lives."

"But a little stayed."

"And brother-"

"Woah-Woah. Take it easy."

"We have plenty of time."

"You don't have to tell all of it at once."

Sad things must have happened when I was gone.

I slightly pat his back.

He accompanied me and we walked around the temple.

There are only like fifteen people here.

I used to be super famous back in the days.

I wonder what had happened.

My people welcomed me with a warm smile.

I smiled back at them.

They seemed surprised at first but they are so nice even tho they worship a god like me, the god of chaos and war Tekka.

Oh my embarrassing past.

The temple Isn't as good as it was before.

But well, make sense.

There are only sixteen of them left including Ashme.

Of course they would have a hard time cleaning the whole temple.

I wonder where all my children have gone to.


"Seems like all your brothers and sisters have left."

"Why did you stay?"

"What's with that question! Of course, I stayed!

Well, who would manage the temple if left then?"

"Besides I'm worried about leaving you all alone."

"I've been waiting decades for you to wake up."

He said in a low puppy voice.

Is that puppy ears I see?

Ugh! I think someone shot my heart with an arrow HELP! SOS!

I fell to the ground while clutching my heart.

We walked outside to the garden.

A cold refreshing breeze lifted my long uncut hair.


I left out on so many things.

All I've ever done before is war.

I want to enjoy my life even more.

I've decided.

"I want to enjoy the whole new world!

Experience things I've never experienced before.

Taste foods I've never tasted before.

And have fun all I want!"

"And you're going with me Ashme."



"Oh! And of course, we're gonna say hi to your siblings while we're at it."



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