
The change in History and Present

one day earth climate become unstable extremely hot places become cold and coldest mountain started to melt exact that day sky Chang it's colour every single big land was sharing different colors of sky and then boom a sound resonate in earth atmosphere creature that were only myth appear dragon Giant snake Phoenix giant bird insect all fell from the sky and massacre started human try to fight back but it was for nothing the entire earth lose its original specis exact that moment sky started to become clear a giant portal can be seen from that portal voices were resonating on entire earth theywere discussing about earth after long discussion a word resonate in earth that word Chang entire structure and history of earth that word was reset yeah reset after reseting exact same moment repeated them selves but this time something was diffrent when sky colour Chang in entire earth all govt make a annoucemmant that it was plan scientist already know about it and after that tower appear in earth and dungeons started to appear some people disappear and some awaken ability or power but it was not the end into tower those who become climber receive the biggest shock ever after clearing some floor they loss controls of there ability and when they come out side the tower they receive another shock world they knew was changed what change bring these strange tower how did govt know about that if govt know about that why did they not stop this but it was not the end last survived of tower when come out side the tower they lose all the hope what govt did with them why didn't public know about climber return and what was the Oirigin of tower and dungeon

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7 Chs

End of the world ||

Rudra stood atop the edge of a building, his gaze fixated on the sky above. His mind wandered as he indulged in daydreams, contemplating the extraordinary notion that perhaps, at this very moment, the sky would transform into a deep shade of crimson. He envisioned a profound boom rippling through the atmosphere, causing the entire sky to meld into a pure, blood-red hue. In this whimsical scenario, the world itself seemed to tremble, as if shaken by this awe-inspiring phenomenon. The deafening sound faded into silence, leaving behind an eerie stillness.

It was as though a colossal umbrella had been unfurled across the heavenly expanse, hindering the sun's rays from piercing through to the ground below. Instead of the usual warm tones of orange and yellow, an otherworldly environment of vivid crimson enveloped Rudra's city. The radiant glow bathed every corner, imbuing the surroundings with an ethereal and unsettling ambiance.

Just as Rudra took in the monumental sight before him, another thunderous boom resonated, this time echoing across the entire world. To his astonishment, a colossal portal materialized, revealing a colossal head—an embodiment of Rudra himself. The massive visage loomed over not just the city, but the entire continent, casting a shadow of immense magnitude. The sight was nothing short of surreal, blurring the boundaries between imagination and reality.


In the midst of the breakup, the boy found himself standing, when suddenly, a booming voice shattered the silence. With a deafening boom, the sky overhead morphed, its color shifting into a horrifying shade of red. Witnessing the startling transformation, the girl standing before him let out a piercing scream. Startled and alarmed, she stared at the crimson sky, her eyes widening in sheer horror. Thoughts raced through her mind as she tried to comprehend the unimaginable reason behind this inexplicable event. Perturbed and overcome with fear, she remained rooted in place, consumed by intimidation.

Meanwhile, the boy's gaze remained fixed on the sky, his expression devoid of any emotion. His eyes lacked their usual spark and his face betrayed a profound emptiness. It was evident that he had received the biggest shock of his life. He contemplated his existence, convinced that he would always be trapped, destined to perish as a sacrificial protagonist in his quest for power.

In another resounding boom, two gargantuan love birds materialized through the sky, as if emerging from the very portal of the crimson heavens. One of the birds captivated the scene in a delightful shade of pure pink, its body exuding a cuteness that was accentuated by the playful blinking of its eyes. With a beautifully pink pupil, the bird locked its gaze upon the boy and the girl. Filled with curiosity, the bird's eye movements piqued the boy's interest, causing him to wish that the colossal creature would engulf him, bringing an abrupt end to his existence.

Overwhelmed by terror, the girl rushed towards the boy, her voice acquiring a pleading tone, her seductive figure an attempt to entice him. She implored, "Hey honey, it was just a joke, alright? I was merely teasing you. I love you from the depths of my heart. You are my one and only. Let's move on and leave this bewildering event behind us."

While she attempted to conceal her genuine fear and visible trembling, she sincerely sought forgiveness. Taking a step towards the boy, she hoped for reconciliation, her voice quivering with a mix of anxiety and remorse.

As the wind intensified, its force growing stronger, the speed of its gusts escalated to an unprecedented level. Suddenly, an impulsive change swept through the atmosphere, defying gravity itself. Everything around them commenced an eerie ascent, floating in the sky. The girl, hovering mid-air, turned towards the boy and let out a desperate cry, "Hey, help me!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Without warning, a gargantuan mouth materialized, engulfing the girl whole. Helplessly witnessing the horrifying spectacle, the boy stood there, his thoughts tangled in a nightmarish web. Tears streamed down his face as he grappled with the surreal event that unfolded before him. He couldn't find the words to express his anguish and confusion to the girl, who had vanished, taking with her his first love, the catalyst for his pursuit, and now only a memory. In the sky, the monstrous bird with blue fur and feathers loomed before the boy, its enormous maw opening wide. Succumbing to motionlessness, the boy, too, was swallowed by the monstrous creature.


Meanwhile, in another part of the world, specifically in India, Rudra was standing on a terrace wall. As he looked up at the sky, he was astonished to see a crimson red color spreading across it, accompanied by strange particles floating through the air. Overwhelmed by the sight, he couldn't help but yell out from the top of the building, drawing the attention of numerous stunned people below.

"Yes... my dream is becoming a reality!" Rudra exclaimed, excitement replacing his previous depressive aura. Just then, a portal suddenly appeared in the sky, adding to the extraordinary scene. As Rudra finished his sentence, another resounding boom echoed through the air.

Following the boom, a gigantic black dragon emerged, its ancient carvings glistening on its skin, and its massive wingspan spanning across the sky. The sheer size of the dragon, stretching for kilometers, left Rudra in awe once again.

"A freaking dragon!" Rudra exclaimed with an adventurous aura surrounding him. However, as he observed further, he noticed something peculiar. "Hey, but why am I not seeing the blue screen? What the hell?" he mused, sinking into deep thought, trying to make sense of the unusual phenomenon.

Just as Rudra pondered the situation, to his surprise, a large flood of black fire appeared from the sky, steadily approaching him. In disbelief, Rudra shouted witnessing the oncoming fire flood, "What the hell? I'm not the protagonist!" As the fire closed in, he hoped that he might possess fire resistance or perhaps experience reincarnation. However, before he could finish his thoughts, the fire engulfed him and the entire city, wiping it out from the map of the world.

Meanwhile, in South Korea, our next protagonist, Sing Woo, was watching television and learning about climate change. Suddenly, the TV screen turned off, and the once-bright city was enveloped in a deep crimson hue. Startled by the sudden change, Sing Woo stood up from his seat and headed towards the exit, wondering if he had stumbled upon a real-life scenario resembling a novel.

As he was about to step outside the shop, a booming voice resonated in the air, followed by the sight of a colossal snake falling from the sky onto a nearby highway. The snake, pure green in color, bore multiple injuries on its body and stretched for kilometers. Overwhelmed by the shocking scene of a snake dropping from the sky without any earthquake preceding it, Sing Woo quickly retreated back into the shop, seeking safety under a table.

Soon, the ground began to shake, and with each subsequent boom, the snake's immense tail pierced through the shop, leaving a trail of destruction. Sing Woo managed to survive the catastrophe by sheer luck. A smile emerged on his face as he exclaimed, trying to lighten the situation.

But it was too early to rejoice. Suddenly, the very foundation of the building above him shook, and before Sing Woo knew it, he was crushed under the debris, consumed by the weight of the collapsing structure.