
The change we Desire

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CHAPTER ONE The Beginning Of It All


The Beginning Of It All

I can't believe I'm waking up to this dilemma once again,the last few months has been filled with deaths and tremor of hunger and pain.

Recurring the event that happened few months back dated March 2020 when total lock down was declared in various state across Nigeria due to the pandemic popularly known as COVID 19 brought the world down to his knees.

Economy stagnation wasn't left out

Everything came crashing down.

Panic beam around the world, no where was safe, total lock down was declared on offices,market and school

With great rapid increase in number of infected casualty all over the world.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, it continues to increase with Lagos, Abuja and Kano recording the highest number of infected casualty each day, fear grips individual as the actual treatment was not discovered after several science experiment and observation of the virus was carried in different countries around the world, home became our safe abound where the need for family became the most important thing.

The NCDC declared and educated many safety measures which included staying at home and keeping social distancing,except those on essential services. The government also ordered the closure of all businesses, offices and places of worship,the government banned the public gathering in the states including weddings, seminars, conferences, burials and any other large gathering in the country .

Many of the local people living in rural areas still believe that COVID-19 is a hoax, "A rich man's disease" or God's judgement for wicked people".

Many youths who own small business have been affected because of temporary market lockdown. Those whose employers cannot afford to set up home working options have been told to stay at home without pay until work resumes. Many are at the mercy of philanthropists and celebrities on social media who are giving away cash for people to stock up during the lockdown period. Those working in the informal sectors and daily jobs have been badly hit because of the restriction in movement. There have been reported cases of armed robberies in different states and many youth are at risk of deteriorating mental health.

Covid 19 did left a great economic effect on Nigerians as most don't even have a Job to return to.

Finally Joy returned on 1 June, when the federal government relaxed the lockdown imposed on Kano, Lagos, Abuja State and the ban placed on religious gatherings and banking operations for a period of four weeks, while also announcing the re-opening of domestic airline operations from 21 June. The federal government shortened the curfew from 10 pm to 4am.

On 29 June, the federal government lifted the ban placed on inter-state travels and announced the re-opening of schools for only graduating students and lifted bans on social gathering , effective from 1 July.

Lives can never remain the same, gradually the social life was coming back to life again as individuals begin to hang out once again .

Lost in my thoughts I have totally forgotten that my best friend's wedding was in months time ,today was set aside for our bridal dress fitting, gosh what an awesome friend I'm right now,seeing her call coming in my cell phone right now only means I'm totally screwed up because I'm late and not picking up will only increase the tensity of my offence right now "Good morning Bella!".

I greeted her sweetly, been friends with such an amazing miss prefect will warrant you been sweet to stay alive.

"Like seriously Lucy, it's pass 10 am already and we were supposed to meet up by 9am". She complained calmly over the phone, that's weird the Bella I know will never lecture you about something quietly which got wondering what the hell is wrong with my best friend "I'm very sorry, I will quickly run a quick shower and join you guys soon, send my love to Linda and faith"I replied her while trying to grab my towel "Alright, but please be quick !".She pleaded before hanging up .

Been a columnist for The Nation Nigeria has not been an easy task, the work bored me sometimes but it was a way to earning a decent living which was important.

I quickly had a warm bath and decided to settle for a simple sleeves gown with a slight nude makeup, I was good to go.

Grabbing my handbag with my iPad, I zipped a cup of coffee I prepared earlier before rushing to take my keys, shutting the door behind me I picked up my phone and dialed my colleague's number Terry, we have been working on daily report lately which was the reason behind my lateness.

"Hi Terry, Good morning!".I said causally, we've actually became friends after been teamed together for over a month now.

"Good morning princess! " He replied me playfully, Terry has been giving this green sign I like you for months now but been the Terry who had to change ladies like his wardrobe every week, I couldn't careless of a jerk he's since he's good at what he does.

"I went through the write up you sent me last night, gosh you practically gave me a late night Job, I did some personal research and added some omitted information, it's good to go "

I told him while walking hurriedly to get a cab "Alright, I will forward it to the Editor right way after you send it to me ".Terry said Colly.

"Sure I will forward it to you in few minutes,I'm actually on my way out, see you on Monday ".Reassuring him before hanging up.

I was dammed lucky when I saw a cab honing close, I waved at him and he stopped, since it was Saturday the traffic in lekki wasn't really hectic like Mondays.

Bella texted me the address of the boutique and not long enough we pulled over in front of a very fancy plaza, so much for a simple gown, I shouldn't have trusted Bella when she mentioned that the plaza wasn't extravagant at all, been a Model that she was, I should have known that she would wants us to grace her occasion looking our best.

I paid the driver and picked out my phone to call Linda, getting lost in this plaza will really be an embarrassing.

Not more than 5minutes I heard someone calling out my name,turning around I saw Linda descending from the stairs in glamorous heels,of cause I should've known my friends will be too over dressed, Linda is a medical doctor and seeing her dressed and here only means she's not on duty presently which was good news since she's hardly present at all in our hang out due to her job schedule but she's also the most understanding and gentle among us all, she's of this antithesis that believe "Speech is silver, silence is golden ".

Rushing over to her, we were engulfed in a big hug"Gosh I missed you babe! "I hear her melodious voice chiming "I missed you too babe !". I replied her truthfully while breaking the hug.

"I can't believe a pandemic like this will ever occur in our time".She said sadly, so much for having a medical paddy .

"I can imagine, how have you been holding up,I'm really sorry for showing up late". I apologized.

While tugging on her hand as we walk in "Nonsense, it's fine I completely understand, been a columnist is not easy for you as well ".she said reassuring me while leading the way

We make a quick turn and a strong arm arm round me in hug, gosh how am I so lucky with such an amazing friend "Awwn Lucy I miss you bestie "Faith happily hug me tightly.

"I'm very sorry for coming late, you look great, I missed you too!" I said while hugging her back.

Faith is a barrister and one of the best ,successful one at that, it has always been her dream to become a lawyer right from our grade academy ,her parents are really supportive of her since her dad is also a well known lawyer in the country.

"That's it, I'm breaking this union right now !"Bella said sounding dramatic as usual.

"Of course, sorry princess, you're the centre of our attention presently until mark finally drag you away ". I said giving her a hug.

"she really look like our bride to be "

Linda chimed in while teasing her

Which got Bella blushing like a little girl.

"why don't we all just get lunch before continuing with this torture dress fitting?". Faith suggested sounding really hungry.

"Excellent idea I think, I don't see why not?".Bella said picking up her phone to call her driver to pick us up.

After few minutes later we all decided not going far but getting a lunch from a close by restaurant just across the plaza .

It was a beautiful restaurant I must compliment, we ordered for our lunch and I decided to pick a copy of sun daily from their entertainment stand to check out what's happening, it's no secret that The Nations and Sun daily are competitors and going through their headlines will give me clues on how station The Nation to be the best, walking back to our table I flipped through suddenly stomping upon a particular story which caught my interest about a murder blood bath between a civilian and an Armed Force of the police popularly known as SARS.

"Faith have you gone through the The sun daily newspaper this morning ".

Asking her while extending the paper to her carefully to avoid spilling our wine.

"My goodness, this is treacherous and unlawful,they have no right to this, you arrest a suspect, he's still a suspect until proven without reasonable doubt he's a criminal in a court of law before harming them".Faith explained bitterly, I understand how she feels been an advocate for the less privilege has always been her reason of becoming a lawyer to fulfill that dreams.

"what's going on here, why is everyone gloomy ?".Belle asked while taking her seat beside Linda, she has received a phone call from Mark earlier and had decided to step out for privacy.

"Oh no, we're fine, we're just waiting for our order when Lucy decided to go through The sun daily and bumped upon a story that's really heart touching ". Linda explained calmly while trying to distract Bella .

"Sure, we were just going through a story where four civilian were shot dead because according to SARS they were criminal trying to get away and shot them in the process ".Faith said casually to avoid unnecessary tension because they all know Bella to be very dramatic sometimes.

"Oh.. So you babes have not heard the latest happenings! ".Bella beamed up excited bringing out her iPhone to show them something and a headline displayed "NIGERIAN YOUTH DEMANDS ENDSARS AND RESTRUCTURING OF THE NIGERIA POLICE FORCE AND GOVERNMENT" Reading 5hrs ago and threatened a Nation wide protest if their demands are not meant .

"Wow, this is serious !".Faith exclaimed .

"A Nation wide protest in Nigeria, this is really latest happenings !".Linda said like a Newcaster reporting to her audience.

"When I saw it at first too, I was astonished and I couldn't wait to show you guys, if this is really true then God help us ".Bella replied dramatically placing her phone back in her back.

"God, if this is true, then this has a lot to do with everything happening in the country than just the ENDSARS, No Job employment, No adequate Health facility, the Education system is in shrimp as well and in all summary nothing is working out,this is just avenue for the Youth to pour out their heart ".Lucy elaborate sadly.

"Let's wait and see how things will play out but definitely I'm with the Youth all the way "Faith chimed in.

We were interrupted when two waitress came with our order and our attention was drifted away and everyone digged into their plate.

We engaged in little conversation and everyone chimed in once in awhile. We returned back to the dress fitting and we all decided to settle for a simple slanted off shoulder Azure blue beautiful gown,picking a pair of heels we settled for silver color.

It was a busy but also an amazing day, Bella offered to drop me off since we were going the same direction after we all decided to help Bella pick up her wedding gown coming weekend Saturday hopefully.

Sunday service was a way of been thankful and refreshed, it was believed by my parents that after hustling and bustling within the week that we create time to appreciate God and just as the Bible says train up a child in the way it should go and when they old, they will not depart from it, And just like our way of Africa,we can be very religious that's why even after I moved to Lagos in search of a decent Job during my tight schedule I still made it to church on Sundays.

Dressed in a beautiful Ankara gown style with my head gele, glancing one more time at the mirror, I see the image of the African woman I have grown to become which I will forever appreciate God for because without him, I don't know how I will ever push through life everyday.

The sermon was short and I couldn't appreciate the pastor any less, we danced and sang beautifully to the Glory of God and finally it was time to share the Grace and we chorused .

"The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us all the days of our lives(Amen) ".🙏

Deciding to say a short personal Prayer before living the chapel, I went down on my knees And prayed.

Standing up I picked up my Bible and my pouch and was heading to the chapel entrance when I had my name been called out by the brother's coordinator,Great I muttered to myself silently, so much for snicking in and out Quitely.

"Good morning brother John".As he gestured his hand for an handshake,I greeted him politely.

"Bro John, have you quickly forgotten the NCDC rules of no hand shaking and social distancing "I joked causally while offering him a smile.

"Of course, how can I forget, how have you been with the whole situation in the country ".

He asked me rather too quickly avoiding my glance.

"Thank God I will say, thanks for asking, it's nice seeing you again "I replied formally, I have plans for my day and standing chit chatting is not one of them as much as I appreciate his concern.

"You're welcome, actually we will be holding our Youth program prayer for the country on Thursday by 5pm, strictly by the Youth group that's why we didn't announce it during the service, it has been discussed and announced during the Youth group meeting last Tuesday ,since I noticed your absent that's why I decided to inform you personally and I don't think you're on the whatsapp group either". He explained.

"Thank You very much, I appreciate,I will try to be present ". I said rather innocently with every intention of not attending. I said a warm fare well to him and continued on my quest home determined not to miss that beautiful nap that I have been anticipating to get all week.

Sitting down on the small dinning table with my lunch of Jollof rice and fried dodo, it was mouth watering, after returning from church I debated whether to lie down or cook first but then I remembered a popular quote " the belly is an ungrateful wretch, it never remembers past favors, it always wants more tomorrow". Then I also remembered that an hungry man cannot sleep, dropping my pouch and changing quickly I decided to prepared this mouth watering lunch in front of me right now.

Startled by a knock on the door, I quietly put my plate away to get the door,Unlocking the door, I opened it coming face with Terry, I gestured for him to enter and shut the door.

"Please sit down. "

"Thank You. "

Terry settled himself in the chair facing me, his hands lay on the arms of the chair , been a dressing freak he was, he was dressed in a neatly pressed suit with his deep eyes with the best Charming lips, any woman will die to taste that.

Breaking the silence among us, I offered him a drink and sat opposite him ,there was something about his movement, his expression, his arrogant, confident ease that bother me .

"Was something wrong? ".I questioned Quitely sitting down across him

"I think I have a information that would make an interesting article".

He said while trying to pull it out from his pocket.

"Terry today's Sunday, you should've just kept it hanging until tomorrow at the office "I replied him politely.

"I'm very sorry Lucy but you got to see this video, I couldn't wait that's why I decided to drop by your place on my way from church before going home "As he try to unlock his phone password and after going through two scroll handed me his phone.

"Oh my goodness, where did you get this clips from Terry, This highly an confidential information".Rushing to take my seat beside him .

"I know right, Every piece of information we want is in that video, we just have to come up with an amazing article and few pictures, no body has to see the video yet " he reasoned seriously, I can't believe the government will engage in such a conspiracy against its citizens .

The video was filmed during one of the confluence meeting of all the Executive governor of the states in the country where they were currently planning a cue to execute a state of treason by cutting down the salaries of their state workers and non payment of salaries in other sectors just to satisfy their greed in months to come

Screams filled the street,voices of pain filled the air

we have been slaughtered by the same arm of government we trusted,

manipulation of devise men shedding blood to satisfy their Greedf or power.

molested by anarchy,the pain in our heart has become unbearable,Who

will come to our aid,gross Genocide has been perpetrated against the

citizens...yet lies filed their lips with no shame.

who will arise at Atime like this?

Will our voices be heard?

will our children inherit a country without a future?

our heartbleeds?

should we continue to die in silence?

who will stand at a time like this?

we must stand strong with one voice together in unity to fight this battle to

the end...we are determine to restore and build our nation.

But can one voice bring about the change that we so desire?

OMALE_GRACE_UNEKWUcreators' thoughts