
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

JMore · Fantasy
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16 Chs

How the slimes born?(the tesis)

[Hello, I'm the me of the future, I just want to apologize for what I wite.

This chapter contains explicit sexual content.

Read at your own risk.]


Zac's perspective (narrator)

Scar kept singing his song, but it quickly turned into a chant, an invocation.

The night was cold and a dense fog clouded his vision, the dry and twisted trees rose imposingly while casting elongated and deformed shadows, it was the ideal environment for the appearance of a monster, but hey the reality was different and these surely they would be. happier if what had appeared had been a monster, but no ... It was me, Dio !, ahem, I wanted to say my apostle the Wandering and Innocent Bishop of Zac ... His name does not represent what he really is, God (abbreviation) should be an innocent rambling clown, but ⁓ let's just say it's not.

God never renews his clown suit, that's why it looks broken and only every millennium he puts a patch on it to cover the biggest holes. God too, she has sharpened her teeth and nails, making it always difficult for her to use touchscreens. God too, he has a horrible character and he loves to eat small children and babies, even though he later has a stomachache, it has already happened twice that he does not measure himself and he swallows children who have axes in their hands and then it happens What happens, it is annoying to have to cook it after it has been opened from the inside out. Or but the worst thing about God is that, despite being a clown, he is completely bald, BALD! It is not as if he had something against bald men but his blue bald head that resembles that of a corpse is totally repulsive, but hey it looks good on him and thanks to this characterization he will surely have a level of power similar to that of invincible bald men. ..



If it will surely be like this ...


( ._ .) ...

As I was saying, I have sent Zac's Wandering and innocent Bishop and I have rigged a couple of things so that he runs into our protagonists in the ... forest of horror? Or by all my teeth I was wrong forest send God to the Forest of horror instead of the Forest of terror ... Well ... nothing happened here.

Scar's thoughts.

Suddenly the need to continue with my song disappeared like dust in the wind and the journey continued normally.

End of Scar's thought.

The incident with Zac's apostle (the incident with my apostle), although it was not within the plans, gave Zac a little equal, he wanted to send his apostle to be the first victim of the supreme but when he wrote the story He wrote that the apostle had been sent to the forest of horror shortly after he realized his mistake and instead of correcting it by changing a word he decided to simply continue with the story in this way but since he has no plans, he can only observe the progress of his daughter. .

You can Edi, finish with that tender and erotic slime, a left hook, a hit to the liver and finish it off with a kick to the between leg, hey !!! That stray cat stole the prey of my Edi, yes that no, that deserves a punishment.

Inside the fight against the slimes

Shizuca had just killed the slime that Edi was attacking with physical blows, which were ineffective on slimes, when suddenly a slime fell from a tree and took Shizuca by surprise, who reacted quickly by counterattacking but before it pierced the core. Ten more slimes jumped to attack her and immobilized her, but the rest of the people in the team did not care about her, since the slimes that attacked her were a totally harmless variant that was even considered beneficial.

Let me go into detail about this variant. [Postscript I'll include a crude summary at the end of the explanation]

Ahem, ahem ... This colloquially variant known as living underwear reached a symbiotic relationship with all humanoid species that wear underwear, its origins are unknown but despite this living underwear is highly coveted, since these slimes They feed on all the waste from the user's body ensuring that it is always clean and impeccable, it is even possible to eliminate the need to use a toilet, this slime always takes the form of underwear, this underwear has very varied designs and changes Constantly, cases have been reported where the symbiosis of living underwear has reached the level where the user can choose which underwear to wear, the slimes of this variant are usually bred in captivity but the natural way of reproduction of these slimes is unpleasant but quite curious although few people know it, these slimes are oviparous, that is, they hatch from eggs, this process is carried out in four or stages, implantation, incubation, expulsion, waiting period and infection.

Before proceeding to explain these four stages, let me clarify one thing, although these Slimes are quite coveted and they have reached a symbiotic relationship with the humanoids, their nature is parasitic and it will cling with all its strength to the person who parasites wounding to insane extremes and if they do not find a host to parasitize before reaching the period of vulnerability (explanation below) they will enter a wandering mode (explanation below) this is what is happening to the slimes that are attacking Shizuca, with that being said let's proceed.

Alert for sensitive people: if you are eating you better stop doing it.


The implantation, this is the first step in the life of these slimes and it can be done in two ways: the aggressive or the passive, both have a similar result but there are several differences, we will talk about the aggressive later so let's focus on the passive for now , passive implantation is performed by a slime that has successfully infected a host, that is, this host now wears live underwear, after a period of 1 to 2 months after infection the slime begins to generate translucent slime eggs Measuring around 2-3 µm in diameter and imperceptible to the human eye, this slime will produce 600 eggs in a 24-day period, these eggs are kept within the slime until implantation begins, implantation will always take place 90 days After the infection, after the first successful implantation, the implantation will take place in 24-day periods, now let's get started.

Alert for sensitive people: if you are eating you better stop doing it.

Passive implantation is always carried out during the host's sleep periods, however if the host goes seven days without sleep or, failing that, does not reach a deep sleep state since it has reached 90 days of infection, passive implantation will become In aggressive implantation, this is of utmost importance for those adventurers and humanoid races that can stay awake for long periods of time, on the night of the 90th day of infection after the host reaches a state of deep sleep, at this time The slime will begin to enter slowly through the host's anus after advancing a distance of 40cm into the host, it will begin to emit a local anesthetic, then it will slowly inflate until it reaches a width of 15cm in radius, then quickly the slime will release a shot under pressure. of a diluted liquid containing the 600 slime eggs that will enter the victim, the slime will try to inject the eggs into the most depth undo of the victim.

When the implantation has finished, the slime will secrete a substance with tranquilizing, healing and addictive properties, after the first implantation the slime will continue to produce these substances constantly in smaller quantities and these will only increase in quantity when a new implantation is carried out. Let's continue with the side effects of implantation, the next day after the first implantation has been performed, the person will feel tired, their movements will be slower in general in the first hours of the morning, guests usually have a loss of appetite (such as side note most people who have gone through their first implantation feel with a full stomach as if they had eaten a big buff last night, I reiterate that few people know that the cause of this sensation is living underwear and If the truth were released, surely more than some would be extremely disgusted by what from an objective point of view is a violation since the slime does not discriminate by gender) another side effect of the first implantation is temporary disability since most of people feel sleepy feet and slight discomfort when walking in the most extreme cases people adopt a funny way of walk or are unable to walk for about a few hours, in spite of everything none of them reported any pain in any second after having undergone the first implantation. After having undergone a first implantation, the slime, now 15cm in radius and 40cm long, will remain inside the host at all times with the exception of times when the host wants to expose that specific area. Thus, periodically the slime will carry out the implantation every 24 days around 1 in the morning, ignoring if its host is asleep or awake, but if it is awake, the host will feel how the implantation is carried out in a quite pleasant way to such a degree that if a host is awake when an implantation is performed, they will become addicted to this process. At this point the implantation ends.


The incubation process is much simpler than the implantation process, after the implantation has been carried out, it does not matter if it is passive or aggressive, the slime eggs will enter the circulatory system and they lodge in a blood cell while trying to assimilate their genetic material this process is time consuming and therefore is the time of greatest risk for slimes, because during this process around 500 will be eliminated by the host's immune system, however after assimilating the genetic material of the cell in which they were staying, the host's immune system will stop attacking them here this slime egg will feed and store mana for around 10 days at that point the incubation ends and the expulsion begins.


The expulsion is carried out in two steps, migration and expulsion.

During migration, the egg will do everything possible to reach the most superficial part of the skin of the person it has infected, once it has done this successfully, the expulsion passes to the second step, during which all the slime eggs are dispersed. by the host pores in the form of spores by the environment and these will lodge in the first solid thing with which they make contact at this point the waiting period begins.

Waiting period

This is divided into: maturation, loss of the membrane, ambulation, division and explosion.

During maturation the slime will grow inside the egg using the mana that it accumulated during its incubation period until it reaches a volume of 5 liters, this takes about 3 days to be done.

After maturation comes the loss of the membrane at this point the slime is ready to infect a host, at this point the slime is in a kind of semi-translucent egg that has grown during maturation along with it when the membrane loss , the membrane that prevented the slime from leaving the egg is removed.

After the loss of the membrane occurs the egg begins to decompose, this indicates the period in which a slime can carry out an infection and passive implantation and this lasts about a month when this month ends and the egg leaves the slime this begins its period of wandering, this as its name says is the period in which the slime begins to move looking for a host to infect, the exact period of time that must pass for a slime that is wandering to pass has not yet been discovered from trying to infect a possible host to becoming aggressive, since the period of wandering is also divided into three stages whose times have not yet been determined: passive, aggressive and self-destructive.

During the passive phase, the wandering slime will try to infect a host in a more active way than a slime that is in the phase of membrane loss; however, after carrying out the infection, the rest of the events will proceed normally, only that during implantation, the The size that the slime reaches will be 10% larger and the secondary effects will be enhanced.

During the aggressive the slime becomes as aggressive as a normal slime with the difference that it does not seek to kill its target, but rather seeks to make an aggressive implantation which is extremely violent, erotic and pleasant, after performing this aggressive implantation. the slime will infect the host normally but it will have some changes that are produced by having made an aggressive implantation.

Before explaining the aggressive stage, I will explain what the aggressive implantation consists of, which undergoes slight but notable changes when it is performed by a slime that is in the self-destructive stage.

When a slime of this variant is aggressive it begins to secrete a strong aphrodisiac substance and produce slime eggs of similar sizes to small marbles, these are the main physical changes but they are not the only changes, a slime of this variant does not usually dirty clothes of the host but after reaching this state this slime will always melt the host's clothing to perform the first aggressive implantation, to do this the slime completely covers its victim with the fast-acting aphrodisiac then the slime erotically penetrates the mouth and anus of the person (if the host is female or female, the slime will also penetrate "that" hole) the entire penetration process is carried out in a maximum of 1 minute in which the slime will also attach to the body of its new host, which you will surely not be able to move for a few minutes and even hours. As I have mentioned before after aggressive implantation the secondary effects of implantation increase dramatically with the addition of another secondary effect as the slime has carried out the aggressive implantation and has bonded to the host, it will also produce the aphrodisiac substance every 24 days when performed. the new passive implantation. There are a couple of situations associated with this form of implantation, as both men and women consider it highly satisfactory; As I mentioned at the beginning, this variant of slime can change shape according to the will of the host, therefore, through this a forced aggressive implantation can occur, this can be produced both in people who followed the passive method and in people who suffered the aggressive method, this information is only known by researchers, or so it should be, but somehow this information was filtered to the lower worlds but only the action was filtered, not why it happens so they do not know that they are being implanted with slime eggs, the information that was filtered is the following: exactly 114 days after getting your living underwear, turn it all into a glove and leave nothing in your intimate areas, at dawn on the 115th day you will wake up with a pleasant and pleasant surprise, if you do not keep track of the days that have passed since you bought your living underwear, do this every night until you get a result, it may s repeat this every 24 days.

The side effects of inducing this aggressive implantation are null in those who had their first implantation aggressive, but people whose first implantation was passive will begin to suffer the secondary effects resulting from an aggressive implantation.

And finally comes the self-destructive stage

This stage remains in the slime for the rest of the wandering and division, although we cannot correctly measure the time it takes for a slime to enter this phase, we know what happens when the slime stops producing the aphrodisiac, when this happens the slime is It becomes even more aggressive and will begin to attack non-humanoid species, when the slime is in this stage it begins to implant the eggs it produces in every being that moves, its eggs have grown to be the size of a small ball or a glass eye, and when it implants its eggs the process usually lasts 3 hours until it fills the living being with each and every one of its eggs, as I have already mentioned before the slime enters this phase because it stops producing the aphrodisiac but with that It also stops producing the substances that are considered beneficial and that act as local anesthesia, so the three hours it takes for the slime to complete the process becomes a real hell for everyone who suffers them and has even left deep traumas in people but that is not all, since the slime eggs have reached a size of enormous proportions, the eggs do not travel to the blood when they enter the body, but rather they lodge in the place where they were deposited for ten days after they are expelled by the place where they entered, these eggs continue with normal development but people can suffer physical deterioration and severe metal, humanoid beings are lucky in this aspect because animals the size of a small dog is not so lucky, since in these cases of small animals the slime eggs swell to burst the animal in question at the end of its incubation period.

The division is an extension of the self-destruction stage that is reached three months after the slime stops producing aphrodisiac, in which the slime not only performs an aggressive implantation but also reproduces as a normal slime by dividing and creating another slime that is in the same condition, at this stage the number of these slimes doubles at a rate in which they double their amount for each week that passes, likewise, the production of slime eggs increases, reducing the production period of 600 eggs from 24 days to 24 hours.

After spending a year in a state of division, the slime finally explodes and if by chance a humanoid is affected by this explosion, it will be infected by the slime, this exploited slime that has attached itself to a host needs at least a year to recover. their normal size and perform a passive implantation, the explosion does not create side effects in the person, but the slime that has exploded has reduced their life expectancy, these slimes that usually live as long as their host lives have shortened their life expectancy to only 4 years.


Compared to the waiting period, the infection is really simple, a slime that is in its membrane loss stage will jump to any humanoid being that is within an area of ​​20 meters around the egg, it will stick to its body and take the form of underwear, once it has reached a certain degree of symbiosis the host can communicate his wishes non-verbally to the slime so that it becomes the clothes he wants, a single slime can only form underwear or small pieces of clothing , but a slime of this variant can be attached to someone who is already parasitic by this variant without further procedures, and the two slimes will add up into a single larger one that can create larger clothing, (as a side note the addition process of slimes is exactly the same as infection with the addition that the sum of slimes can be achieved even if the other slime is already in the self-destructive stage, so wearing one of these slimes saves you from possible s psychological damage)


With that ends the explanation and now begins the crude summary that uses a language not suitable for all ages ... well it is not as if the above is suitable for all ages:

This slime can fuck you in three ways: secretly, with lubricant and without lubricant.

If you use it normally, it has a nice underwear that you can change shape at will and that fuck you when you sleep without you noticing and when you least realize it, your butt can already be used by a horse without any pain.

But you must be careful with the slime friend when you see him walking if he is in a good mood he will give you the best fuck of your life to the point that you will become addicted (does not discriminate by gender) to your new underwear, but if it is bad prepare your ass because it will fuck you for 3 hours hard against the wall and without vaseline and then it will put 600 balls the size of my eye (the one with the face)

Either way this perverted little buddy is pretty cool clothes and average big city people wear them.

With that ends the crude summary

What was I up to before writing a thesis on slimes?

Ah ...


(O ω O)

As punishment for taking the green slime from Edi, I threw 10 slimes of the living underwear variant on Shizuca, all of them in the aggressive wandering stage ...

(O ω O)

But before continuing, let me explain the reproduction process of the green slime ...

It divides...

That's all...

It is a low-level monster that has little impact on blunt hits and is a reward target because they are a plague ...


Shall we continue? ...

Ahem ... ahem ... after fighting fiercely, Shizuca's clothes began to dissolve as she made "little noises" anticipating what was going to happen, the considerate one of Scar [actually forced him to do it ... he has my blessing so he's my puppet ... said] the considerate one of Scar put Kuroro Lucifer back into the suitcase in which he had been locked he snatched Makasu's head (Makasu sees by the eyes that are on his severed head) and He sent the carriage along with the suitcase and then proceeded to cover Edi's ears and block her vision, Fany did the same with Take and Fun, fully understanding the situation, and began to secretly record by order of the god Zac (me), do you expect that ?

After Shizuca was finally immobilized the slimes began to sodomize her, 60 seconds later Shizuca was lying on the floor breathing heavily while wearing a set of dark clothing the kind that a professional killer would wear ... of course made of slimes ...

After a few minutes on the ground Shizuca tried to stand up but it was impossible, her legs were shaking a lot, then Fany asked the question that everyone expected.

Fany- what the hell were those things and how can I avoid them?

Fun- They are living underwear a variant of slime, the god Zac wrote a thesis about them <pulls out a small document from who knows where> here it is.

Fany received the document and after a couple of minutes of reading she gave it back to Fun calmly and without changing her expression, she said.

Fany- please burn this for me <turn to see Edi> did you create this world and everything in it by yourself, right?

She ask in a calm voice.

Edi- yes, it is the first world I have made so I did everything atom by atom, it took me a few millennia but within all living beings they were the easiest to do.

My adorable little daughter answered with a proud smile on her face.

Fany- <turns to see Fun> I'll be back in a second.

After saying that, Fany moved to the ninth dimension and screamed, I screamed so loud that some sound waves crept into my room in the eighth dimension, it is somewhat annoying to have noisy neighbors, you know?


Fun fact: throughout the production of this chapter slime was written 98 times counting this one,

[Hello, I'm the me of the future, I just want to apologize for what you just read.]

JMorecreators' thoughts