
The Chaos Dragon Prince

The Domain Of Gods exists! For years, Cain searched for ways on his Modern Earth to travel to the world where beings akin to Gods roam about. Nobody believed he could do it, but Cain never gave up. And after so many arduous years, he finally created the ritual that would transmigrate him to the Domain Of Gods! When the ritual had actually worked, Cain should've been positively elated. He even managed to transmigrate into the body of a genuine Dragon Prince. But, there was one major problem. Despite being the grandson of a Dargon God, he had zero cultivation for 18 years of his life! But, instead of feeling despair or cursing his luck over such a cliche scenario, Cain welcomed this problem with a maddening smile. Who cares if I have zero cultivation?! I will become a free reign expert no matter the means!

CosmicPrime · Eastern
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1020 Chs

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It was plainly obvious to see the winner. Cain stood mightly tall while Wang practically froze in place. 

If Cain wanted to, he could've sliced off Wang's arm, pierced his chest, or even something tremendously worse!

And if such an accident were to occur, there would be truly little even the Elders could do about it. 

The World Spirit Master Branch could so easily cover for Cain, and they would just need to accept with a bright smile. 

It is true that the World Spirit Master Branch doesn't attack unless provoked. But when it comes down to who the Branch will cover for when a World Spirit Master selfishly acts, the Branch is known to always protect its own.

Truthfully, Cain could act whatever way he wanted without a single care.

Yet, Cain was merciful. He completely stayed his hand in both attacks. All Vampires could even see that Wang at most has some fractured bones given the bleeding his right arm was pouring out.